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' hily 18 inmaU s of ,i ,,uy pöorhonse. open is. - Forty-six slhifc'iits i,, by tlie lire al Adrián coli - Tlic Adt-ian Jotitnal e quietly fetired ir the I imal. Slll, - Tlic airliery club a( ( 'oMu ■;er (Ifltlf il" .■illcntioii to the uealiier. hul fceëps Fighi mi slnintitig. - ïlic t1OOper of Dcrrürli! r ï j .- ._ e ,. 800 apfile bBTTfls cinring ihn opplepackintr leason ihis fall, - '!' ■'! hult. clerk-elori of LeftK '■'' coiHity, and fortiietíi Mipüt of Hiö Adrián Times, is neriofiftfy ill. lïnndfty iMnpii,(r ,,, ,,.s, i,.,,,.,, f M:u Dickfv of Mat hafl ns hnm'pdal :i loS of $2,000. Two e!: rmlyescaped. - Jaokson'a eonvinfg totS9iniRf) S-í galloug ojr6tew,8M) lb.ioimkpra, and r.O Ihs. of Inüii'f fot yBterdSy'í Hiani.s givJtlq iliimcr. - The ï'.tii dfiniial scssion of tlio' Miclnu'an bee-keepers' ftsociation wilf In' held at the xlaic capiloi, un V- tic.sday, Dei-, g. -The crippicd childn-ii ii Ihc staic public scliooi al are lanhC telegraph by ollö of Uu; boys, wh is au expert operator. - During the [al yttH raíhonñ Cööti ly sent i)l men to the foiffa1 flOU9E 6j eorrection. ltieli is morí; tlian au 'thei eoiiiily sent. - Lansing Republicafl of y. is ÈfiVesa COÖlplete list ui' newlr-oteeici tnembeis of the leftifclal kte politics and isl-olliee adiircsS, Henry M. linies and Períey Bills, lxitii reeen tly deceased. tfere EK2 lirst state Setiatofsdected bytóe fepífcahs of Lenawee Conrity, - A öhe si:, ii, ui. owiiort ffr Thifinon Marsh, of Waterioo, and ttfiich bi MS, dfopped dèad af tiie [fi Jacksön froöi epiïootic. L. K. iHHlin foi-ineriv of Monroe fixjipcls to visit Wnf.l in December, w i ('liicfs and in Intetprefèl . -Peter Guenther of fTötröff, êx-Jus dee and a man of (ocal promiwence, dieil Siiiiday. fïe iesidcíl yeaftT agb, a Short time. in Aim Arbor. - Milton Gilbert of -faekson" das reueited a verdfci awatditiR hita Í17.0001 for a wife killed in die Central rail road accident of Oei.. 1,SÏ). - The Howel] Episbopslinnft fiope to' báve their new churcli coinpfeted lVefore 'inistiii;is. The society 80 faf&aa incuitèd ho debt in it erëctitT, K - .Íil}',c i[llitiliíoil dprj;S ,111 Oxtra spssion dl1 cMiii ál ,hick.')ii I.Vuav fof secoöd Irlal Of Jfllins I)ut;,n cted of stabblng William SimöAaa sí Grasa Lake. - ( s. Bafrett of Charlotte fía íe oeived$i,8Ï0 back pensioö and w i 11 h& !;iid $24 per month in t'lió future i ocle Saín ví!l also furnisi fiite witli a ncw leg. -lhe Adrián Times saya iheré wilj i"1 nc special obserratice ni tiu week oí prayef f öf yoüftg men in the ctíúrchetf in iliat city, as most ui1 the yiiurifj nu i there are truly good. -The Peüijisulnr cnrcoi)ip;iiiy of D(-r troit has taken iiosscssioii of the premises of the Adrián caí tHOfttffacturing coinpan. ;u:! ep6Ci to liase 2B6 handsal. work Lnafde at 20 days. -John Partteï, United Staten Marslial foitbe UCstern District of Michigan and á ílfglily esteenied business man of Kalamazoo, died very sucWÈiily of