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RAILROADS. HICflIUAK CESTRA I, KAlLttOAD.= JULY 26, 1S80. ttnlSQ WKKT. .a .ÜiHs.Lêi STATIOMH. WÏ l" IS1!! ! i !JL s. U II „ . , U-m.Ia. ►. r. m. pm.Ip.m. Jitrtut.leHve, 7 oo. 9 Si! 5 35! 4 oit 8 1" !) SC O. T.JunoOian, I T 1,1 9 W ■ io! 4 90 s ÍS 10 ld Wuvne Junctóon - ij io jj 6 42; 4 41; 8 SS'lll 40 TpJimiti, s 10 ih ? n.r,: j a" 9 18 11 02 Geddt's, 8 Ki 7 -o J nnAibor, 8 4n.11 00i V 851 5 22' 9 34; 11 17 rJhi, 8 5! 7 415 ' Dextw, ! 9 04 1 ; 7 .16 .1 3 9 54 nlwiaeH, j 9 3S 8 11 j 55 10 10 'rune Lake, 9 30, ; 8 3J 6 IS 10 30 P.M : A.M lacksou, 10 80 IS 15 9 00, f Rj'lt 00 12 40 Albinn, 11 04 i 50' g i 7 4A 11 40 1 IC, Urhnl], 11 50 1 30 -3 ë 8 Ujl2 03 1 37 P. M. uÊ Ia.M. BaHleOrsek, lt 19 1 UV 8 4I1Í 30! Í CO (Uleoburg. Uil j 9 11! . k.' K&lam&too, j 1 16 t 6 I i 9 35 1 115 ] 4] Lawton, : 1 11 1 5 15 : 1 47! Dtoatnr, I 1 10 1 6 4! ! 01: Dovagiu, I Mi ' t 11 f J! BÜea, I I 9i 4 M, 6 ? I t 47 4 15 Bnchiioan, I i l1 1 7 M 5 00! rtiroe OakB l W 7 fl - j Sw Buftalo, 4 U 4 M: 7 O II 87! MlobigBn City, I : J !(l ID 4 01 5 28 Lnko. ! ia 6 01 m! : 4 32 S 18 KmumiKton, 6O11 S 9 K 5 40 7 10 OUmwo.arriTe, 6 60 7 40!l0 8: i 6 30 8 00 aOlH EABT. 3 .1 a i l iM i& . JL JlJlí'eÍJL. i. A. M. A. M.,p. M. V.M. p.M Phloajro.leave, 7 00 9 00 4 00: 5 u 9 is Keosington, 7 SO' 9 S0 4 60j 6 05 10 00 Lake, 8 38:10 30 6 431 j 6 {0 10 43 Michigan City, [ 9 20 11 13. 6 SOj 7 4" 11 30 Xew Buflalo, 9 49ill 32 P S8 ■ ]] 62 Three Oaki, 10 03 , 7 18i 1 !a, m. Buehnnan, 10 82 ' 7 40 ]J 30 N'iles, 10 45 II 18 8 10 9 Ü0 12 4t Dowapfac, 11 IS '' R 38j ! 1 ie DeontuT, 11 39 - - 9 05 1 32 Lawton, 11 57 ! U 23 a. m. 1 4S Knlmaoo, 12 33 1 88 10 00 6 SO 10 25 2 2fi Oaleaburg, 12 53: ', . 7 08 Battle Creek, 1 J8 l 15 K 7 40 11 10 8 18 MurBholl, 2S6 3 0", 8 0s'il36 346 . !a.m. ' Albion, i 51 3 21 a.m. 8 Si II 59 4 12 Jackson, 8 45' 4 05 7 15 9 80 12 45 5 00 OrassLake, 4 lOi 1 7 38 9 50 d 2.1 ChelMH, 4 401 8 02 10 07 5 .10 Dester, 5 00! 8 16 10 19 6 05 Delhi, 6 10; 1 8 26 Ann Arbor, 6 Í2: 5 07 8 40 10 8,1 2 05 25 GeddcB, S 29 8 48 YpsiUnki. 5 98 5 23 6 68 10 48 2 20 6 41 Wiiyne Juno., 6 03 1 6 45 9 16 11 08 2 44 7 05 G.T.JiHic., 6 SS: 6 IS 9 48 11 3.1 3 20 7 4.1 Petrolt, Ar., 6 Ml B 80 10 00 11 50 S 85 8 pP SiuidrtTS eïoepted. iBaturday and Muuduy ex. epted. tl)aily. H.B. LEDYAED.Oen'l Manager, Detroit. H.O. Wektwoiwu.O. P. & T. Aift.,Chioago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday June 27, 1860. OOING NOBTH. QOINO SOUTH. Síp.iMíx.iMdll MálTMik.jExp. 1 STATIOW9. A.M. P. M.P.M. A.M. 1'. M P.M. 7 65J1Í05 G 10 TOLEDO 9 80 3 0517 50 7 58:1208 6 13 North Toledo 9 27 3O0!7 47 810Í1222 6 20! Detroit Jimction 9 15 2 47 Í 7 35 8 1B12 35!0 30 Hawthorn 9 08 2 3317 27 8271248: 640 Sumaria 9 01 2 20 7 18 8 40 110 0 56 Lulu 8 50; 1 58 7 05 8 4i! 119 7 00! Monroejunctlon 8 45 1 61 7 00 8 55! 13S 7 101 Dundet 8 3fi' 1 35' 6 60 9 03 137 7 22 Alalia 8 25! 115 6 40 9 18 2 37 73J Milán 81211280,627 9 28 2 40 7 42 Nora 8 06 12 38 6 28 935 255 747 Urania 80OÍI2ÍS 6 21 9 48, 8 17 7 68 Pittsfleld June. 7 60!12 06i 6 0E 9 8318 48 8 10[ ANN ARBOB i 7 gg S 1 1 40 1 S 60 All traína run by Columbus time - 7 minutes fftster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASHLEY, Jb., Superintendent. DETKOIT, HILLSDALE AND SUUTHWE8TERN EAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1880. OOIHO WEBT. OOIMO EA8T. STl. MXlEp. Exp, Mail Mil? STATIONS. 