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Middy Morgan

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Now Tori; I.otiiT tn Cinrtniinll rommcr-m A w'iin mi qan do ihiinrs one wmild loMsf expi'Ct :l WOMIflll lo :CCCiinpllll, : f slie-iwts lier heul ti it. I va wy lapitllic-is laii siminior id fe ii Inilv in New York ei: y wlio lias snccrwi il lobly in ;i caifer Ibw woinen would itlopt rVoni clioi'!. Uit story remi 1 i kc a roimnco. Ono il.-iyi iwcnly yen-s ngo it must havo heen, a In. ly Innileii fi'om a slii in New York linrbof. ÖWe linil como fiom over sou (o make lier lortiino in the United Sialc-i. Whon slie lelt tlio sliip slie had a iixponce, iml no more in her pocket S1"" ilroiicd it into the Beainen's clinrity lund. The lady liad lctlei's to iiiflueutial persons in Neflf York. and recoiuiiiendntions of iho hilicst onlcr f'-otn liis Majesty, Víctor JBinniaiftinl, King of Ilnly. Om: ot' Uio uonlleuicn to whoni slie liada letter was lloraco Greely. Blie wasadinUled lo liis private ollice and presemed her noie, likewise a modesl reaofist. ltwastliat the of the T'-i'.ii ■■■('■ slion ld give Uur emLdoyiii"iii mi nis paiior. "Whal 6n yon do?" said ho. Siie answered in a TCry l:uly-likc and eanicst viy tliatshe could report luirse racea and agrien Un ral faii-s. - Huraco Greely liever ooiild uiiderstand a joke, or lie wou ld k-iva seoii ono hero. ALso, he luid a sort ot' geueral coiiteiupt, tor Lhc lemalo iutolloct, an-1 lie probubly saw 111 the young lady bofore liim a mild sortof luuatic. He merely glared al her over his spectacles. From that day to tliis Miss Morgan hassteadily declaithl that Uiei-e was only onu person iu America alie thoronglily doiesicd, and tliat was iloraeo Gively. "lié is (lie nieanest per&on 1 ever saw," said she. ''lie uever oven asked me to take a scat." The great editor dismissed tlie asphing' youilg woinaii iu short order. Bul someboiiy bout the otüue, wliose name is now losL to traditioii, hcard tlie .-toi-y and Ihoiight it would be a goodjoke to send thu lady who wantcd to wiiU; aljout liorses to thc Sariloga races, then ubout to come olí'. - Quite iu the way ot a jest tliis was actually done. lt would b such l'iui, certaiii olly un cr-editors thought. But to koop iiifttlera all straight, and gei a proper account ot' the races the yauag man who regularly reported such things was sent as usual, ignorant of this, the iutrepid Middy Morgan wrotcouther story of the fainous races Buil sent it to the paper. The regular reporter ent his. Then it was that the joke turnad. Miss Morgan's account was used instead of the regular reporter s. lt was in the naturo of a stuuuiug surprise toihe propr ie tors. Itwusso well writteu, o tull of spirited life, and showed such eutire aoqiiaintouce wiih the subject that froin that, day on this brave girl f ou nd no Li-ouble in gctling worl She was sent everywliore to report fa irs and horse races. Tmit was her recular wovk tbr niaiiy years, wheu she exchanged it l'or live stook reporting. 8hc iiow only roports llic cattla markot. New York drovers cali lier the bost ju ige ot' liorned attle in the country. iSne can leü the wciglitof a beof oii toot in the twinkling oí' au eye. Tlicro is tliis peculiarity a bout lier, tliat whatever work she uiidorUkoa sho does it botter tlian anybody el se. Tliat is wliy she succeu ia so we.l. 8iic; novv reportó tliocrtttlouirket lor soiuo four -N'evv York papers. fcjiie has s;ived her earninysand iaquile welt-to-rto. "Uimiplèl she ought to bc," said fin impertí non t youiig lady vith pink chueis.s and bangcd liair. "tjlie uugllt to Ijc riell. Xvvo tiiousauJ dollars a ycar ainl 110 clothos 1" Tlie youug lady did not nieui it liienilly. Olio only inoant to alinde to MiSii Morgnii'a Bimplicity in tíreos.


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