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- J red Mi ir of Dexter loat a horse ■ frorn epizoot ie. Charles Feilows of Sharon hasgoné I to Vermoni after ulieep. -Saline fnrmersarerontractingwheai I for future delivery n É1. - ïtev.L.L.Gage preachedthethtthks■ givincr sermón at Dnxter ynsterday. Wm. Elanke of RlverRaisin nearly '■ ' ' ■■ ñntcerof tlie risthi hand by ron tacl W il !i a ClrcillflT s;iv. - Friwirfs of Rev. Thomas Holmes. pastor of ('lie!se;i's Confrr6)jfatiohal ■ c'i"rrh, presented hita a SlOOgold time. piece. - Thfl niicslion is- and it is hiffhly Important- lid any one present Rro, Aüison of thfl Cheisea Elerald witli a tlianksiíivintr liirkev. - Town tiensnrers will please fememhef thai the Argus office is preparpd to prinl tax recelpta in goodstyle and .it the lowesi rates. Examination oi George Beclrsrof Hrid(tewater,chari?pl w1th otinsttwicp, was sel down for Kri'iüv last beföffi justice Bobbins of Adrián. -The Salino Observer malíes a von creditable appearance, is tastily nrranged, andas newnewspapersinvarfally remarle, says it lias "eOme to stay.' Time will teil. - Tt Is thought Josppii VogleofiTpsilanii raeditated suicide when he reed to the Huron to obtaln a drink. Me was resoued after becomlng too chilled to help himself. - Township treasiirer ETenry Blfim of Krldgewater adverüses thai he uní j , at town hall Dec. 10, 17 and 24, and al the residence of Pliillp Blum, Dec. 8d and Sist., fco receive taxes. - Harrison llamar, a young man of Uexter village, aged abont 18 years, wenl hunting Saturday and 11 , -----_ - W-1'H"HV'V%4 ly shoi himself , a charge of shot lodging in his left arm and shoulder. - At the residence of Michael Keek of Lodi, Mr. Godfrey Zalm was yesterday married to Miss Mary Keek, both of Lodi township. Rev. s. Klingman of Freedom performed theceremony. Mary A. Bralnard of Salem bas taken Initiatory proceedingsforthe judicial dissolution of tnarital lies front her husband Charles 8. Brainard, eharging liiin with drunkenneBs and cruelty. - Messrs Kood and ï Bharon reoeived on Saturday a medal for the best display of fine wool Bheep al the tri-state fair of Ohio, Michigan and tndiana, held at Toledo last month. - On Tuesday bfore Probate Judge Elarriman, MarthaSmith andheirscontested a paper purporting to be the will of the late Wm. B. Smith of Vpsilanti town. Defense alleged paper to be an agreemeni only. -Supervisor Purtell of jSTortlifiekl is teacliiiiíí the wintets school in district Xo. 5. In whicli heresides. Mr. Eugene Gibney is similarly engaged ín district No. 9, betterknown as the Fobey aistrict in tlie same town. -Last Saturday Mts. Mary Conlon, aged 6S years, died suddenly at lier ' sidence ín Augusta. 8he attended to getting breakfasi as usual, and seemed in good health, but a short time afterwards wastakenvrttb c'hllls, and died before assistanee could be rendered. - Maiiy of ourcotemporaries are stil] publishing" Gray's Speciflc Medicine" and ' Spauldlng's LightningLiniment" fora Detroit flnn Umt bas gone into bankruptcy with no assets. H. K. Holl and Son, proprletors oí Holl's Bitter Malt Tonic have, Buspended. Pellowinornbers of the craft, we have reason to sympathize with you. -Ou Mónday evening of last week Mrs. A. Davii of Delhi Mills met with a severe accident. She was leaving the achool house witli her son after the Lombard concert. The evening was quite dark, a large piece of brushwood lay in the way and her son in removing it accidenta] ly stnick liis mother cutting a badgashunderthe eyeand bruising the eye severely. Dr. Fiothingham s attending her. -Manchester Enterprise: A sad accident, resulting in the almost instant death of a young man, oeeurred in Sharon, abouthalf way betwceu Manchester and Chelsea, on Sunday last. Two young men, .lolm ITlrich, aged l- years, a son of Fhíllp Ulncli, and another Germán boy, secretly obtained a ïn and went hunting. Tliey had not proceeded farwhen theysaw asquirrel. i'oung Ulrich was in range, but he told lis companion to shoot and he would jet out of t!i(! way, whereupon the gun ,vas disoharged, the shot lodging in [JJrioh's hiead, from theeflects of which e, iii(-d in about Bfteen minutes.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus