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LEGAL NOTICES. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CtR. k? Cntr court tor it. county of Wiwlitaiuw, in fl tuici'iy. Lewid W. JuiiioH, Gomplalnant, RiiBscll Rripsr :in.l Mj mu Wobl) Kuurflian ofsnid HuBsoll Rntcffh defrndants. Ispur-uaiic idby virtue of ■ Setrte of mU iiirt minio auij entered in tho nbove i-ntitli-d cuiao on the ntli liuyof Auiíiiit, 18-0. NolíOPli hprel.y Hlven tluit I alnill ell l public nuctios ti the hteh bidder, on Mondsy the íith dayof December, WO, ut ten oYlock In tlie toienoon.Ht the fwt front door of t he cotirt hmis intlieCity of Ann Arbor.CoiiTity of Washtenaw, Stute of Mioliigim, ih fiillnviiig deacrlbed renl t state rltnnte in ihf toviuhlp of Ixjili, C'oiinty and .St:ito ufo reunid, viz: Hie inmt half of the aoutli-vaat qnurter ot wctl n nnmliei ■ thirty-Hvi' townshlpthn-e outh rn e ñve n.-t acoarding to tha United Stales nurvey conluinIjïr fijht v aerea of land inore or less together wit li tbe tencmeots, herodltnm nta and appurt{nnci- Iht-ryto iji'loiiL'inií t)r in nnywise Hppfrtaill!tlfr or thvren on uiiu.awl being the uumu desciibed in iud aeí-ree. Noveinher loth, 18S0. A. Fi.lch, Et.q., Solicítor fnr Oomplainnnt. JA.MKf McMAHON. OircuitCourt CommiaaiODei in and foroaideounty. of Chancery Order. STATE OP MICHIGAN, THE CIRcuit Cuurt for the Couuly of Waahttiiuw, i jj Ohnnetiry. trances L. Lyon , Comp lainant, vs. j WUllum F. Lyon, Defenclunt. ) Waahtroa Coanty, m. It siitisfnctorily appenrInff tome tlmt Williniii F. Lyon. the defendant, is n non-rcsidint of this State: On motaos nfCramer ft Corbin, solicitara, and of counsel fn umplutnant, it is ordered tlmt the aaid defendant cause lus appcarttiice in thís canse to be ntered witliin three montha from the date of this oidor, nl tliat In case nf his uppt he cause bis answer to the ooiuplntnnnl'8 liill of cnnipluint tobe tiied in thia esnae and a eopy tbrreof tobeterred on the compUinnnt's solicitors witliin twenl.y days nftirdiie crviec of ;i cnpy oi suid bill on the defendimt or his solicitors and n notici; of this order, and in defuult thereof thnt the .vid bfl] be taken iisconfesscd hy the Biuil def'ndant. Anii it is further ordered, thftt within twenty days the suid eomplainnnt canse a notice of this order to be. publiahed in the Ann Akiiok Ahouo, a wi'ckly puper printed in the city of Ann Arbnr, in laid connty, umi that the sni.l publicntion !■ continued in aaiil paper at least once in eacta wek for six siiccessive weeks, or that she canse a copy of this order to be person;il!y perred on the said defendant at least twenty daya before the time abovc piescribed for hisappeaiance. Dated, Ann Arbor, Oct. 23d, 1880. JAME8 McMATÏON", Circuit Court Coinniissioncr foi Washtenaw County, Michigan. Crajiiír c OoiiiiiN, Kolioitors, und of Counsel for ConiplHinftnt. Clianeerv Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE UIEcuit court for the county oí' WitóhLtnaw, in Chancory. Lewis W. James, Comphunant. TS. Itunsell BriggB and Myron Webb guardián of said Itussi'll ]trKKs 'leftTKlantö. In pursuttnce and by virttieof a decree of said court mide and entered in the ubove cntitltd cause onthe I7thdty of August, A. D.f 1880. Notu. is hert'ty Kiven that I sbaJI oell ut public a o et Ion to the higheet bidder on Mondny the 27t dny of leceraber, A D., Ikho, at two u'cluck in the ui'icmo'ni at tho enst front door of the court boute in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtcnaw county, Miehignn, the follnwiníf deseribed real estáte being the lame tlescribed in said decree to wit: iill thoecortiün pfw H or pareels of land bt-ing in the townshipa of Saline and Lodi in the county ofWashtenaw and State of Michigan and deecribed aa ïollows being the east half of tbe north-east quarter of sention number two in townnhip number four south mngeflve nwi and atao theoutb-eaat quarter of gectlnn niunbVr thirty-Üveïn townsnip number three south range five cast coDtaüiimr in all tw hundred and forty rvcres of land according to tbe United ËUntes survey togetlier with tlie tanements, heredttn menta and appurtenances thereto in anywiae belünyinif or thereupon situated. November 6th, A. IX, 1880. A. Fklch, Etsq., Solicitor for Complainant. JAMES McMABON, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for aaid county. Kstate of John AIam Broos. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenuw, sa. At a sentón of the Probate CmirtfortheOounty of WanhtHnuw, holden at the Probate Oltice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednt'Sflay, the seveiiteenth dny oí November, in the yem one thousund eight hundrod and etfrbty. Present, Williüm D. Harriman, Judgeof Pr ímt In the matter of the eatate of John Adum Brusz, deeeased. Onreadingand ülingthe petition, duly verifled, of Aaron L. FtjMkamp, praylüff that he may te llceiiBtïd t sell the real estáte whereof sa id dece'ased diwl weicd. Thereuponit iaordered,thatTu(jsday,tbt" twenlyflrst day of iVcember next, at ten o'clock in tht forenoontbeaasifcidfor thehearinpof suid petition, and that the iieirs at lnw of said dücefied, and all othei persona intereated in suid eatate, ure required to appear at a sension of unid court, then to be holden tit the Probate ofiioe in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner thould not b granted: And it is further ordered that said peti tionei give notice to the persona intereated in srm eatate, of the pondenoy oí stiid petition, an? tb ïtearinp tliereof, by oauaing a eopy of thia orde to be publiahed in the Ann Ardoh Aitiifs, anevva papr printed and cireulated in sitid oounty, thre succeasiveweeke previ ons to said day oi hearing. "VVILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atrueoopy.) Judife of Probate Wm. U. Dott, Probate Rcgfuter. Bátate of Kzm c. ttenmiiu. STATE OF MICIIIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the Gounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor, on Thurnday, the eiffhteonth ilay of November, in the yoar one thmiHiuid eiht. hnudred aad efghty. Presen t,WUHam I. Harriman, Judsce of Probate. In the matter of the estute of Ezra C. Seaman, deeeased. On rending anI filïng petition, duly verifled, of John M. Whoeler, exPoutor, priiying thnt he ïuay be IJoensed to sell real eatate wlu-reoí suid dece ised ditsl seized. Thereupon it isorderod, tbat Wednesdny, the iifteenth dy f Dflcember next, ;it ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aesined for the hearing of said petitlnn, and that the heirn at luw of suid dooetified, and all othor persons interested in said estáte, tire required to nppt-nr at a session of ■aid court, thfn to he holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor,in said cuunty, and show ciiune, if any tb ore be, why rhe pryer of the petitioner should not be frranted: Ana it iñ further ordered, that said petitioner gtvenotiee to the pomona tnterevted m Büiá estáte, of the pendonoy -f sail petilion, nnd the heuring thereof bycausinpa oopy oi this order to be publlahed in the Ann AkbOB Ahous, a nowspaper printd and eireulatod in said eounty, three buoooasive woeks previoiiw to snid dn y of hearing. WILLIAM I). HAR11BIAN, (Atruecopy.) Judg-e ol I'robute. WTa. G. Doty, Probate Registor. fcí!l HiIiiiPI IB " 2 ' ■- t ir"'1' íw"-i-t Hl ■ K x: i-Vc fl g-o 3 1 = 1 P A BT BMPOBIUM And Artist's Supply Depot. 917 Woodward Avenue, Detroit ANDBBW J. BROW, Proprlotor, Dealer iu Picture Frames, Lookins GlaBSOB, Olí Paintlngs, EngravIuKs, ChromoB, Artist's Materials, aud Art 8peciaMies OLD FRAMES REGHDED Abstracts of Titlcs. a llpnrtiss who aro desironsof nsoertaininpthe londltion of the title to their lands.or pnrtieswho írishto loan lao noy on real estato will dowellto IBllinthoRBgistei'sotflceandconeulttt Comparod Sot of Abstract Books. jidbooksare ao tat aavanced that the Register an f urnisb on shojt notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of nny parool of land in Washtenuw county as ,hwa by the '---MANLÏj Kcgistcr. LEGAL NOTICLS. BiAate of Kllahn irecr. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTí 3 of ashteuaw, . ai r newton nr the Pi lurt for the i ny ol Wanhtenaw Imid , "' ite Office, i,, !„■ Hiv „f ,„„ ' Af " t mdfly, the wghletfith dny of Oolober u' ?" oiu ife thoumind IrIiI Hinidred l.ighfV Li Present, WiUlam D. Harffmn. Jud? i! l'v,i In the matter of the estile uf i' lil,a l ' ('[■rus. i. rlr, .Tilines A. Freei and Amanda I'reer, exic.iio testiAnont ot ni,i ,in, .„■! ., ' itooonn and re,nmt Ihnt ttuy are m,i S )nred to render tLeirflnal COount ue bucIí txT Thsrrapon it In onlered, tbat Friduv ,, iddnyof December next, t ten 'clnckiiS renoon, betiwiKUed for exuniining imd bIIoJ ich fteoonnt. mid thnt the devisees, lfatus j irs ui lawof aaii] (ioceai-Mi.and nllctlmrrer-o'n!! rwied in niiiii -tatp. rrquired to npbmr bbIoh nl siud tourt. tlun to le holdpn ui tlieK ■ ni 111, rityot Ann Arbor in enld coumï nd utaow ciinw, il neï theiebe, wliy malí" uut ihould aot bn nllowefl : And it ii fuitheiï ereil,thnt ld ox.'Ciltors i;ive ntiMce to tlif pe teratted tn id mtate, ol the pspdency ol 3 rount ;mil tlit hearine thereuf , bj tminn nJ U)Uordei to be pnblmhed in Ar.J, Hors, a noi.pnper printrf uur] drculatlus! ld ooun'y. thrce suoooasive woekr previoun to3 ilj ot hfittiing, WILI.IAM D. HAIOilMAN '- l r",t' „ ' '"'Ke of i'robuti, W m. O. Dcitï, Probato K. gister Kntntc or EllzabethN. Lettsi " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV J of WiMlitcnuw, BB. At a soshíoii oí the P ite (Jourt fot the oouuty of Wnshtenuw, holfl tthe l'robiiteOliieftiu theoityof Ann Arbor Uesday, the innth diiy of NoYimoer in the v' oe tbousaad eight huiidreri ai:l" elthtj Prcocnt,Villi„m I). Hiirrltniiii ..Tudirei.f l'rohnt In the muttcr ui theestilte of Elizubi;t]i ' ].., ünreadlngandflllngthepotitioii, duly virij,d f John M. Letts, pruyin; thal x cetiuin in-m!' lest now on Ule in thiecourt, purportinnto istwill und teslament ot attid decensod, i Imltted to probute, and that !■ may be appolnM secotor thereof, or that adniinixtmtlon wj ill unexod inii be grantfd to suiiie suitublo p j Thercupon it is ordcred, that Monduy, UieaiM ay of Deoembtr next, nt ten o'clock in 'tl! i orenoon, be nsniirnotl for the hearing of stiid Z ,ition, und thnt the dovisees, legalees, und hem 1 1 avotaalddeeeased, and all other pcisoDRntei I :d In Biiid oatiitc, arereqnired to nppenr nt aseni I fsiildcourt, then to be holden it the ProbntTiJ I oeinthecityof Ann Arbor. and slio cnuse.i,,, I hurebp, -vliy the pmyer of the pvtilioner 'shoJ ot be urnuted: Aud itin fnrtlier urdered thal uu I letitioner ivo notice to the praiZ I nteiested insuid est ut e, ot the pondency oí u I tetition, tmd thf hnuriny thoreof, by oaneing n r'J I f this order tobe publishfrt in the Amm AkhokU' I o, ft newspapor printed und liroalntrd in ad I ounty. thri'o auoceaaive weekt previens to ■) I ay ol hoaring. WILLIA11 D.HAKKIMAK I fAtruecopy.) .Tildffe ol Probotl' t Wm.G.Doit, Probate lieglster. Estáte of rre.l K. liiKlass. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTïl O of Wnnhlenuw, ss At a sesslon oí the Piot! 'mirt for t) County of Wnshteuiiw, hoMm ntlLP 'róbate OHice in tile cityof Aun Arbor, on : ny.