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LEGAL NOTICES. otatKof Michigan, the Cir. kj Bult court lor the couuty uf Washteuaw, in ( Imueery. Lewis W. James, Üomplnlnant, n. Russell BrigL;a and M yrou Webb guardián of said Kuaiitíjl Hnggs defendunlB. ín panoonci nnd by virtiie of a decios of sald court inade and entera! ín 1 lie ivbovt intitled eiuse on Ihe 17th dayof August, 18SC. Notlce t hereby glïeii {bat I símil sel] at publlo auclien to t ti e hlh1 bidder, on Monday the 27tb duy of December 18S0, nt ten o'cludt Id the forti.oi.n, nt tiio eat front donr of thecnnrt housn in the City of Aun A rbor, County of WaíhteDaw, Slf.te o( 'Michigan, the fr.llowiiiK dsscribed realtstate tltuata in ilip towiiBhip of Lodl, CnuDty and State nforeaaid, viz: the west huif of tne south-uast quarter ol eotlon number thirty-five townahlp Ihri-e soutli ranee flve eant according to the United ítafes mrvey containag eighty acres of land more or less tosether with tbe tenements, beradiíamenta and appurtennncci thereto bvloniriiii; or in nnywlso apfwrtain1n(r or thrrt'U on siluuted being the satne doscribed iu sald decrce. November lOth, 1SS0. A. Fklch, Esq., Solicitor for Oomplainnnt. JAMlílí MoMAUON. ClrcuitCourt Gínnniiasioncr iu and for said eounty. Notice f (íhanct-ry í)rlcr. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRO euit Court for Ihe Couuly of Washttuaw, Ín Chaneery. Frantes I-. Lyoil, Complainaut ) va. ( Wllliam F. Lyon, Refendant. ) Waslilenuw County, s. It mtlsfoctnrlly appparíd lo me thai Wllliam F. Lyon, tho defendant, is a nonresidont of tlii State: On mot.iou of Urainer A Corbfn, soncitort, and of counsel for complainant, it is oidered tlint the said defendnnt cause bis apprsranoe in tbií chuso to lie entered witliin three monthafroni the date of this oider, nd tliat in ease of hiaappearance h cause hi aDswer to the eonjplainnnt's bilí of eomplalot to be riled in thís cause and aoopy thcreof to beserved on tliecninplainant'f soliciíoi-B within twenty days aflerdue service of a oopy ol auid bilí on the detendant or hla aolicitors and a notice of this order, and in default thereof thut the said Dill betak-en as confesaed by ihesaid defendant. And it ís further ordered, that wltbin twenty days the said oomplainant cause a notice of this order to be published in the Ann Akrok Akou, a weekfy paper printed in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and tliat the said publicalion bc continuvd in said paper at loast once in eaeh week for s:x successive weeks, or that she canse a copy of this order to be personally served on the said dcfendant ut leat twenty (laya the tituo iliov presei'ibed for hisappearanct üated, Ann Arbor, Oct. 23d, 1S80. JAME8 McMAHON, Circuit Court Coniruissioner foi AVashtenaw County, Michigan. CRAMEJt & OOEBTN, SollCltOIN, and of Counsel for Complairmnt. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE in the conditions of a certaiu morlgage bcaring dato the twenty-eighth d:iy of ovember, in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, made and executed by Marffaret Ryan of the village of Manchester, county of Washtenaw and State of Mlchijfan, to Willmm F. Osius of the townsliip ot l'ittsfleld, same cminty and Ktatc, and recorded in the office" of the Kegister of IX'eds of Waxhteiiavr County aforeaaid UU the thirtieth dayof July, A. P. 1878, at 1.60 o'clock P. M. of said day, in líber 54 of mortgapes, on sane "i'3, and theamount claimed tobe dneat thedulc of this notice íb 864A,0fl (bix hundred forty-tive dollar and ninely-eight cents), also thirty dollars a a reasonable. solieitor's or attorney's fee, ín addition to all other le?al costs if procecdings should he taken to foreclose tb i.s mortgitge, and no proceedlngs at law or in equity havnjg been instltnted to recover Ihe same or any part thereof: Notice is therelore hereby giren, that by virtue of the power of sale in suid mortgag contained I shall sell on Saturday.tiie Ejghth daï of Januaiiï next, at ten o'clock ín the forunoon of said day nt public vendue to the hifrhest bidder at the south front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, oounty of Waahtenaw atoresaid "(that being the building wherein the Circuit Court for U'ashtenaw county is held), all those certain pieces or pareéis of land situnte in the village of Manchester, in the county of "Washtenaw and State of Michigan, knownand described as follows, to wit: Being Iota number ñve and bíx in block numher fortyüve in the villaje of Manchester, in aaid county and State, according to the recorded plat thereof. Dated, Oot. 15, 1880. COMSTOCK F. HILL, Administrator of the estáte of William F Osius, deceased. Kstate of John Cwnuingham. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given.that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the first day of Novemher, A. D. 18S0. six moiiths from that date were allowed for creditora to present their claims against the esiate of John Cunningham, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or bcfore the second day of May next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court on Tuesday, the flrst day of February, and on Monday, the second day of Muy next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of cach of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, November 1, A. D. 1880. WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 45"4 Judee of Probate. iílíÉ SlIf?pP hI_ u Q . jat. O " j c " ñ g ■ iSUJS'í3ftifesesji5 i HOLUS MAKT' IMPOVERISHKD BLOOD. Renovare tho system from the aecumulated inipure, weak, vitiated poisonous proporties, which the blood bas absorbed in its semi-stagnant cocdition, under the and bent producing dietof the winter, awaken tlie tiseues and organs from a morbíd dormancy to a state of natural, healthy actlvity with the life-awakeuinfr, life-austuiniug element, Bittkr Malt-Tofic, which invigorates the digestivo org&nB, fits the food flor nssiinilation into the blood, and supplies the chemie tU oonditions, necessary to cleanae the vitiated life fluid of ita worn-out matter. If allowed to clog the vital orpans, its impuritiCH burBt through tho kin in Pimples, Boils, Carbuncles, Kruptions, Te t ter, &o., Ao. Hittkr MaltTonio wlll restore the blood to a healthy oouctition enriohiug1 it, vitalizing: both mind and body. For sale by Druggists rnd Dealers generally. Swlft fc Dodds, Detroit, AVholesale Agents. H. J. BHOWN A CO., aKents íor Aun Arbor. 33-4t ART EMPOBIUM And Artist's Supply Depot. %17 TToodward Avenue, Detroit ATTDKETV J. DROW, Proprietor, Dealer In Picture Frames, Looking' Olnsse.i, Oil Palntlngs, Engrarlngs, Chromos, Artist's Materials, nnd Art Speclftltlcs. OLD FRAMES K GH.DED LEGAL NOTICES, Estáte orfcli.ha Freëï : OTATE OF MICHIGAN Om. K5 Of Washleimw, „. A, a seísion'of t?1 1 Courl fur ,!„■ Coünty of Wafhtenaw ,.'& t.e Probate Office, in the city of Atol' ï"?1 Uonday, the oighteenth dav' „f o?A. ArS ' ye, one thousandeight huncin.-d and él Present, William D. Harrimau, L 'j' (SJS; m"lter ul the eat ' iHSi J.unc A. Free and Amanda Freer Cv„„ . ' the lasl will „n,i testnlneiit of iid uéeSto" int courl and represent tbnt they „,. ,6(1' Ui tora rcI11" th=i'flnal aoconnt a uX " Therenp it ie ordered, tht prfdtt tlurd dayof Dfwmher naxt, t ten ,,'oW' forenoon. benaiipned for examininij ai,A ■,' W such account, and that. the devisa, w."", heirs f l„w of aid deceased, and al] otheïp!. ' 3 tcnwed in 8aid estáte, are requireti to "'"'■ jeBHion of „„] c„nrt then to bc holden Juü' M' bate üfflc.. in the city of A un A rhor ir, ñA}' P and show cause, if „ny tberebe, why "í"!; coan sliould not be llowed : And it íb fu",?"5 dored.thut S1,id oxtcntors pre notice to'tV.r" intere.ted in mí. etnte, of the pendno ÍS nccount und tht l.earine thereof, by oausíí '' of this order t.,, be publisLed in the Si" A Kous, a newpaper printed and clreuLá d"r SÏÏSÜÏ 3UMe8aÍV8 W6ekS """ 'Sí (A true copy,. WILUA "jM. Wu. G. ü,rTrT, Protlte Regfatj,"" f P"""'., KBtllte of ElIzabethN. Letts OTATE ÜP MICHIGAN, C(nW JJ of Wuuhtenaw, ss. At a session „i ., tl bate Court for the coiinty of V3l,io,,,wT{ itthe VrobatfOflicPin the city oi AnnArb Tuesday, the mnth day of November in tt'" une thousand eight hnndred and eihiv ' Present, Willi.imD. arriman, Jude In the matteiot the estute ofEh.absth y i "' Onreadingandftlingthepotition, dtily „,,,. of John M. Letis, praying tliut a cer.i „ "' raent now o,, file in th8 coVt, pnrporTing L laat will and testament of R,,id deceas íl m,3 admittcd to probute, an,i that he may b-,,,n execntortheieof.or that administration wmS so'n anneX m"} be Sr!iIlted to some suitableí TÍiereuron it is ordered, that Mondar tí, 2 day of December next, at tn o'clock „7 torenoon.beusBiprned for the honrinit of .