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THE SUNFÖR 1881. Everybody rcnds TnK 8t...

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THE SUNFÖR 1881. Everybody rcnds TnK 8tm. In the editions of th s newspapor througliinit the y.eur to curaetvery body will tind: I. Al] the world's news, so presented tliat the reader 111 get the greatest nmonnt of Information itn the least unprofltnble eapendltnre ol time andeyealght. ThkSun long ago dicovered the giHdeu mean between redundant fuhiem and unBatlsfactory brcvity. II. Much of tliiit sort of news -hieh delirada lxa upoii itarecognizedirnportauoe tban apon its Interest tu mankind. Froin mornlng to mnrnliu;THE BOK prints a continued ol the lives of real mon nnrl womer, and of tlieir deed, pluns, lores hutes, ai„l troubles. Tliis atory is moie vaiil and mrn interosung tlion any romance Uiut wiu evei Qiiviseu. Ili. Goodwritlng in cvery column, nnd frehBel, OHginallty, iiccuraoy, and decorum in the treatment ui every suhject. IV llonest eo-iimpiit. TirE Him's habit is to apunk out fttarleaaly ahout men and thinm. v_. Bqual candor In dealing with eaeli politicnl party, and equal readioeaa to comim-nil " what is pralbeworthy or to rebake what is blumable in Dpinocrat or Kt-piiblinun. VI. Absolute independence of partisan organimtions, Imt iiuwiiviTinij loyalty ti tu truc Democratie principies. The Sun hellevea thiit the Oovernment wbiah tlic (,'onstitution nivoi ui w n Rood mie to keep. It DotioD of im to reaiM to its utmost power the, ir,„,s„r iikii ir, !),e üepub ic.m party "set up unotherform of (rovernniMH il place of that wMch nileta The yoai ISsi and the vVRmimmedmtfly Miowing -mll doclrtethia supremely important oftntPst Tnn Srx b'lierealbal the victory ill he with the bs agailiot the Kintfn for monopoly, the Umus tor plunder, and the KiüfTs for imperia] power. Onr terin.s are :b follows : For the Daily Son. a four dms shot of twi-ntveiicht columns, the pricc by mail pnat pnid is 55 centsamonth,orSt.-'50riyeitr; Or, inchldlnjt the hunday paper, an ei;lit-pa){e Hlicct of fiity-six columns, the pri.-e is 05 ceuts a munth, or H7.70 a year, postase peid, The Sunday dition of Thk Sun if also furnished separately at 1.20 a ycar. pnstnfre pnid. Ihc of the Wkkki.y 8uh, cíght pajïes nftysix columns, is SI a year. píiii. clubs l ten scndiugi,io wc wtll send an extra copy fre. Addren [. w. Ehoi.ah, Publisher of The Kun, New York City. Health is Weaíth I Dn. R. O. Wkst's Nhrve and Urain Tiikatment: aspee, fie for Hyitéria, Dlzzlnert, Con-rnlsiona, Nervous Heartache. Mental Pepression, I.ors ot Memory, Rpermatorrhcea, Impotency, Involuutary Emissinns.PremntureOM Aire, caiiseij by overexertion, elf-abue, or ovt-r-fndiilccnce 'whidí lead to miscry, decay and fleath. One hox wll ourereoent cases. Ench box contahu ono month's treatnicnt. One dollar n box, or six bocea foi Ove dolían; pent by mail prcpaid on rewipt f priee. weguanntstsix boxea to cure any rane. Witli oach order received by us lor aix boxea sccompanied wiih live dollars, we -will send the pnrchww our written (tunriiutee to relnrn the monoy If tbe treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees suod onljr „hen the treatment ia ordercd direct trom us. Address JOHN C. WK8T & CO Sole Propnetor ÍS! & 183 W. Madson Ht., Chicago, 111. Sold hy H. J. Bkow.n & Co., Aun Arbor. The rlamp weather and chilling winds of thf approaclumr seasoo subjecla all to exponure, 710 mntter nowhealtby, wearetiotie Iht le.u to m ntrnck o( CdUGrHS, I OLDfl, HRONCHITIS FLIvl;KIST, Ppittinoof Hlood, Cattabhh of the nowuSiíi?' PrI!"-'y uttended to enda in r.,TííN's, T1nmc"!"' Sttütip ia a I'OSITIVE (UKh.. Hh but thf nominal oost of 75 cents you prooure this tmly lortreym remedv. BRONCHIAI. SYJU'I' is gioranlui by all uluffisto and dealera in medi(!ine to aive p.ntirf 8ATISÏACTI0H. Try it and be oonriDced of its' hiíl MERIT. MAHCEAUR LIVER nnd Atiti-Bllinus COr. FOUNÜ cures all Liver and hllious discasea purlfies the blood. eqtmlizof. the circulatfon and restores to perfect liealth the cufeebleii syslem. FAKEANI), WILLIAMS & CO., A renta, DETROIT. For aale hy H. ,1. BRÜWN & CO., Ann Arhor. n. B. COO2MA1T, Teacher of iYïusic, MILAN, Washtenaw Co., DIICHIGAN. 39-13t. Estáte ot Albert K. Clarki OTATE OP MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY kj of Washtenaw, ss. Noticpis hereby iiven,t-.hat by nn order of the Probate Cour ior the Countyoi Washtenaw, made 011 the ninetentb day o Nofember, A . D. 1880, six months f rom that date were nllowed lor crédito to pieaent tbeirolaima aitainst the estáte of Alhert K. Clark, late of suid county deoeased, and that all creditors of saiddeceastd art required to present their claims to said I'robate Court, at the Probate ufflcein tho city of Ann Ar. bor, for examinntion and allowance, on or befurt the nmeleenth day of May next, and that such claims wil] be heardbeforesaid Court, on Sutunliiy the mneteenth day of FKhruary, and on Thiirwlay, tho mnpteenth day of May neit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arhor. November 19, A.D 1880 W1LLIAMD 1I.VRK1MAN, 8w4 Judfre of Probnle. WANTÉDÏ PARTiEs rau will put; T5ES OR TÍ5YÍBER OS THE I.ine ot tlie Toledo, Aun ,vrlr and ISortheastern lallroad. Tho Company lias bilis for al.out 50,000 fcet of culvert and onttle pass tiiaber for wliicli it nill PA Y THE HIQHEST CASH PRICE A8ooniyrtr.)iv,.rcr!on thelln-of the road. They will nho iay cash for Ut as follows: 35 cents for Onk ; '25 opnls Tor Asii niift TüHiarack. ntmensions: 8 feet long, S inch face, 6 inoh tliick. tW Anv pnrtv wlm will put mille into th wooda and Qontract for u Urge quantity cuu obtnin adVMitageouBlerinf. For speeificaüoiiB on timba, At., apply to H. W. ASHLEY, Corner Waphiniton and Malti els ANN AR1ÏOK, MICH. lililí"! DsLplS: sligtff 8 %i-iy i fe. =3 slPI ISSisl I js?BD s-ln! s -■ lyjOSíEY TO LET On Good Farm Mortgages OF SI .0(10 AND ïl'WARBS. Terms easy. Address, 48-lSt BEAKE8 A CUTCIIEON, Detroit. LEGAL NOTÏCES. Chaneery Mxle, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRChouwir001" '"r '''""' l""lly "' ■, íi) Lewi„ Y. Jumes, Complalnagt, vs. Ilutan Brices and Myron Webb gnardian ofsaid Ruasell Bnggt. defriidanu. In pnrounnce and b? virtueof a rteoree ot wM oourt mde and enterad in l),e .,!,,. eBtÜ. d cu. te on Ihe nth díj oi Augut, I8SI. Noücp in ! rlventlit I íhftll eel] ,,t „M ,rll,,; t0 ,, „ -ríí,;_ jtwade, on MoDday the mil dny of rctulVer, 1SH0, nt ten o'cloct In Ihe foieuoon. nt tlie . .1 .1 Ironí door of tho conrt huus intlieCitj ol nu Aroor.Countyof Wiuhtenaw, Stute A Mrolilcnn inerollowinc acrtld rml tatate Firr.tite tonhlpoí l.ili, c.,,;, ■.(ym,i Btate aforesHid, iz: be weathftlfol the south -.( qunrtcr oi ..;..„ Dombei thlrtjr-flre townahlp three south rn HTe Bost according lo the United State , ,-„,',. jog eUhty acre ofJand more m 1 , wi,i, the Mmnti, iH-ndi!:,,,, .,„t, „n,i appurtenniKMtt Jhweto beloDRinir or in anywise appírfainh ... , '"' 811u"twi heingtfie same dewrlbed iniíaid November 10t,h, lsso. A. FkLOB, Eeq., Sulicitor fnr Cnmplaii nnt JAMKH Mo MAMÓN OireultCourt fiii'ini;oii[.r m ami formid oounty Ka tate oi i.xia C. : ■ v-uarn-. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, C'UXTY O ol Waahtelmw. hu Al a smímop (,.,, bgleCourt foi the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Pïobatr Ofllee in the city of Aun Arboi on rbureday.tbeeighteenthiiaj ui Noyembei ju i, , yeai o:ie Inoiuand eight huudred nú eiphty. iToütüi, ,, i.iiai.i u. ilarriiuiiii. Judga .j Lrohatf, In the maltiTuf tlic eslutc oi i-..m (J. SeiuuaL leei asea. ' On !■ ■ii-Mn-' :iml (IJiog the petltion du]y vcn'fiei] otjohn M. VVlieeler, exrcutor, pmying thnt hè may hi' Icenscd to aell rea] ntule tvliereol c cd ni st-izetl. Thnnpou ii iaordered, tbat "Wcino-Iav the Brtiriiih dnyai Ürocnlier iiut, at ten a!eloék i thi forenoon, be ssigneil ror the hearing of said Mtltlon, and the heira at luw oi sutil deoeased, and uil otlier p.i.ons interented in a;iu eatste, re requhed to appear u & Bessinn oí siiKl cuun, then to be holden art the l'robute Office, in the citj of Aan suideountv and Khow oaune, ii any there be, why the pruyi-r of the peiitioner siould nos be granted: And it u fort her ordeied, t!mt sairi petitioner (tive notie; to the pemons intereated in said enlata of tlit peudenoy uf anid petition, nnd the hearing tiiereoi bycauainga cupv oi thisordar to bc publiahedin thn Aan Arbob Aiioi:s, a newnparer prmtod and cireulated n sold county, three auccessive weeks nrcvioua to Knid day of heiviini? WILUAM I). UAliülMAN, (Atrnecopy.) Judge ol JProbat. wm. (j. iioty. Probate Kegiater. éstate of John Adam !!■ r. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTÏ kj of Washnaw,M Al a wnionof Uje J?i CourtfortheCuuntjof Waahtenaw, holden at the Probnte OUioe, i ti tile City oí Aun Arbnr oti Wedneertay, the seveateenlh dny ol November i', iho ye.-n une thouêand eight hundred an'd ei.-hty'. Present, Willium D. Hiirriremn, Judgeof Pi In the matter of the catate ol Johu Aiinni Brosz aecftsed. ' On rc.irlinp and ttling the petition . li:ly venfltd (f Aaron L. Feldkamp, praylng that lio mi bé licenaed towll ih real estata hereof saiddeeeued [li'.'l seizod. ThcrouporiitÍ8orclercd.1híitTiKflay,tl,, twontyjlrt diiy ot DeoiiuÍK] nsxt, al tB u'olock in.thi rorenooii.ln aasigr.=d fot the learinp i said petllion, ind thai, the heira at law oi wíld icfaed, und ill othei persona iuterested in said Batatt, are required to sppear i a semioíi oí khíA court lien ta be holden ut the Probate office in the :ity ot áüü Lrbor, and sbow eausQ, if any there bc, ,vhy the' prayer of the petitúmer shonlii not b( .'r:ui!ed: And it it further ordereu tïmt 9-i;d aeti:iomr ?ive notioe to l.he persons intereated in hhh3 il the pssdëncy ot sivid petitloB, and the ïenrinp thereof, ty a oopy of tliis ordei ;o be published in Die Akn Arboc Am, ;-s, a nwsjaper printed and circuluted in suid county, three mccessive weeks previous to said day o) hearmg WILLIAM D.HARBlMANi (A trnecopy.) Judae of rrobate. WK, G. Doty, Probate Register. .Estale of Patríete Huglies STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wa-shtenaw. At a seesion ot the Probatf Court for the Cpunty of Waahtennw, huiden ut the Probate Uifice in the city of Aun Arbor, on ÏW-day, the thirtieth da y of November, in the yer one thousanc! eighi hundred and eighty. Present, William D. U irnman, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Patriek Hughes. deceased. On readingnnd filing the petition , duly verified , of John Hug-hi'S, prayint; that he may be Ucenaed to sell the real estáte "whereuf said deceused dled soized. Thereupon it is orderetl, that Tuesday, the twenty-eighth day GÍ December next, at ten o'clock in theforenoon, beassignediur the hearing o J aaid pEti tion,;ind tliat the hfiirs at leiw o said decfftsed. and all other personj interestcd in s flid estáte, are required tu iippcar it .1 session bt eaid (.'ourt, then to be holden at the Probate Oíñce in the city of Ann Arbor, and -how cause, if any there be, why tht prayerof the petitioaershould not be grnnled: And it 10 Eurther ordered that said petitioner iriTe notice to the persons intcrested in said estáte, oi tin pendeney of said petition and the heniiujr thereof, by caxisiiii? a epy of tliis order to be publiahed in the Ann Arhok A.BOUS, a newspaiierprinteil and circulated in said county, thrce successive weekE pievioua taaaid day of hearing. m WILLIAM D.HABBtMAN. (A true nony). Judge ui' I'robatt. Wm. Ö. D-'Ty, Probate Rogister. Estáte of Ben t'orbett. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj oí Washtenawss, Al a seaaion of the Probate Court forfche Coynty of Waahtenaw, huiden at %ln Probiite (Hflee ín the city oí Ann Arbot, on Saturday , the twenty-seventh day of Novernbej.Jn the yonr out tliniiKinri cïhi hunfiroú a3 ei:Mv. Preeent, WÜliamD.Harriinan, JudjreotProïvftte. di oom-on. On readinpaml fllinpthe p?tir.inn, duly veiified, of Diana 10. Wnenton, administra trix, prayingthat shotnay be ttcensed to sfell tlie real eítute whexeof said deceaeed died eelzed. Therenpon it is orde red, tlmt Tuesday, the tweuty eígbtb day oí December uext, at ten o'clcck in tht forenóon, be assigned lor the hearing ot aaid pfctitiQD, and thnt the heira at luw of said dfioiiititid, aud all other persons interested in aaid eslate,nre required tu appe;tr at a ye.ssion of sai d Court, then lo be hoMtu at the Prohatt Oiüce in the city 01 Ann Arbor, and show oaase if unv there be, why tlio pruyer of tbo petitmnei shouid Dot bc prnnted : And it ia iurther ordered thnt said petitioaer give notiee to the persozti intcreated in suid estáte oi tho pendc-noy of said petition and the hcarinj? thereof, by caiiainff copy oí tbin order to bepnblisliecl in the Ann Arbob A nous, a newpapfr printed and circulnted in saic oounty,tíireeaucceíBÍTe weeks previuus to saiddaj of heuring. WILLIAM D. nAïiUIMAN, (Atrueeopy.) Judpe of Probate. Wm, (i.ï)oTT, Probate RetriBter. lístate f James I?ush. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY o Waahtenaw, ss. At fi sessioi) of the Probate CourtfortheCoimtyof WashtoiittTT, nolden at the ProbateOfficein theeity of Ann Arbor, on Fitóny, the twenty-sixth dny oi November, in the yeai ooe thousand eigh hun-lred and ciehiy. Present, William I). Harriman", Judcre of Probate. . In the matter of the estutE of'junies Bu&h, daoeaaed. Caroline Bush, administratrix of said eslate oomes intocourt, ftud representa thut slie is now prepiired to render her ünal account as such adminisi nitrix. ThertMtpnn it is ordered, that Saturday, the eiffhteentb day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asstgned for exaiQlQingand allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intcresttid iu estáte, are required to appear at a seasion of said Court. theii to be holden at the Probate O:' the city of Ann Arhor in said county, and show cause if any tliere be, why the said account should not, be alJowed: And it" is further orde red that said administratrlx glve notice to the persons interested in sald estáte, of the pendeccy of said accouBt and the hearing tbereof, by eauslng a eopy of thls order to be published Íd t'he Ann ArbuR Argos, a newspaper prlnted and oirculatlng in said county, two Buccetsive wefika previouê tosaid day uf hearing. WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. (t Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Helen elles Donglass. STATE OF MICHIGAN, (JOUNTY of Washtenaw, t?s. At a session of the Probate Courtfor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oince, in the city of Ann Arbor . on Wediu -sday, the ürst day of December, in the year oue thoutmnd eiirht hundreá" and eighty. Piesent, williaxn D. IJ arriman. Judg-e of Probato. In the matter of the estáte oí Helen Welles Douglass, deceased. On ronding and filing the petition, duly verified, of Siliis H. Douglass, prsying tlmt a certnfai instrument now os tile in thís court, purpúrting to to the last will and testament of said deoeaeed, may be admitted to probate, and that he may bfl ;ippomfced executor thereol'. Thereupon it isordered.that ' fonday, the twen tyB6Tenth day of December instant, at ten o'ciocli in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing ol Raid pelition, and that the devisees, leñatees, and heirs at luw oí said deceased, and all other persons infireated in said estáte, ure required to appear at n session oi stiid court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Orhce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if ry there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouló not be granted : And it is iuxtltcr ordered that snid petitioner fiive noticeto the persons interatcd in said estáte of th pendeney of said etition aud the hearing thereof, l caoaiog a oppy of thia order to he published in the Anh Árhor Ahgu, a nowspaper printed and circulatcd i:i said coanty, thrce ucceaive weeks previous to said day ui hearing. WIL.LIAM D. HAKRIMAX, (Atruecopy.) Judgeoi Prob&te. "Wm. O. Doty, Probate Register. Kstnti of lttciiard Beafcan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, as. At a hcssíoh of the Probate Courtfor thoCounty of Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Oltiee in the city of Ann Arl.or, on WYdnesday, the tiret d:!y of December, in the year oue tbotnöad eighlhundred and ci-rhty. Present, William D. Harrlman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Kicliard Eeahaxi, deceased. On reading and filinp the petition, duly verifled, of Libbie Beahan, praying-tliat shemny be Hc ased to Bell certain real esteta whereof said deceased died seized. Tlicrciipon it is ordered, that Wedncsday, the twenth-nlnth duy of December instant, at ten oVlock in the forenoon, be assigned foi the h of aaid petition, and that the heirs at luw of sara deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appe&r at a mssÍoo of said court.then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor. and show cause, i i' any there lie, why the pmyer of the petitloner ahoutd nol be gTanted: And it is further ordered, that said peti tioner gïve notice to the persona Interested In sald estáte, of the pendency of s:tid petltlon and the, hearlfig thereof, by eaosiue a copy of this order to be pubjlshed in the Aira Akiiok Arotts, ■ oewspaperprinted and circulated in said county, three successive weeks provious to said day of hearing WILLIAM D. HAÚRIMAN. (Atrue copy.) Judgeof Probate. Wm. ü. Doxy, Probate Register. LEGAL NOTICES. Kutnte of Samuel yc.iinirs OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cüh' ..un I,,, y,, ctmní ,r u , lmndre.1 and r11"" -■■" ■■■' . court thci. t I,,. ),„i,ie„ a, the Pl.„ „,, , , ' U ' ■"■ -' Ann ArlmV. i,, sain „,„„,,■ Jf?, I n j ti" r. le, wi,v V'. , k l. adailniitiistrvorKivenotke to the ZS titonsl,.,! ir, saitl es al . „f tile ni-i del n i " e;ouni and t!„ hoBrinc thfreof, {,, ca,, K ,fl '■ll'--"'it..l,,.,,-,l,M,,i;i,tl:e'AN;IA u,,?' ,, , WtLUAM D. HAHRIMAJI 1 -.,f of John OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUlffl K? of W nshtennw, . At n ession oí iW Prok„ ■!)Ur, ";r "" ''""')■ "f Washtenaw, holdVn . ■ the city „I Ar. ArSíi hetwnty:fnurhdnyr,fS, thpyeai ois; thouaimd eiphi h„n,l, ,-rt „ PMnt,Wil!imn.n„rrin.,n Jude,, desasea8 m ' "' the eSlate ol John Bk On readlnj and fltlnjfthe petftlon. dnlTTtfH ai Thomas Vonnit. rruying Ihai dmini.toiS othrr auitahle ,rrs.m. i0lll rembernext, nt ten r.v7J I onrt, then to be -bolden at h p ,'í O&ce m tk City ofAnn Arbor, and Hhow'Z? Uanytben le,wl,y the prayer of the petfS Jhould not begTHÍta: And it i furthírorcS th„t nM petitioner BiTe notice to the pertooi i? toreetori m md urtnte. „f the pendeioj ofúíí petítio, and the bfrinr thereoít, by uJH eopypftbií order to bc publifhed in ii, '.asÁÍmÍ a newspapüi nrinted snd oirfüilati-d „ „ú uoHiity.tlireesnccosBive weeks preyious to salad,, oí hoaring. aI WILLIAM n.HARRIMjíK (A trne copy. j jnKe oí Prob ,' W.m.íí.Dotv Trohafe Eegisler. ' lisíate of I!u-sill Varitcr. OTATE OF MIC; 1GAK, COUHTY kj ot Wahteimw. st. At ses-sion oí thr I'robit. Courtforthrl'nunt; uw, holden t2 Piobnte OUict inthe ritjof Ann Arbor. on .V,.ndir the Dfteentti (ay ul Novemtifr, iu tüe yc-.ii mí I eight hundred and pighty. ' Present, WHMain D Hurriinnn. .Juditp ot Prohit In the miiUtr of the estiite of Russell Parkir On rendinu nnd fllin thepetition.rtVíj veriíed ni Orrin X. rark.-r, prayini; tLiU. ailnimHliiition'n f i td los Hiii'xbU i.vraoB Th-ripCD II isuKlfTtd.that Sli,ndir..ll.nJ teeulh aj of December next. t ten o'clutk a tha Foinooh, bt assigned for the hearing oí tiid petition. nr.j tliiit the h. ns at law ol snio .1 nn', j thcr pcrsoiiü intercsted in a. id eatste m tn appeur at a seseion ot said oourtUw to be holden at the l'roT)ate office n the city ot Adb Arlvir, audahowciinse. ii ai:y there bc. why the priiver of the pctitioner should not be frri,w. i'ir;!i" orderedthat paid petitiouei „'. notice t(. tlie persoos Titr. rested in .-üi ,51,, ot the pendeney of said petition and the ktij. inr thereof, by causiriK copy cf thmonltj toh laiblished in the Am Ahboii Ahoub, a newjpa printed anfi clrculnted in said coiinty. thrre snetti. sive weeks previous te said dfiyoí henriDK WILLIAM D. HARH1MAH (A trne eopy. ) j„dge of Pr;bllt Wm.H.Doiy. Probate RsjriíUr. Jístati' oí Charles 1L. Burlingume. OTATE 01' iUCHIGAK, COUJfTY O of VVashtenn-w, ss. At a .es-ron oftljePiobíh Oourt fr tlr,: County of WasUtensw, bolden al tht Probate Offloé, ín the city oí Aun Arbor, m, .Voi. ttll dayol November, in theyearosi thonsand oilM huntireñ1 imi i'ijrbry Present, W Jl.Hai riman, Judgf of Piobttf, ín themaftfcr oí tlie estáte ol tLarke E. Luilii. ;une, aeceasdd. Oq ronding and filinsr the petition duly veriíedot irhnmm!, praying thn.i administratitm üe on of said estáte may be granted tu henelf ur )!]i' otlier stiitable persoii. Thcreupon it s orderefl, tljat Motidoy, the tbir. teenth dny of Decembt'r uext. nt ten u'cloct inlhi foronoon, be ussigjied íor the henring oí uii petition.and that thfrheirnstlaw ot bnid deceaMd, and ;ii otber peioBB interested in ü] Hstnte,an reqnired to apptnral naession of skí1 eourt. thn to be hnldcnat the Probate Office in the city oí Au Arbor, and ahow canee, if any theie he, irhj th iner should mf bt gmifl Aml i' isfurther orderet' thnt snid pclitiünei gui notice to thu pe-rsons interested in aun: etatí, of the pendency of said pet i tien the hnp inrthereoi, by cauBinr n copy oí ihíp oxder to 1 published in the Ann Akbor Anaus, o ncwipufn printed and 'oircnlated in said oounty, thrteRuccessiye weelis preTÏoue to pnid day of he.lring. ■WILLTAM 71. HAERIlIAir, 'A (rue copy.) Judge oi Piohate. 'Vii. O. Doty. Probate Retriater. Tíoticc of f'Tiaiïoory Order, STATE OF MICHIGAN, THECIK-I cmt Court ior the Couuty of Wathten, ia Chancery. Fraai - '.-- ■ ■ VS . ' r WJlÜHin p. Lyon, Defendiint. ) Washtena-wCotinty, ss. It satisfactorijy anpojf'' m to me William F. Lyon, the dt-fenciunl, ian I non-resident of tliis State: On m.itiun of Cromer i , foücitors, and of counsel for cwnpluitant, it is onlir."d that the said defendant causl)il iippeanuioe in this cause to lie entered wiihin thrt months from the date of thi oider, and that in MPef tMsappfarance he cause Iiis answilift sonipliiinnnt's hill of eonjplaint to he flled in tb t a copy thpreof to bi -erTed nn the com pininant'ssolicitors witiiin twenty dnjs nftcrdiM service of n copy oí pvid bilí on the dt-feuüant or hi solioitors and n notice of this order, and in d reof that thi' taid till bc taken as oonfes.w.1 by the said dpfendant. Anrt it is Airthir i.i-ml, that within tnenty days the said rumili.imt of this onlcr U, be puMial rfl in -h Ahüch Aegus, n t i kly paper printr'] in the city of A lili Arï)or, in said CHinty. and tht th said publication bc continued in eairi psjifr t leut ach ïcfk for six auccessive wi i ks, or tbat ahe canse a coyiy of tiiis order to be penoMËj perveJ 0:1 the sairt defpndant at lenst tnentyèiti before thr tv.ue. above prescribed for liiaapiH-üuct. ' latei, Aun ArbOf, Oct. 23d, lsn. JAMES McMAHOH, Cireuit Court Commissioner foi WasMen! Pounty, MichigaD. CRAMKR & (JORRIN, SoliCltOT S, ;ir,t) of Counsel for Coiuplainaat. Chancery Sale. STATE OV MICHIGAN, THE Olj cuit ouurt for the county of "Wdshtenaw, il Ch&ucery, Lew is V. Jamos, Compïainant. vs. Russoll Rricirs nnd JVIyron Wcbb guardián oftfi RusselJ liriirvrs defendants. In pursuance and by virtne of a deeree of si court mui e and entcredin the ahove entitltd aui on the 17th day of August, A. 1)., 1880. Not herehyriven that I shall sell ai public F.m-tioat the htghest biddor ou .Mondity the 27th flay of cember, A D., 1880, at two o'cloek in tlie afterno at the ast front door of the rourt hue in thed'tf of nn Arbor, Wushtenaw county, Michigan, tl folio wincr dfiscribed real estfttp being the samed1 scribed in pnid decree to wit: all thosecertain pirt or parcela of land being in the townships of SJ and Lodi ín the county of Wasntenaw and State w Michigan and describéd as follows being the " half of the north-east q nart er of setion nnnibc two Ín township number four south ranstofive ( aiiil alxo tbesouth-eaHt qurterof .-jectinn nunibf' thirty-tive in township nnmbpr three south trdP fivc eftst contnininpr in all two hundrcd and fortT acres of land acc-ording to the United States Burff tOgether witli the teuem nte, hertditamentB appurtonancea thereto in anyvise belonging thereupun situated. November fith, A. D., 18S0. A. Fklcr, Esq.Soiicitor for Complainant. JAMES Mc.MAPON", Circuit Conrt Comraissioner in and for said Mor tíf agre Sale. TEFAULT HAVINÖ BEEN MAD _■_ in tht cnndition of a certa i n mortgnge be ing dnfe tlie twenty-eighth dny of :s ovembtíjj i of our Lord one thousaud eighi hinid Bnty-six, made and exeeuted íiy yarpí'1' Hyan o f the ril] age of Manchester, county of W" ttnaw and State of Michigan, to William "' Osius of the township oí I'ittsficld, same couflff and State, and record ed in the office oí the Bel ter of Deeds of Washtcnaw County aforrsaid the thirtieth 3ayol July, A. D. 1878, at 1.50 o'cJ p. m. of said day, in Hber 54 of mortyap-cs, on P 708, and the Rznounf elaimed to be dneat the dut thís notlce ia 645.98 (sis iuindrrd forty-fltei lars and ninety-eight cents), aleo tliirty dolían M reaaonable solicitor's or attorDeys fee,in Rdditioftj flll other leyal costs if any procetdings shoulj8 tdkon to foreelose this mortpage, and ro procJ' inga at law or in equity hiiving bren instituted j recover the same or any irt thereof: Notie'1 therefüie hereby given, thnt by virtue of the po1 1 of Balo in said mortgage contained I shall seïl . Satübday.thk Ku-iiTii pat of Januart nel. ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day t pu&JJ vendue to the hiphest bidder at the south ft011 door oí the Court House in the city of A on Af"' county of Washtenaw aforesaid fthat liciog ' bnildiDg wherein the Circuit Couit for Wasbtfn'J county is held), all those certain pieces or PaIÏT, oí land sitúate in the villape of Manchester, iP 'E county of Washtenow and State of MichifT8" kimwn and describrd as follows, to -wit: Be"J lots nuniber flve and eix in block mnnber forty-. in the village of Manchester, in said county ■ State, necording to the recorded plat thereof. Dated, Oct. lö, 1S80. COMSTOCK F. HILt, - Adrainistriitor of the estáte of Willis01' Osius, deceascd. _ Estáte of Peter M. Burlingamft' STATE OY MICHIGAN. COüNT' of Waihtennw, ga, Notice is Ik reby ei vet tbj' byan order of the Probate Court for theCou's of Washtenaw, made on the rineteenth iJ November, A. D. 1880, six months from that "'J were allowed fnr creiUtors to presenttheircH' against theestate oí Peter M. Ihirlin.'ame, 'atei said munt y , deoeased, and that all creditora of! . deceasedare requirod to preseni their claims toitf Probate Court, at the Probate Olficein the city ' Ann Arbor, for examination and íillowance.o , beforetlic nmeteenth day of Muy next, " ,, such claims will be heard before said Courtt , Snturday, the nineteenth dny of FebrurT. ". on ïhnrsiday, the rinetoenth day of Mny at ton o'clock In the forenoon of each of sal"""' Duted.Auu Arhor, NoTem her 19, A. D. 18MWILLIAM D.HABRIMAU; 43w4 Judge of Prob"'


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Ann Arbor Argus