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THE SUNFOR 1881. Everybody reads The Sun. In the edltlons of th a newapaper throufhout the year to coraeeTcry body will flnd: I. All the world'ï news, so presented that the reuder will get the greatesl amount of Information with the lenst unpnxituble expencliture ol time and eyenight. The Sun long ago diicovered the golden mean between rednndaul fulues and uuaatisfactory brevity. II. Muoh of tlmt sort of news which dependa lena pon it8recognizodimportaDce thau upon ts interest to mankind. From niorning to lunriiinicTiis Sun prints a continuad stury o) the lira of real men and women, and of their deeds, plans, lovea, hates, and troubles. Tilia story is mole varied and moreinteresting thun any romance that wu ever devised. III. Good writing in everj column, and frenhness, originality, aecuraey, and decorum in the treatment of evcry subject. IV Honest cumment. The Slv's hablt is to speak out fearlesaly about men and thinga. V. Equal candor in dealing with eaeh political party, and equal redines to commend what is Êrniseworthy or to rebuka what ia blamable in 'emocrat or Republican. VI. Absolute independence of partisan orgaaizatlons, but unwnvi'rintr loyalty to to true Democratie principies. The 8dm believes thnt tlie Govurnment whioh the Constiluti.m gives u is a good one tokeep. lts notion of duty ia to reit to its utmost power the eflorts of men in the Rciiubiicun party to set up another form of (tovernment in place of Ihat irliich eïista Th yeai Ih81 and the yi-arsimmedlatrly following will proliably decide'this upremely imporlant eonteit. Tn Sdn believes that the vn:tory will be with the people s against the Ringa for monopoly, the Rings for plunder, and the Rings for imperial power. Our terma are kb followi : For the Daily Son, a four pajre hct of twentyeight column!, the price by mail, post paid. is 35 ceulsamonth.or 80.50 a year; or, includlng the Sunday paper, an eght-page sheet of tifty-six columns, the price is 65 oents a month, or 87.70 a year, pos tnge paid. The Sunday pditioD of Thk Sun if also furnlshed sepiirately at 1.20 a year, postage paid. Ihe price of the Weeki.y Suk, eight pages, fiftysix culuins. U 01 a year, postage pnid. For clubs of tensendingglOwe will send an extra copy frue. AddresB I. W. Enüi.and," Pnblisher of Tai Sun, New York City. Health is VLfealth I Dr. E. O. West's Neuye and Biiain Tbeatment: a speciflc for Hysteria, Dizzines, Convulsiona, Nervoti Headache, Mental Depreesion, r,os of Memory, Spermatorrlicsa, Impotency. Involuntary Kmisaioris.PrematureOld A(?e, cniiaeij overexertion, self-abuse, or ovir-fndulgence, which led to misery, decay and deatli. One boi wlll cure recent casos. Each bol contnins ore nionth's treutnient. One dollar a box, or sx boxes for tire añilara; sent by mail prepaid on reoeipt of price. We guarantee six boxea to cure ;my cane With each order recei ved by ns for six boxes, accompanied wüh five dollars, we will send the purchaier our written frnarante to rrturn the money if the treatment does Dot effect a cure. Guarautee isued only whm the treatment a ordered direct from u. Address JOHN C. WKST & CO., Solé Proprietors, 1S1 A 183 W. Madison St., Chicaeo 111 Sold by H. J. Brown & Co., Ann Arbor. The dump weather and chllling wind of thf approachinK wiuon subjects xl to expoaure, nn matter howhealtliy, WKRre nonr. thl Uit suscpptlhle to an attack ol COU31IS, ('OLDS, BRONCHITIS PLEUKISY, Spittino or Rlood, Cattaiikh of tho CONSu'mPTION'1 prIerl)' Ueniei to cnd "f Town'b Bbokohül Ptbüp is a POBITIVE OURE. Vith but the nominal cost of 75 cents you procure this truly tovcrnqn remedv. BRONCHIAL SYRÚP Í3 aranlctd by all rtimiifistn and dealers in medicine to giTC hntire SATisrACTioN. Try it and be oonvinced of its keal MERIT. MARCEAU8 LIVKR and Anti-Bilious COMPOUND cures nll Liver nd bilious diseaaes, purifiee the blood, equallzes the circulation and restores to perfect health the enfeebled system. FARRAJÍD, WILLIAMS & C0„ Agent, DETROIT. Fot sale by H. J. BEOWN CO., Ano Arbor7 GET YOTJK PliOPEKTY IN8UKED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MICH' Theoldest agenoylntha city. EitablitW a quarter of a oantury ago. Repreisnting th f ollowing firet clas comuamei Homelnsurance Co. of N.Y., Aseeti OTtr S6,000,00( Continental In. Co. of N. Y., AejeU over $8,00oo0( Niágara Fre In. Co., N. Y., Aiseti $l,442,40( Girardot Pa., Aiiets overSl.OOO.OOC