íi tmon, and that the devisees, lcgatecf nní h,J law otsaid dectased, and all othei persomina ted in unid catate, arcreqnired to ai.peiir at.„S ofa.iidr.ourt, then to he holden ,t the ProS üoeinthecityof AnnArbor.andshon cause ,! thcrebe.vvuy the pmyer of the po iiioiitr ', not begranted: And Iti furtherordered hl ÏÏ petitioner KIve notice to the m? ínteiested in anid estáte, of the pendencTofü! petition, nnd tlie heurinü caueineá oftbisordei to be publiahed in theANn Arb,? OI-s, a iiewspnpar printorl and .)irculated in oounty, thrcc successive weelí previom to u day ol hennng. 'f , , , WILLIAM D.HAKRIMU Wm.v', Probate Heegre.tFr Kstate of Fred E. Donglüss QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNlí tO of Washtenatv, ss. At a sessioii of the PlCourt for the County of Washtenaw, holdm üi I'robiite Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Th day, the eleventh duy of November in the reu i thousand eieht hundred and eighty. vmn Present, Willium D. Unrrimuh, Judgeof Probli In the matter of the estáte of Kreil E. Duurt, minor. uugi Robert E. Douijlass, the guardián of saidwij comes into court and represent that he is nonï pared to render his annuiil account as such m.? dian. 8U"' Thcreupon it isordered, tliatTuesday thewm dayof December next, at ten o'clock in tljefoj noon, le assigned for exaniining and allowinritó account, and that the net of kin of said 3 and all otbcr persons interestcd in said estáte reqiured to appear at a session of said court tl to be holden at the Probate Office, in the c'ilii Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause i{, tncre bc, why the said account should ot' be tí lowed : and it is furtherortlered, that said uanfit give notice to the persons interested in said tate, of the pendency ot said account and 4, hearing thereof, by causing a copy orthisoria be published in the Ank Abbob Abgcb, a mn paper printod and circulating in said eoim three successive weeks previous to said dn t hearing. '" WILLIAM D. HARRIMAX [ A tru e copy.] J„dg e of Probatt Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Lstate of Keu Corbett, STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT! of At usessionof theProbtb CourtfortheCountyofWashtenaw, holden jtïï ProbateOtticein the city of Ann Arbor, on Toert the ninth day of November, iu the year ooe ttoit and eight hundred and eighty. Present, William D.Harriman, Judge of Prokili, In the matter of the estáte of Keu Cort decensed. Diana E. Whcaton, administratri of said eilil! comes intocourt and representa thatshe is mi prepared to render her tinal account ns uok li ministratrix. Thereiipon it is ordereil.ikatSaturdav.tbetTOty-sCTenth day of November next, at ten o'clorkii theforenoon.beassigned I'or examininsandalluluigsuch account, and that the heiraai. lawoful deceased, and al) other persons intereted insaid estáte, are required to appear at a sessioo of iï Court, then to be holden at the Probare Officein the city of Ann Arbor insaid county, nni slot cause ifany there be.why thesairt acccnml hoU notbe allowed: And it' is furtlier onlered thil said adininÍ8tratrÍT give notice to tlie persons i terested in said estáte, of the pendeucy of said countand the hearing thereof, by causiDg copj of this order to be publishert in the Ass Abboi Arous, a newspaper printed and cireulatiog 11 said county, two successivc weeks preTioustcml day of hearing. WILLIAM D. IAEEIMAK, (A true copy.) Judge of Probstl. Wm. G Doty, Probate Résister. Estáte of Gouverneur Drake. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNT! KJ of Washtennw, ss. Notice ishcreby giventhil by an order of the Probate Court for theCounlt oí Washtenaw, made on the twerity-sixtJi dar Octoher, A. D. lb80, six months frora that d't were allowed i'or creditors to present theircim'mi agaínst the estáte oí Gouverneur Drake, late of iad county, deoensed, and that all creditors oï ni doceasedare requiredto present ttieir claimt touM Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city o Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance.onor before the twenty-nixth day of April next, and iVi such claims will be heard before sflid Court, Vednsd;y, the twenty-sixth day of Jnnumj, ni on ïuesday, the twenty-siïth dny of Apriï wit, attnno'clock inihe forenoon of ettch of ñhüitfi, Dated, Ann Arbor October 2fi, A. D. 1880. WILLIAM D.HARRIMjíK, 4Hw4 Jude of Proba K.Htate of Maiy Ann Denike (formerly AVhitney). OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ KD of Washtenaw, ss. Ata sessfeo ofthePiS e-uirt for the County of WasMcuair, lMea at Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Th day, the twenty-eighth d'ay of OetoboT, ïntheW one thousand eight hundred and oigbty. Present, Wil Ham H. lïarriman, Jueïge of Probile. Iu the matter of the estáte of Mafy Ann Deift {formerly Whitney), decesed. Albert H. Riddle executor of tho lnat will teatument offaid deceased, eome rnto court represent that heïsnow prrpured to rentier Ü final account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Fridny. tlieiiiW ,. trenth day of November next ai ten oYloct it& assfjined for cxaiuinng and Fïowiï Biich account, and that the derfsees, lcpateei lieirs at law of said deeeased, and alí other persW interested in said estáte, are reqnired to appeur il' aesaion of said court, then to be holden atthePfr bate Ofllce in the city of Ann Arbor, in said roitBtj and show cause, if any there be, why the said count shoiiïd not be allowed : And it is furtheïfl de red that said executor give notice to theperso interested in said estáte, of the pendency of account and the hearing thereof, by cansing copf of this order tobe publislied in tíie Ann Am01 Arous, a newspaper printed and circulatïnp . said county, threesucccssivc weeks prcTioua tosw day of hearine. [A true copy] WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge ol Probat Wm. G. Dott, Probate Register. Kstate of Patrlck Hughes. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTÍ O of Washtenaw, ss. At a sessinn of the Fr bi Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden lí Probate Office ia the city of Ann Arbor.on Th'"" day, the fourth day of November, in the yw onethousandeight hundred and eighty. Present, WiJliam D. Harriman, Judge oí Proh In the matter of the estáte of Patrick Hug? deceased. . John Hughes, admiuistratnrwith the will annfiwl of said estáte, comes into court and representa wt he is now prepared to render his final account11! sueh administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Satnrday, t twentieth day of November next, at ten o'elotï" the forenoou, be assigned for exumining and all in.srsuch account, nnd that the dcri.iersl'egateei! lieira at law of said deccased, and all otlier perw( interested in said estnte, are required to appat a session of said eourt, then to be holden J the Probate Office in the city of Ann Ar' in said county, and show cause, if any tbtfj be, why the said account should not be ■' lowcd. And it is further ordered that said J ministrator give notice to the persons intereiW in said estáte oí the pendency of said account ia" the hearing thercof, by causing a copy of this r der to be puWisliedin the Ann Ariiob Aboi1':' newspaper printed and circulating in said couittji two successive weeks previous to said day of her' WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judgeof Prok"' Wm. G.Doty, Probate RegisterCliaiicerv Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIBcuit court for the county oí Waanton, ' Chancery. Lewis W. James, Complainant. Busselt Briggs and Myron Webb guardián oí" Eussell Briggs defendante. In pursuance and by Tirtue of a deoree o' court made and entored in the above enUtleQ&y on the 17th day of August, A. D., Noli ' herebygiven that I shall sell at public aucti; Mie highest bidder on Moüday the 27th day of ur cember, A D., 18S0, at two o'clock in the alterno at the east front loor of the court houne in tne .■' of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, MMiiü.:" following described real estáte being the scribed in said decree to wit: all thosecertam f""J or pareéis of land being in the townships of "% and Lodi in the county of Washtenaw and &tM Michigan and described as follows being " "J,, halfofthe uorth-east quarter of seotiou ial""t two in townshjp number four south range nve and alsothesouth-enst quarter of section nu"L thirty-fivein township number threo soutn '" flve east containing in nll two hundred una _ ' acres of land according to the United State rL togetlier with the tenements, hereditameni appurtenances thereto in anywiae belongin thereupou situftted. November 6th, A. P., 1880. A. ïelch, Esq., Solicitor for CGiiiplaInn''- JAMKSMcMAaOlf. Circuit Court Comniissiouer in and for ww c0"


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