Real Estate Transfers
![Real Estate Transfers image](/sites/default/files/aa_argus/aa_argus_18801126-p03-06.jpg)
"David Khnis to Ilenry C. Wtildron, :l strip of land in Northfield aloog line m T. A. and N. Ii. railroad fil'ty fuet widei f 112.60. M. F. ;uid S. W. Wells by tbeir attor-i ney to Harvey and Ilenry ('onnvelJ parcej.8 of land in A. A. town, S4,0Ü0. 1 Adam Mayer to John Frey, Annl Arbor city property, $850. Charles K. VvilliamstoHarrimanandl Green, A.nn Árborreal estáte forchurchl site, $2100. George Thompson to (. W. Slayton,! several paresia f land in Superior, $fi,-l 860. Patricli Martin to William DeBoverJ STpailanti city property, $1000. W. H. wheeler to George Osborn, soB aerea in Augusta, $300. Fidelia II. Fay to llarmon S.IIohnos m Chelsea villaèe tot, $12QQ. .Julia H.Wuson to Charles F. Wiltonl Ann A.rborcity propciiy, S1000. IsTelson Bootn to John T. Ilallock, '''M acres in York. $1300. Ij. C. Hodinan to John G. Zahn, 8(B acrSs in Lima, $5600. Oven Goodspeed to Wm. Freor, 7ol acres in Buperior, $4900. Wm. Leijtz to Augusta Lentz, A. AM city property, $650. QITIT-CLAIV. Nelson Elogers to H. C. Waldron, m strip of land 100 f eet wide on line ofl railroad in tforthfleld, $180. chas. C. Lockwood to il. O. WaldronB Ilio feet strip of land in Salem, $300. Aniirew .1. Leitch to A..I. WordenB Ypsilanti city property, $1. ('. 1'. Worden to Elvira M. WordenB ÜTptUatfti city vroperty, $12.r)C).
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
David Ehnis
Henry C. Waldron
M. F. Wells
S. W. Wells
Harvey Cornwell
Henry Cornwell
Adam Mayer
John Frey
Charles E. Williams
George Thompson
G. W. Slayton
Patrick Martin
William DeBever
W. R. Wheeler
George Osborn
Fidelia H. Fay
Harmon S. Holmes
Julia H. Wilson
Charles F. Wilson
Nelson Booth
John T. Hallock
L. C. Rodman
John G. Zahn
Owen Goodspeed
William Freer
William Lentz
Augusta Lentz
Nelson Rogers
H. C. Waldron
Charles C. Lockwood
Andrew J. Leitch
A. J. Worden
C. P. Worden
Elvira M. Worden