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BUSINESS' DIltIXTOKT. N VAKf nHltWEBKEH, Peiler in Reul Eitaleand Personal Prnpcrty. Ac. &c. ÜAMruF.irKK, W'ashtonaw County, Micn. Mïs . B. JOIfVS, Fnghionnble DrefSmaker. Roomt OTer Mcfc & Sohmid's dry foodiitórs. AllworK promptly aud satisfuctonly sxecuted f1IiRE'Vf!K THKER, Attornfly at Law - anilSollcitor inChanccry. Ypilnti, MicaOU. TAYLO. ATTOKNEY AT LAW Chelsea. Mich. D-vI,n H4Cr,E "f. D., Phytician n! 8urern. Office nnd reicnco, "1 llllion trit..nn rhnr. Office hou r f rom 8to}i.a. nd ftom ttoii. x. WK, HPKHO1, Dentlst. Office corner Ma!n and Vaghimton gtreet, ovor Rnoh & IJM'i'tAn, in rbor,Mlch. Anestheticsadminisird tf detired. KATIB3J. ROGERS, T-ortrait Pain te. rortrfllt painted in Oi[ from lifeor smal) photornhs enïaririMi and pninted lifc-size. Other BiKes fdwiirM. Chnnue tii.'rle in clothinif neeessary. Studio, No 7 North TMvHion, corner of Ann St. CRAMEK êt CORBIN, Attorneys at La-w All b i1h promptly attended to. Office No. HAit Washington Street, Itinsey and Seabolt's block HKNRY R. HILL, Attorney at Law, Dealei In Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. O(le, No. S Opera IIoue Block. ANN ARBOK. pHEDEBIGK KBAVIE, AtTCTIOK"EEB. Willftttend to fill alea, on short notice, at reaponaSle ehfirïen. For urtlier particular cali at the A nou OrFICB. IÜROPEAïT HOTEL, Ypsilantl, Mlch. New House, First-Cliiss Table, Clean Beds, Low Prices. W.H. Lbwis, Proprletor J. H. NICKËLS, DRALRR IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Hutu. Swinaritt. I.aid, etc at ATE KTIIEF.T. Or PONITK SORTH WEST CORNER OF UNIVKUS1TY CAMPUS. Orders proniptly filled. Farmers having meats to!l jl ve liiin u cali. TbUBanVc,alrn1y havinp a ïarge business. Invite mrchant and others to open accounts with tlu m with the assuraoccof raostliberal dealiug conslsBt wliïi i&fe banking. Tn th8nvinp;s Department interest is pnid, on the firnt rtays of Tanuary and July.on all itimt that werc dposited three months prevlous o iVa Aa.yn, thus affurding the peopie of this city indcounty a pvfííctly ufe deposltory for their funds,togelher with a fair retura In interst for the ame. Money to Loan on Approved Securities. DiRKcrona-Chrlstlaa Mackf W. W. Win es, W D. UarrimAn. Oanlf.l Riscook, R. A. Beul, Wm DubJ, nd Willard B. Smith. OFFrCERS : CHRISTIA.N MACK, W. W. WINEB. President. Vice President CHA8. E. B13C0CK, Caahier. THE AUÑARBOB saviïtgs bauk ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Capita pntdin - 50,000.00 Capita, curity - 100.000.00 Tramnet a eoeml Banking Ttnsiness; buys amï ■lis ETrhinges on New Vork, Detroitand Chicago UaSight Draftï on all the principal cities of Eurp; a!o, ell l'sssuge Tickets to Li Terpooi, Lonb and GlaAgow, vla the Anchor Line of Bteamwb!p, wliose rtcï are Iowr than motit other first slaat lines EMANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist. 19 8OUTHMAIN STREET, ANK ASBOR has on hand a well selected stock of PUEE DEUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PEKFUMES Poi!fl ArticleB.ShnuMerBrivees. Tru8sps,tc.,which l offer far sale at p rices to suit the times. VW Phvuieiann' PtescrintionB carefully prepnred EBERBACH & SON, Öruggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Tft nn hand a large and well selected stock o DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DTE STUFFR, A.rtists and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Artlcies, Truages, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQWS. Rnecïal ttention paid o the fnrnisMnfr of Phy ifl1ftn, ChnKUtfl, Síhool.#trtl with Philosnhic'a n1 Ch''ni'val nmntuv TinVimin ChemlcnlOia1 rri, Porrrlaln Wan, Pure ReittjontM. etc. ThT(cUn9' prescriDtfnns oarefu'W preparrd nt W honni. ART EMPORIUM And Artist's Supply Depot. 917 Woadward Avenue, Detroit ATfpREW J. BROW, Proprietnr, Dealer In Picture Frames, Looking Glansen, 011 Pfttntlngs, En?rnvlnrs, Chromos, Artist's Materials, and Art i-peclnltles. or.W FRAmtM RECILOSD


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