1 ; A.M.IA.M. r. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 7 30 8Í5, 5 4S TpBÍlanti 10 40 5 15 8 10 8 00 8 44 6 09 Pittsfleld June. 10 22! 4 68.7 38 8 80 8 37 6 18 Suline 10 10 4 48 7 12 8 00 9 11 6 30 Bridgewater 9 53: 4 33 1 6 36 9 30, 9 33; 48 Manchester 9 351 4 15 3 50 lC0 1iaP:8 2í Hillsdale 7 38! 2 45' 2 50 1113 1180 8 30 i Bunkers 7 30 2 30 2 15 Trainsrunby Chloago time- SO minutes slower than Columbus time. W.F. PARKER. Supt., Ypeilanti. CANADA SOCJTIIEKN RAI I. IVA Y. The Ouly American Koute Tbrough Canada Trains leave M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, oity time, as follows: Atlantic Expresa, daily, 4 00 a. ra., Wagner car to Boston. Faut Day Exprese, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New Vork and Boston. Limited Expresa, daily except Sunday, 7.15 p. in. Wagnercar to Buffalo and EocMester. Lightning Express, dnily, 1135 p. m. Wagner car to Ruiialo ami Rochester. Toledo tmins leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday; 3 00 p. m. daily ; 7 15 p. m. except Sunday, For Information and tickets apply toII.W Hayes, agent M. C. tl. H., Ann Arbor. M. O. ROACH, Western Pass. Agent, Detroit. FKANK E.SNOW, Gen. Paas. and Ticket Agt. Buffalo, N. Y. pBEAT WESTERN RAII.WAY- vX Depots foot of Tliird and Brusli streets. Detroit timo. Detroit time. Lenve. Alrivo. Atlantic ExpiM, J4.00 a. m. J 10.00 p. ni Day Bxprosi, '8.35 a. m. e.S0 p. ín. New York and Boston Express, 7.00 p.ra. t9.45 n.m. Detroit Express, #12.46p.m. Steamboat lxprese, 7.00 a. m FaetExpreas, ll.SOp. m. 3.40 a. m. ïUaily. "DailyexceptBuníIay. tExcept Monday. 5 For inforraation und tickets apply to H. W. Hayea, A(?ent M.C.R.R., Ann Arbor. W. H. KIItTH, WM. EDGAR, Western PaBB'rAg't. Geueiul Pass'rAaent INSURANCE CÜMPAM. Capital, - - $3.000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $ 44,760,391.71. Surplus over all LiabilitieB, inoluding Re-Insurance Reserve. $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities,includin Ke-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, Ann Arbor. GET TOUR PKOPERTY INSURED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Streot, ANN ARBOR, - MICH" Theoldest agency In the city. Establiehed a qimrter of ft eentury ago. Represeuting tht füflowing firet class copinanie Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets OTer }6,000,00( Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asets over Ï3,OOO,OO( Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets $l,442,40( Oirard ol Pa., Assets over $1,000,00( Oriënt of Hartford, Assets 87OO.OOÍ Commeroial Union of London, Assets $3,000,00( ï- Ratcs low. Losses liberallv adjusted anc promptly paid. CH. MIU-EIÍ. Eggs! Eggs! Éggs! XIIE PtYBIOTITII KOCKS, on e of the bost breed of poultry.U on unie by WM. BUSH Surrior, P. O. address Ann Arb or. Price 82 per doien , or ?3 for two dozen. This is the Copbln, Wowington,Conn., breed, among the bost for eggs and table. MR. BU8H has on ale. price 7i cents, the book of lof) pages on l'lymouth Rock, contiiiningr full dlrectinnn fur matine, braeding, oare and management of this variey ol fowls. It is an admirable wwtfor amateurs. Ko one can aflbrd to be without it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus