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AS A READER You Will Find Entirc Satisfaction in the Detroit Free Press. Three editionn of Tiíe Dfttiott FltEE Prkbs Rre published íor the benefit of Michigan readers. The Daily Free Press Overflow with news. Commercial men eapectnlly will admit that in point of market reporte it eicela, Get i eopy and niakecomparisons for yourseliwith an newspaper you pltune, You"wiíl iind that the )aper is high ly oriffinal, and that everythinjf is lewsy, crisp and readable. Vherever in Miclngan the people of Michigan njoy adttily mail frora Detroit The Daily Fkxb dress will prove iteell to be the best newöpaper for rtichigan readers. l'rice, Ten Dollars a yoar, postaffn paid. One copy on trial íor one inonth, Fil'ty Cents. Try a copy- it will give satielaction. The Tri-Weekly Free Press s published Mondays, WednesdRys nnd Fridays. [t has a great variety oí intelligenee, ie particular" j full Ín Michigan news, details Congressional and egislatite doings, has complete market reports, and is the best as well as the ery cheapest newsmper the farmer, or those living at pointshaviüg nails less frequent than dnily, can procure. Price, Four Dollarg a year, poslage paid. One copy on trial two months, Filty Ceuta: The Weehly Free Press is well Itnown thronghowt the land. It contains a summary of the news, visrorous editorials on current themes, serial Btories, short stosiea, eutertaining eketches, the best poetry, brilliant paragraphe and instructive reading-, especially enjoyed in lamüy ei relea. Price of The Weekly Free Press, $1.50 a year, postag-e paid. On trial - to new subscribers only, three months for 25 cents, Üiven gratis with The Weekly Free Press is " The Household99 a supplement cantnining letters frora correspondente repident iu nll parte of the country, dwellíiig upon topics of great interest to ladies. Trv a copy of The Frek Teksp. Tt is a rare companion - the most delightiul of nc-wspapers. lts publishers alm to give all the newa frora authentic and respousible sources, and to make it in every respect thoroughly triiBtwoitLy as a newsparer. Summinp up, a single eentenoe wil express it : No other journal furnishea so mucli rcadíng niutter, ao varied and o excellent for so little mouejr. Htyriraen coieg gent iiee. Auureas, THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, DETROIT, MICH. We Club with this PArKit. "ïa Estáte of 'William Grandy. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COI7NTY O of Washienaw, ss. At a session of the Probare ,'ourt for the County of Washtenaw, boldeB at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor.oB Snturday, the elevcnth day of Deoember, ia the ytur onethousand eiyht hun tl red and ejgbtyi Present, Willhmi D. Harriuaan, Judee of Probate In the matter of the estáte of WxlUaia Grandy, deceased. James W. Win ir, eTpcutor of the last tvïU and testament of snid deceaued, comes info court and represent that he is now prepared to rcudL-r bis final account ussuch executor, Thereupon tt is onlered, that Sntiirdhy, the ightb day of Jaouftry aext, at ten oVlock in theforenoon, be assigced lor examinin? and allow Biich account, and that the de viseen leñatees nnd heiraat law of said deccased, and uil m her persons iuterested in said estáte, arn requirod to appear at a sí'ssion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Jnn Arhor In said county, and show cause, if any tliere be, why the aaid account should not be nllowed. And it is íurther ordered that said ndminUtrator give ttotice to the persons interested in said estáte ol the pemleey oi Baid account and the hearing thereof. by causing a oopy of th ia order to he pubÜabedin the Ann ArbobArous, a newspaper printed and r.irfiii latine Ín said county, threesucco3sive weeks previous to said day of hearWILLTAM T). H ARRIMAN, (Atrue copy.) Judgeuf Probate. Wm. U.Dui y .Probate Reg ster. lístate of Josepli Arnoid. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate cnurtfortlie County of Washtenaiv, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arhor, on Saturday, the elcventh day of December, in the yiíar one ttaousandeight bundred and cighty. Present, William n. Harriinan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Juseph Arnold, deeeased. WllHam II. Arnold, executor of the last will and testwment of said deceased, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to ronder his linal account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the eieventh day of January ten o'clock in the forenoon,be assigned for examinlDg and allovins such account, and that the devisi es, legateea and licks at law of said deceased.and all other persons interested in sald. est te.are required toappear al a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anrj Albor, in saidcounty, and show cause, if anv therebe, wny the said account should not he alïowcd : Andit is further or. dered that said ejecutor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of tbc pendency of said sccountandthehearinK thereof, by causing a copy ol this order to he published in the Ann Arboh Annus, a newspaper printed and circulaticg in siüdcounty, tnrcesuccesslve fensi''1"" '"' "ÍlÍÍSSS" willum d tiarriman 1 Judge oi Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Probate Eegiater. Commissloiiers' Noüce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTY of Washtenaiv, ss. The nnderalgned linving been npijomtcd by the Probate ('ourtfor said Conntv Commissioneis to receive, examine, a nd artjuet all claims and demiinils of all persons aRiiinst the est ato of Eussell Parker, late of Biiid cour.ty deceasfd, hereby (,'i' e notice tliat six monllis from dute ure allowed, by order of said Piobute Tourt, for creditorBto present tlieircluimaafiainBt tne estateof snid deceaseii, and that they will meet at tlie office of Uie Jndge oí Probate in the city of AnnArbor, in said county, on Tuesday, the nfteenth day of March, and on Wcdiienday, the fifteenth day of .Tune next, at ten o'cloek a. m., of eaeh ol'said days, to leceive, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated, December 15, A.D.1S80. J. W. WINCt, JOHN PAOEY, piw4 Comniissioners. :ftt:r.:e WINES and LIQUORS Por Medicinal Pnrposes, Constantly on hand, at DONNELlï'S, 11 East lluron St. The Universal Batli. is prf lUdoeid OW Brtbê Rwiwd. P arfr aUiar,. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. Forsale at the Drug Store of L. S. Irch, Cook'l Hotel block ; also by C.Eberbnch & Son. South Jlavr Street ; ana aleo bythe mnnufiicturer, E. J. Know!. ton No. 34 North Btate Street, Aml Arbor, Mich to whon allcorrepondenceh()uld be addteued. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. rpHE L1RCE1T ANB BEST STOCK OP Vamislies, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c, AHEEICAN AND FEENCH WI1TDOW CLASS AU SIze. '26 and 28 East Washington Street ANN AEBOE. .ilDiJitüllt'U tUiulilMi Capital, - . $3,000,000 Assots Jan 1, 1876, S6,732,649.S8. Loeees Paid in 55 YearB, 4,780,391.71. lurplus over all Liabilitiee, includ'"f Ilo-Insurance IloHerve, 43,735,092.86. iet Surplus over LiabilitieB,includin Re-lnauranoe and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. 5IACK, Agent, AnnAitor. p IJÍSEY & SEAllOI-T'S Bakery, Grocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. "We keep constuntly on hnnd BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. Fot Wliolesale and Ketail Trnde. ■Ve shall also keep a aupply of DELHI IFIjOTTIK, J. AT. Swlft & Co' Best White "'heat Flo-, Bye Flour, ISuckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At wholesale andretail. A sceneral stock of GSOCEEIES AND PP.0VIBI0NB constantlyon hand, which -willbesold on 8 rea onable terius as at any otlier hoyse in the city. Cash paid for Butter, Jiggs. and Countr Produce generally. 4LB Goodsdelíverea to any part of the city with out extra charge. KI3SSEY & SKABOIT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1879. ETEEYBODY 8AYSTHAT S. B. REVENAUGH isthk Boss Photograplier of Ann Arbor. Fmirth Street. East of Conrt House lt floor. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! TUF PI.YITIOUTII ItorKS. oneofthe bestl)reeóof on sale by YM. BUSH 8ur"ior, P. O. address Arm Arlior .Ttict 2 pedoien,or88for twodoien. Thl is the Corbio, Newinfrton.Conn. .breed, among the beet for egg and tublo. ME.BIÏSHhftson iale,prise"ioent, the book of WO pase on Plymouth Hoeks, contatoinff fvill dlreptioniifnr martng.breffling, pure nnd niona;rini'iit of Slis TdTioty O fowta. It ia an adnurMe r)ïfc Tor atnsotenTti. Nt) (m cwn añbrd to be wffnOüCit. Abstracts of Titles. ATI porties who are deairoucof aaoertdininpthe vmdition of the title to thoii inndH, or partiee who wish to loan mo ney on real estáte will do wellto snllfttthe Registet'eofflceandconsuHa Compared Set of Abstract Books. ad booly! are ro far advaneed that the Register an f uTaish on ahort noticc a Perfect Statement as to the Title of nny parecí of liuitl in "Washtenaw county f ■hown by the orirlnal rcconip. C. H. MANLY, Register. TTIRST BANK of Ann Arbor. F Ahn Annon, MlCH.,Tec. S, 1680. j Thi? ftnmtal meoting: of tbe utockboldPra of this , flank for t-lic eleetion oi Tlirctor, will be bld t fheir ! ankitii; honne on Tuesday, the llth day of .Ttirnary next. Folla for elcction will beopen from in to 12o'clock A.M. 80-it J. W. KNIQHT, Cashier.


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Ann Arbor Argus