Oriënt of Hartford, A8ts8700,00( Commercial Union of London, Aists $3,(i00,00( Rates low. Loiiii librally adluited an promptljpaid. C. H. MILLEN. WANTED ! PARTIK6 WHO W1LL rVt TIES OR TIMBER 0 1UI I.ine oí the Tolado, Aun Arbor and Nortbeaatern Asllroad. Th Compauy ha billa for about 30,000 ftat of ulTert and uottle pan timbti for which it wlll PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PRICE As oon as dollTercd on tl,u llu of tb irad. Thtf will alao pu cth fr Uh follswi I X Mata for Oiik ; It ctnti for Asta as Tairjik. Dtaagndom: Htt long , i lnth fee, e Intk buk. KF" Anj prty who wtll put mlll Into the woodi and eontratt for a Urge qitntltr on ubÍD adraiitagtoastermi. For ipecIfigitUoni on tlmk, Aa., apyly to H. W. ASHLET, ; Corner TTathlngten i& In Streehi ANX A.RBOB, MICR. Êf &tf Po-e s "'"'i o üc jg{ Bil a--asi:s I i ft rfl Pa ji rfw f 3á S fls5lji!ii!{i?8Í jyjONEY TO LET On Uood Farm Mortgages OF 1.000 AND UPWARDS. Tarmi &iy. Addrell, -1M BEAKE8 i. CDTCHEOK, Dotrolt. LEGAL NOTICES. Chancery uc. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIR. ►O euit oourt lor ihe conuty of Wsshieuaw c Unuoery. Lewia W. James, Coinplaiaunt, vs. Bureel) Briges and Myron Webb guardián of aid Ilumell BngK„ defendanUi. ín purnuance and by vhtuo of a decree of Baid oourt made and entered in the ubovu eutitkd c.use on tlie nth doy of Aup.t, 18SC. Notice i lierely vcn tliot I sball sell ut public uuction to the hiehT.ín , ' "a Monill3: the Hh dy of December lou, at ten o cloek in the forcnuon.nt the eut fronl door of thocourt hou.w ntheCity of tn Jb?r,',CountJ' of f"W)n, Stat oí Michienn thefollowing described renUstate fituale ín ihé townhip of Lodi, Uounty and State aforeeaid, iibe west hnlfof thc Kiuth-vast quurter ol r-ecliun Eumber thirty-flre towusliip three south ranee Uve eiist according to the United States urey cuntainlag eighty acres of land more or loss tosether with Ihe lenemonls. liereditament and appurtf nances theieto belonging or in anywisa appertaininK or thereu; oii situated being the same described in aid dacree. November lOth, 1880. A. í'elcb, Esq., Bolicitor for Complainant. „. ,„ JAMES .McMAHON. QiroultOourt Commisaiopür in and forsaid sounty Estáte of John Friederlcii Zahn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ O of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Proba Court for the County of Waahtcnaw, holdfcn al the Prollite Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the second day of December, in the year one thoannd ei;ht hundred aud i'ighty Present, William D. Harrimau, Judgu of Probata In the matter of the estáte of John Friederich Zabu, deceased. John tí. Feldkamp, exeentor of the last will and testament of aid deceased, comes luto court and representa that he is dow prepared to reuder hls flnal account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the flfth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aasifíned for examining and allowing Buch account, and tliat the devisees, legatees, aud hei rs at law of suid deceased, and all otherpersons interested in Baid eetate, are required to uppear at a session of suid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. in said oounty, and show cause, if any therebe, why the Baid account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said executor give notice to the persons intereated in aaid estáte, of the pondenoy of snid account and the hearina thoreof, by causing a copy of this order to be pubhshed in the Ann Arbor Akgus, a newspaper printed and circulatint; in said county, three aucceasive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. H AKRIMAN , fAtruecopy.) Judgo oí Probate. WM.q.DoTY, Probate Register. Estáte oí Albert K. Clark. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is h.ereby given,t.hat by an order of the Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw, made on the ninetenth day of November, A. D. 18u,six months from that date were allowed for creditors to pieseut their claims against the estáte of Albort K. Clark, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of saiddeceaeed are required lo present their claims to Baid Probate Court, at the Probate ufflee in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or befor the nineteenth day of May next, and that such claims will be heard beforesaid Court, on Saturday, the nineteenth day of i'ebruary, and on Thursday, the nineteeuth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of sald days. Dated, Ann Arbor. Noremtxr 19, A.T. 1880 WILLIAM D. HAHKIMAN , 8w- Judge of Probat. Estáte of Keu Corbett. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of WaBhtenaw ss. At a aession of the Probate Courtforthe County of Wnshtonaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the twenty-seventh dny of November, in the year one thoutmnd eight hundred and eihty. Present, Willinm D. Harriman, Judpr of Probnte. In the matter of the estáte ol Reu Corbett, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly veiifled, of Diana E. Wheatou, administrutrix. prayiog that slie may be licensed to sell the real estáte whereof said deceaBed died sei7.ed. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the t-wsnlyeighth day of December neit, at ten o'clock in thí forenoon, be aBsipned tor the heaiing of aid petition, and that the heir at law of fl&id deocased, and all other peraonB interesten in said estáte, are requiredto appear at a BesaioD of said (ourt, then to be holden at the Probate Otñee in the city of Ann Arbor, and show ctiuao if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionei ■hould not be frrnnted : And it is further ordered tht said petitioner give notice to the personi intereBted in aaid estáte of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a oopy oí tbis order to be published in the Ann Ahboh Anou6,a newspaper printed and circulated in snii oounty, threesuccessive weeks prerioUB to yaiddaj of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wi. (. Dott. Probate Heirinter. Estáte of James Husti. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw.s. At asession of the Probate Courtfor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the ProbateOfficemthecityof Ann Arbor, on Fiiday, the twenty-sixth day oí November, in the year one thouaand eight hundred and eig-hty. Present, WilliamD.IIarriman,Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eatate of Jamea Bush, deceaBed. Caroline Bueh, adminiBtratrix of said estáte comes intocourt and representa thatshe is now prepiired to rcnder her flnal account as uch administra tri i. TiirM!wkn t. u oniirpii, that SfitnraaT, me eighteenth day of December next, at ten o'cloct in the forenoon, be assigned for examiningand allowing such account, and that the hcirs at law of said deceased, and all other persona interestcd in sakl estáte, are requircd to appear at a scssion of siiul Court, tben to be holden at the Probnte OiSce iu tho citv of Ann Arbor In said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordertd that Raid adminifitratrix give notice to the persons Intereated in saíd estáte, of the pendency of said account and tlie heariu thereol', by causiugacopy of this order to be pubüahed in tlie Ann Ahbok Aso DÉ, a new5paper printed and circulating in said county, two successive weeks preTious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. If ARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm.GDüty, Probate Register. Estáte of Helen Welle Dmiglags. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT O of Wanhtenaw, ss. At aseanionof the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor on Wednesday, the flrat day of December, in the year one thomand eiirht hundred and eighty. Preat'Dt, William D. nrriniHn,Judfre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí HelttQ Welles Douglasfl, deceased. On readiug andfilingthepefitïon, duiy verified, of Silaa II. Douglass, pruying tlmt a certain 10atrumpnLnow on file in this court, purpurting to he Ui e laat will and testament of said deceast-d, ruay bc admitted to probate, and that he may bo appointed executor thereof. Thereupon itisordered,that Monday, the twen ty■eveoth day of December instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asaigned for tho hearing of Raid petition, and that the devíseos, leg titees, and beirs at law oí said deceused and ;U1 other persons interasted in said eatate, re required to appear ut a seRion oi ia d court, then to be holden at the Probate OÖice in the city of Ann Arbor, and ahow cause, if &y thare be, why the prayer of the petitioner boulo iiot be granted : Afcd it is fuither ordered thftt sftid petitioner give notice to theporsoDainterMUd in iíiirt estáte of th pendency of said petltioD and the hearing thereof, ]f cauHine: ft copy of this order io be published in the Ann ÁitBOjt ARODn, b nwpaper