üjp eleventh ámy ot November in the yem o ! hmisand eiiílit hundred iind eighty. Preent. William I). Hurrimni,, Jurtjfe of Probiti I In the miitter of tbe estáte oí t rud E. Dwialm' I ilucr. . "I Robert E. Donglnm, the gunrilian of M wart I omesintoeotiri and reprpsetite tluit heia nowprl iired to leluler hiá uiiiíuhI account ua such gua I Thareupon it isordered.tiintTnoiiM)', the serena I ay of December neit, il ten o'olock in the 1 ilion, beasaigned for exaininiín: mil uliowinp suri ccount, and that the next of kin oí sa id waij i and all otlior persons Iñterested in saúi cslaie ,, I reqiffred to appear t a sessloo ofsaid court tVi I to be bolden at the Probate Office, in the city il I Aun Arbor. in aaid couHty,and show canse, iúuj I there be, why the aaid account Bhonld ,o{K I lowed : and it is fnitherorlored.t)iat8iiirti;unri]:ii, I ivo notice to tbe persona interestul in aid n I tato, of the pendencj oí said account and Ue I ïeartng tbereof, by catislng a copy othis ordfnt I bepublished in Ann Amiob Akuus, a m, I papor printer] and circulatinir in said i hree successive weeks previoua to said dav i' hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN [A true copy.] Judge of Pruteie. Wm. (i. DiiTY, Probate Register. Estáte of Kon Cozbett, OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTT O oí Wushtennw, s. . t a session of I he Probatt f' }ourt fortbe Cuunty of Washtenaw, holden at Ui S ProbateOrHcein the city of Ann Arbor, onTneïflny I he mnth day of November, in the year oue and eight hundred und oighty. Present, William D. Haniman, Jadpe of ProbMi : In the matter of the estáte of Keu CorUtt, I deceased. Diana E. Wheaton, adminiatrntiix of saM tstnH I comes into courl and reprtsents thnt slie i no i prepared u reudei het linul uccount ub snch i [niuistratrix. Theroupou it ty-eventn day of November next, at ten o'clortil Lhe foretiooB, be asslgned l'or examlnlng and I Ing such account, and thttt lhe faein nt awolucid ieceafed, and all othér persons Intermtcd in ld estáte, are required to ppear at a seasioB of nu Court.then tobe holden at the Probiite Oliiteia the city Of Aun Albor in süiil ronnty, and !■' w ' cause ü'any tiieve be, -.vhy the s;u aeci-niit sjiouid notbe allowed: And tt Is furtber oróered ihit said uliuiiiisl ratrtx s;i ve ooticfi to tlicHf'i ivterested in said estaM,of the pendencv ofsaidW' J count and tlie hearing thereof, by cilu'us a opj J of tliis order to bc pablislied in tlie As Abboï I AKdus, a nfiwspaper printed and clrculatin II I saui connty, tivosuc-cessive weeks previonstoaaiil day oí hearing. VVILLIAM D. HAIiniMAK, 1 (A trne copy.) Judge of Probate. Wh.G Doty, Probate Register. Ksiate of Kusseïl larker. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTïl of Washtenaw. as. At a seasion of theProbtfl 3ourt iör the County of Washtenaw, holden at t I Probate Otüceinthe city of Ann Arbor, on Muiiday, 1 the fifteenth day of November, in the yesr ooil thousand eitrht hutidredand eighty. Present, Willifim D.Harriman, Judfre ofPioWe I In the matter of the estáte of RuSaeU VuAer, deceased. On readingand filmgthepftition.dnlyvcrified,' Orrin T. l'arker, prayiüg that ndjiiinisf ration oí j suid estáte may m grnnted to eome suitable peraon. Thereupon it is oidered,that Muiiday, tbethffteentb day of December next, t ten o'clock ia tlie forenoon be aasigned for the heiiring of Mi petition.and that the heirw tit Iftw ot said dfCCMtAi tind all nthez persons interested in aitid esttite, reauired to appear at a sesttion of said courtth to De holden at the l'rubute oliice iu the city oi Au Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why ui prayer of the petitíoner should not be grantfí! And it ia further orderedthat buid petitioner jpn nrftice to ttie persous interested in said esta, ot the pendency of said petition and the lini iuK theroof, by cauainpr t copy of thluordeT tol published in the Ann Abbob Akcius, a nowepf printed and circulated in unid county.threesaco sive weeks previous to said dny of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judgeof Frobtfc Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register. Bátete of Charles E. llurlingme. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Washtennw, ss. At a scsuion of the Proba Uoitrt for the County of Washtenaw, holden al '" Probute ÜHice, in the city ot Añil Arbor, on Sli day, the Bfteenlli dayof November, in the yeorom thonsand eight hundredand eiiíhty. Present, William D.Huirimnn, júdgeof Proli In the matter of theestate of Challes E. üurli ganiBi deoeuoda .j On ronding ivnd filing the petilion duly verifiea Lena Burlinafame, praying that ndministrfttin bonis non of Bald t;it' may be gruuted tu lienei or BOme other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordercd, that Mondsy, thetn1 teenth day of December next, at ten o'clock in tï forenoon, be aaatoned tor the heurins oí ww petition,nndthntthelnirsntlaw of Baid dece and ill other poreoni interestedin aaid estáte," required to appear at ft session of said court, taw to be holden at the Probate OfHce in the oity of A Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, wby " pruver of the petitioner should not be grsnt And it is f urther ordered that said petilioner fi" notice to the persons interested in sivid ''J of the pendency of said petition and the heL ini? thereof, by oauaing n copy of this order to " pubÜBhed in the Ann Akuor Abous, a newpft[r priuted and circulated in said county, threesw oessive weeks previouB to said duof hoj't W1LLIAM D. HAKEIMAi CA true copy.) Judge of PioDH1 Wm. G. tlotr. Probate Résister. . MortKiitfe Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVING BEEN MAD In the oonditioua of a certain morterage "í iní date tlie twenty-eighth day oí N overol'the yciir of oui Lord ore thousand eight h '""' , and seventy-six, madt and executiil DJ Mure n Ryan of tlie vill&ge of Manchester, countyof -, teuaw and State of Michigan, to Willi' '; of the township of Pittsflcld, same con andBtate, and rocorded in tlie office of tlic Xn tai of Deedi of Washtenaw f'ounty sfures" the thirtieth dayof July, A. D. 1878, at 1.50 ol y. M. of said dny, in lilur M of murtguges, on n 703 ;iud Ihe amount claimed to be daeat the i'li , this notloe ia (646.1)9 (six hundred forty-tive lars and ninety-eight cent), also tliirty doU1? TOMOnable snlieitor' orattorney's man all "tlier leal costs if anv prooeedtoga shoni. taken toforeclose this mortñge, and no P"yv( ings at law or in equity liavlng been inatit"?" ( recover the same or any part íhereof : ioire' thorefore heroby given, that by virtue I ID' K of sale in said mortgugc contained I shall se" ( BaTÜBDAY, THE EKÜITir DAÏ OF JAHOABT neJ'. ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day fu P, oi yendueto the hiifheat bidder at the aoutti v door oí tliuCourt IJoueeiu the city ofAnn' bl oounty of Wnshtenaw aforesaid (that l-'"..., building wherein the Circnit Couit for Ws'j countyTBheId),all those oertain pieces or P"J of Und sitúate in the village of Manchester,' oounty of Washtenaw and State of MlcÏJj,i known añil deocribed as follows, to wit : %( Iota Dumber flre and six in block nnmber 0"' , In the villaje of Mauehester, in said counij State, acooffdlfig to the recordod plat thereol' COMSTOCK F. HIIi f Administrator of tlie estafo of W"1'"" Osius, deceased. 4 Sítate oí John Cunningliam. j STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNÏJ of Notice is hereby gi; j by anordei of the Probate Court for the ( A, Waíhtenaw, made on the Brst day f Novem ' P. 1860, six months from tliat date ivon' " , for croditors to present their claims 'Lgi estáte ofjohn Cunniíiííhnm, Inte of saio t",, leceased, and tbat all creditors of said "'l'í' f(i rciiuired to present their claims to snwi ' 1( Coí the Probate Office in the City ' $ Arbor, for examinatiou and allowance, before the second day of 5Iay next, and tns ,,,, claims will be lieard before said Court pn y' ,i the first day of Februaty, and on M"""."'' seoond day of Muy next, at teu o'clock lntc noonof each of s.-iddays. „


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus