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A Bloodhound's Gratitude

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Tlio Detroit Jf'ree Press tel Is a rclimrkiililo Blory of a bloodlionnd'. grntiiuiïe at Andersonvillo. The prisimers wc re allowed 10 go out in Bijuads stroii'-ily gtmrde I, to colleet liruwoud. üne Jay ft nv:is tlie licro's turn to go, nnd foi'lho time sincc liisimprisonmont ho caught sight of "Uolonel Caiclierr.," the big bloodlionnd. Tlio Micliitrancter noiiood that tlio itog liniped (jniiifully on ono ot' hls forefei-t but gave the inatlor no special iiitention until, il'ier being out for hall mi hour, lie sat down to rest ncar dii.' ot' ihegutirds. Thedoappruach" ed tlio gunrd as if lo aak coiue Rivor, but was i-eiulsed witli au oaüi and a tluealencd blow. He tUcu skulkod Hruiiud and carne tl. e prion.p, wlio siw thnt lic hadanold run iuLo lii.s toot. Wiih a littlecoaxing lio got tlie dog uear mul liually pulled out lbo mul, and tllü animal run away Boouiiugly plea.sctl. Twclve ihat, ouu uiglit, about niUni"l)t, u luniic) was re.uly. Tlie [irisoiiei- was a long timo gotling clcir ol' tlio neiubborïiood, and weak and starvcd as lic was bo was not more than IWO miles from tlio Stocfcailö wben day broke, il lid "Uolonel Uatchcin," was (ut oii lus track. V'1h;u lio lieird ilui liouiid cuiuiiig lio looked Cor a giiitabks treu lo clfaob, lm l laijed to iind ono. Anno l witli a club, lic took his ïtnild, au 1 determiiicd to niake a ftglit tor it. The dog recogni.od tlio man, íind begllll cxlñ Ijitiny ovcry sign of frieiMilii. Al'icra fcw lliinutüS tlio pursuers woro heard in tlio distance. Tlio dog at once troUcd olï in lliat dircciion, and was slioiUy bayingaiid lvading tliom over a ttótitious trail. Tlie prisoner pusiiel aliead lor lialf mi liour, and was ilion rejoiue 1 by ilio dog, wlio kept olüior ciose to ln's heels or jut aliead of uini all day, and lay busido liiui in tlie woods at uiglit This posüion of gi.ardian or uoiupanion ho luaiuiaiued uutil toward the niglit of ilio seoond day, when lie roturuud to tbe stookwie. The prisoner waa Llien tiiiriy miles away, but on tho lii'ih inorutng he was recapfured. Whon lic retimied tlie hou nd metandcarosscd him. Krom that hotirto the close of tlio war tlio dog would not tako llio trail of au 6ica)iu prisoiwr. Sornebody wlio lias examlned (lie sfcitisties of some of the big battlcs ot' tlio war, liiuls tliat 80 soMiers, ali shot, above the hipa, aud all of ono regiment, fel 1 deadat 011e volley, in the battlo oí Gettyíburg. At Fiiir O i ka, 2U 111011 went down, one upoii another, in a square of a iow fect, unl uever moved a ümb among them afier i'allin"-. One sliell, at Cole Ilarbor, exploding In the ranks of au Ohio regiment, killed lü Bolilici-s. At Bavago Station, dui-ing McClellaii's oliarge, a solid shot tireJ IVoin a federal piece at au infaiitry ooluniu, marchiug by foura, killed 21 men. JïuarVickgburg, a gunboat threw 't BUiglfl shi;ll at a vebol b;ittery,and killed lö uien, wouudjng 1 oliiei'S.


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Ann Arbor Argus