lieart disease Saturdity. - Suiiday aí'Lernoon a lire fcróke otit' in ttte Adrián college, ttse gentleman 'd hali building portion tfiêroof jBnïiïïni the gïound. Museünï and recltatioti' buildings wery Baved. toas $2Ö,0e0r Iüsured. - A hijfh-schoöf youtli of lorna rccently asked his sweetheart if shB bad ever rcacl Rnm'cD and Juliet? Tfie' sweel creature replied thai sliéliailrSft Romeo, but did nol tliink sim bad eveF' read Juljet. - T1h Jacksori F';i1 ri-it sr. s ffiat Uu; Grand Bivef hoyase in fliat ciiy, -vvliieiy :t few yeais ;ifr., wa ah:(d at Sgp.OOO andfor'which$lS,ÖOp''as ótferèd, has recently brou'glit only $8,266 for a l)urlil'tlis interest. -In tbe cirenit caurt of (niesee' oounty.Geo. W. Mïllerof ciayion, lias recoyered a vefdict for $2,525 agaiüst thti CliicaRo & NorÜKuisteru railroad company, for damages by beiüg stmclv by i train ncar Flint. - Jolm Jloward of Cíkíb took lun' mucb whisky at Plint the other davrthrew bricklrats Efirougfi (l'iö WinHbw where sonre éoiorëd peópfé1 vèté fcWMM in-r a religiou's meeting, and is now at the fominiousöoi eotrecbion fbrtterffl of 00 ilavs. - iïucTge ffiHiïingfoii pronmmiMMl a' sentencia of fffteen days in jai! aiiii fSft flnein tkeeftse'of Jaeols ■{it-thmiller 06 Grass Iake afl-ested (at seljing liqiior mi Ghnstrn'aS. The cKShs uow pending against him cannot be tried imtil his presen I sentence expti -At a toa party ffari b ;. few dlaji Rgg liv Mrs. Price, of ttiesccond warS,on' lieï eighty thir'd bh lailics v.crc h-cmmiI v.hc: was ö7"), or n !'!(!■ nwu-e Uia , : , ■ ,s each. And tiirci' ui tlic hidics do their (iwn garcli'inng and split their invn ■ ■ Adrián Tiuii - Ju'dge of Pi'öl)até [nffc-solf, oí ('al - V'iouii Cöunty, has put in a rhiim for $1000 li.ick pay' Jüs salary was flgt fixed at ol,.r.ii per year, !nl su'.isoqiionlly wits cut diwn to $I,00#j He elairn tbiiL under the' (aw hissalil only be lixcd once, afid cites efdecidpn ef tlie fiftipreme court to siwtiïin I The ClifcagoTimussaystTiatW'aiirt-crliii; wil] construct a new' air lino railroad betwëen the preseni Porks bf Ure i.aivc Bnorctt -MH-iiiKfin Woiitliemroltf Toledo to Kïkhart. The of' Tcrritorj bonndcd y these branches is au' liivitiúg Beid for railway Cai.'tn!;i Siiiitlicni will bo iiseül as ferasFayette,O. Thisis intepwd to ent niT Jaj öotfliPs fïtfflt the' Wttbash line. - During the sumnier i fanrter litít far from Moronci ciuiiloycd a yotm man of fair complexion, smooth face ainl glender form, who gajve (tfod satipfaction, hut was vcry ïcticcn't. A few days ago, liy a men! accident, tlio astonislied farmer dfscoveièd tfiat' tl,."jopngmian" wasinroaHty a ypxtim woman. [ter sex rèvèaled siic refuciajitly vclat'.'d a storv Hint. alone in IHo world, and unable to earn a UVing in the east, she had ivsortcil to itii ex pedient. 8he was so cTitigtfned at the dtecovery of dcutity tliat dèspite en( reatiea to remain, she disappeared ofte uight:


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Ann Arbor Argus