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If thcre is aiij thing useiul for a Ladj going out to biiy goods, it is io know the best place io imcst hor cash and get a good clsoice, also a licuable House. MÁCK & SOHMIE For over hveniy years ihe name of ihis Dry Goocls Home has been a household word, for the simple and convincing reason that they have catcred more cnergeiically, more profitally, and more industrinusly to the Kanis of ihe public than all oiher compre s. THEY SELL FOR CAH. With money on hand they are geiting evcry weck someihing new. I They have made EXT1ACBDINARY purchasJ ín Siiks, Satlns and Velvets. In all their twenty years experience it has never before leen their fortune to offer ihe public such bargains in Silks as ihey do noiv. Mack f Schmid offer handsome Black Gros Grain Silks mth which the are prepared to give a GUARANTX as to their pvriiy and durahility. Pbices cojímince at 75 cents and run up to $3.50! The fêc. quality can nowhere bc bovght under (fOc; the $1. 00 quality for j less than $1.23; the $1.S5 quality for less than 1.të and j so on in proportion. Ladies in want of fine Silfo, at merely nominal prices, thai wül not cut or wear shiney should see these rjoods at once. 8atins il 11(1 Vclvcts equally low. Mach f Schmid's $1.10 Ricli Frencli Dress Silks, in all the ncw shades, is a surprise to everybody; nothing line it can be bought in any of the other stores at less than $1.35! Don't fooi away your money in bitying Silks , I veis and Satins' 'elsewhere, bui SHOW YOUR WISDOM by making your parchases at the Popular akd Progeïisive One-Price Cash Store of Mack SciimiBLACK GASHMERES SSjViSirrSÜÖï jrl of Black CIimrre untilehe lia tirst seen the Greiit üargaiua we are offering in lke 'm goods. ïhese words are pointed, Lut they are only facts. Black Dress Goods, Silk and Wool IJrocades, and other NoTeUl Lupin's Black Tliibet Shawls, Courtauld's Ciapes. SPECIAL BARGAI1VS in Ladies a' Children's Underwear,' Flannels, Ladies' Clotli and Blankets. IN OUR GLOAK DEPARTMEN We coníímie to maintaïn our popition'nnd roputatiori na the FcrciïTOHt VCctJtfC ! ' uJ j& Jur ssortnipnt of DOLMANS JACKKTS and (LOAKS is al'f.olulcly uniqualed. "LXj r uor ïeaiooslile than thcy oan be hoiifiht fnrrjTwhere elhe. Ladles are rCB(iectlnlly rtqV' rly, irtien tie store i not eo cïowded with custoineti


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