printed and circulntcd in said county, three lucceaiiTe weeks prerious to'said day oí hrioc. WILLIAM V. HAKRIMAW, (Atrnecopy.) Judgeoi Probstt. Wm. O. Oott, Probate Regiatw. Estáte of Richard Beahan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTINTY of Wftahtenaw, br. At a aession of tbc Probate Court for the County of Washteiiaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the Ürst day of December, in the year one thouBand ettfht. hunJred and eighty. Present, WiUiam D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Richard Eeahan, decensed. On readingand filing the petition, duly verified, ofLibbie Beahau, prayingthat she may be licensed to Bell eertaiu real uetato wburcof aid tleceased died seiied. Thereupon it Is ordered, that Wednesday, the twenth-ninth day of December inst.uit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assined for the hparintr kt niU UUUHUIi, Ü1J.1 IUIU II JÍI1IQ O MR UI ölUU deceased.and all other persuna intereated in said estáte, are required to appear at a aassion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate OiKce in the city of Aun Arbor. and show cause, ïf any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it Í8 further ordered, that said peti tioner give notlce to the persons intercsted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitiou and the hoaring thereof, by eausing a copy of this order to bö published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a npwspaperprinted and circulated in said county, three ■ uccesslve weeks nrevious to said day oí hearing. WÍLLIAM D. HAKRIMAN. (Atruecopy.) Judgoof Probate. Wií. Q. Doty, Probate Register. TZEUE CHEAPEST HEWSPAPEH IN THE TWO COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR1- OE - FOUR COPIES for TWO DOLLARS With au extra copy thrown in for every Club of four. These are the new terms of THE ECHO, the best wcekly Bfwspaper in the State. EVEHYBODY WANTS IT. Address, THE ECHO, DctraH, Mlch. THE BVENING NEWS, Daily Circulation 27,000 CopieiBiight, Newsy and Indefwndeot, By Mali, 15.00 a Year, Addres, Tue Evznixo Settp, Detroit, Mich. LEGAL IMOTICES. Rstute of Samuel Yuungí OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ ►O oftt ashteuaw, u. ai a sec,u oí the Prubiu Conrt for the Couuty of Wh1w. holden nt the Probate Oftice uthecity of Ann Arbor, o," "tot 4y, the twentieth day oT November, n ihe ni) COe thuusand eighthundrecl and eit'htv Preseut, William 1). Htnrlmao, Jtidgeoí Probate dec"aí. d maU"r f th" esUleof s"m'"-'lYouu,.i Miney, admlnistrator of said eatiite comes iiito court and represcnls that be i no preparad to re:uder his final ccouut as such d-Tlieroupon It isordred, that Satuiday the neht' tee-nth dav oí Deeeniher ÚM, at ten o'cíock u tli forenoon, be assigm-d for exanUrint and nlluwintf uch account, and tliai the iicirs at Inw .,f 8nid de. cease.l, and all other persons interated iu id etate, are rcquin-d to appear at a Mellen oí aid court, then to be holden at the Probate Oflii-e In thecitj-of Ann Arboi-, in said county, aod aliuw cause f auy tbcre be, wl,y the said art-otmt ahouldnotbeallowed: And it i fnrther order" that saidudminntratorKivenotk-e to the perjoi. Intre.t9d ín id estáte, of the pvndeurv uf d ccounl and the liearinK thereof. by urin a copf of tblt order to be publfthed iu the Ann Aniion Ab. ous, a newspaper printed and circulatini; in siá county, three successire weeks previous to sid dy of beariíjg. ' ... WII.LIAJ1 D.HARRIMAN, S tr"ePy-) „ Judge of Probate. Wm.G.Doty, Proliate Ri-ülster. Estato of olin Barbel-. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT? kj of Wanhtenaw, ?e. At n esion of the Probat Court for the Couuty oí Washtenaw, holden thr Probate Office in the city ol Ann Albor, od Wednebdaj', the twent j-fuurh day of November, in the yearon thousand eiprhl hnndred nnd eiglitr Present, WillinmD. Hnrnman, Judie ol Probití, In the muttef of the etute oí John Bbp deceased. On readfnsand fllini the pctltion, 1ii]t TerlSed of Thomas Young. prayiotr that adminltrtion of aaid enlute muy be (franted to Mmselí or ioii other uitable person. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Mondar, th twentieth day of December next, at ten o'ciook in the foienoon be auugned for the henrinir o) rd petitiiin, nnd thit the heir at law oí id deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a ■nion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the oity of Ann Arbor, und showanse if anythere be, wby the praycr of the petitioiier should not begranted: And it i further ordered that said petitioner givenotieeto the perfon intorested in said estáte, of the ptndency of tn0 pptition, and the hearing thereof, ij cnii.inp copy of this order to bepiiblished in the Ani Akbcib Akgüs, a newspaperprinted and circulated in lald county.three succi;sive weeks previou to id dr of hearing. ■WILLIAM D.HAKBIMAN, (A trnecopT.} Judjfe of Probt.' "Wm.G.Dotï Probate Register. Estáte of John Adam Bron. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COITNTY of At a session of the Probate CourtfortheCountj of Washtenaw, holden at tb Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the Beventeenth day of Norember, In the year one thousaud eight hundred and eighty. Present, Wülinm D. Ilarriman, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Adniu Bron, deceased. On ronding and öling the petition.dnly Terifled, of Aarun L. Fuldkump, praying that he may be llcented tu scll the real estáte whereof said deceaacd died seizcd. ThereupoDitisordered.thatTuesday.thf twentyflrst day ol Peoember neit, at ten u'clock In the assigr. d for the hearing of said petition, and that, the heira at law of said deceaaed, and all othei persons iaterested in said eatatt, are required to appear at a aetsion of said court, then to be bolden at the Probate office in tha city oi Ann Arbor, and show cause, ïf any there be. why the prayer of the peütinner should not be granled: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the person interested in ivd estáte, of the pendency of said petilion, and th hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Akboh Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said connty, three auccessiveweeka previous to said day oí hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. [Atruecopy.) Judie of Probatt. Wm. G. Doxt, Probate Register. Estáte of Patrick Hughes. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtonáw. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tbirtieth day of November, ín the year one thousand eitiht hundred and eififhty. Present, William D. Humman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick Hughes, deceased. On readingand filing the petition , dnly yeriflsd, of John Hugh'-s. prayinfj that he may be licensed to seil the real estáte whereof aaid deceaaed died seized. Thereupon it Is ordered, that Tuesday, the twenty-eighth day of December next, at ten o'clock Jn theforenoon,beaB3Ïnedforthe hearing ol said petition, and th"at the heirs at law o aaid deceased, and allotherpersonjintere5ted in s aid estáte, aro required to appear it a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, and how cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner giTe notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, ofth pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, bycausinga of this order to be published in the Ann Arbok Ak;;us, a newspaper prinied and circulated in said county, three successive irteka previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAÜRIMAN, (Atrueoopy). _ Judge of Probate. Tíotice of Cïiancery Oxder. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRcuit Court ior the Couuty of Waahtenair, in Chanceiy. JTrancw L. Lyon, Complainant, ) Tí. WilHam F. LyoD, Defendant. ) Washtena-iT County, ss. It satisfoctorily appear Ingto me. tbat WiUiaru F. Lyon, the defeiidanl, ia non-resldeut of tliis State: On motion of Creruer A Corbin, Bolicitois, and of counsel for complain ant, 11 is nrdered that the saïd uefendönt cause hi appearance in this cause to he eiitered vilhin thre months froni the date of thiB oider, and that ia case of liisi-vpfarance he cause bi ansirer to the cumplainnnt'a bilí of complnint to be filtd is this cause nrid a copy tliereof to be rerred on the com plainant'B solicitors within twenty day nter dus ■ervioe of a copy of said bilí on the defendant or his sullciton and a nolioe of tbta order, and in !&- fault theroof tbat the said bil] be taken na confeicd by the faid defendant. And it i furthw orderftd, that within twenty days the said rt-nipliiiint cause a uotice of this order to be publishrd in th AHH Anijon Akguö, n weekly paper printctl in the city of Ann Arbor, in said eoïinty, and that Jhe aaid pnb]icion be enntinned in said pnprr at lemt once in each week for six sncressire wreks, or tbt she canse a copy of thia order to be peTonalíy HtTvc! on the aitl dt-frndani at lenst twenty day befnro the tim above prescribid for hiiappeaianct. Dated, Aun Arbor, Oet. 2Bñ. 1S80. JAVKS McMATÏON, Circuit Court Coiumissioner for Waahtfsair Couitty, Michigan. CSAMER A CORTUN, SüHdtOÏS, and of Counsel for Oomplalnant. Chaneerv SaJ#. STATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRcuit court for the county of WsBbtenftir, Ia Chancery. Lewis W. James, CompJainant. rs. Rumell Brisca and Myron Webb guardián of etid Russell ïïriggs defendants. In pursuanee and by vfrtue of a deere of lá court mide and ent tred in the abote entitUd ra-ui on the 17th day of August, A. D., 1880. Nolict fa herebyciyen that I shall sell at pn)lie ftnction iv tliehighcst bidder on Munday the '27th day of D ceniber, A D., 1S80, at iwn o'cluck in the nftrrsoozi at the cast front door of the court boue in tbe City of Aun Arbor, Washtcnaw county, Michigan, the foUowiria doscribed rt'rtl eslute being the sarnr doscribed in said decree to wit: all thosecertiin ptrc- or parchís of land being in the townships of SaJina and I,odi in the couniy of Wiwhtenaw and State oí Michigan and described as foll&wi being the emt half of the north-east quarter of section numbr two n townahip number füur aooth rnnefiTe f at and also thesouth-east qimrterof sectíon nutnlifr thirty-Üve in township numher tbree sou tb range fi ve east contninlnj? ni ail two hundred and forty acres of land aocording to the United Stntes suit#t together with the tenements, heredltnment nd appurtenances thereto ín anywiae belonging or thereupon BÜuated. November 6th, A. T.. 1880. A. Esq., Solicitor for CompTaïnjint. JAMES McMAROÏC, Murtgrage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE in the conditions of a certain mortgnge bttr ing date the twenty-cighth day of oTember. Jd the year of our Lord one thounsiid tfght linndred and seventy-six, made and executed by Mareare liyan of the rillage of Mitnchtster, county of Wa!hteuaw and State of Michigan, to Wil ham FOaius of the tüwnship of HttstTcld, ame cnnnty andState( and recordad in tlie office of the Ri-gitter of Deeds of Washtenaw i'ounty aforrssld un the thirtleth day of July, A. D. 1878, st 3. CO o'cloc p. m. of said dny, in liher 54 of mortgngrn, on pftfs 708, and the amount cluixned to be dn ent the dut e of thia notice is 8645.98 (eix hundred foitj-flTe dollars and nínety-eight cents), also tliiriy dollnrs bb reasontible solioitor's or atturney's fee, ín addition to all other lepal costs if any proceedingB should br taken to foreclose this mortgage. end no procnediiigs at law or in equity huviiig ben intituled to rBoover the ome or any pnrt thereof: Notice Is therefore hercby given, that by virtne of the poirr of sale in said mortgage contained I sfcall sell os SaTT'IU'A V, THE EiaiITU DÁ.J OT .1 ANTAUT OOXt, Bit ten o'clock Ín the forenoon of said day at puMl Tendue to the hiRhect bldflor at the Bonth fïoBl door ol the Court House in the city ofAnn Arbor, oounty of Washtenaw aforesaid (thnt bei tig thw building wherein the Circuit Couit for Waahtna couuty !b held), all those certain pieces or parcal of land sitúate in the village of Mnnchester, in ih county of Waülitenatr and state of Michigan known and dencribed as follows, to wit : Btinf Iota nuinber flve and six in block number forty-flr in the vilUfft of Mancheflter, Ín said county and State, according to the recorded plat thereof. Dated, Oct. 15, 1880. COM8T0OK F. HIXL. A dmi nis tra tor of the estáte of Williaai Tr Osius, deceascd. Estáte of Peter III, lïurllugame. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C01TNTT of Wiishtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby giren tfcat by an order of the Probate Court for theCounty of Washtenaw, made on the rinetenth day of November, A. D. lfififl, lix months from thut dat were allowed for creditoxs to present theircUims against tbe estáte of Peter M. Bnriingatne. late ef ftaid county, deceased, and that all creditors of saíd deceascd are requiredtn present thefr claims tonald Probate Court, at tfie Probate Office ín the city f Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the nineteentli day of May next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, o Sttturday, the uiueteenth day of Fcbruary, and on Thuraday, the nineteenth day of May nfxty at ten o'cloeK ín the forenoon of each of said dajs. Dated. Aaa Aibor, Noveni ber 19, A. D. 1880. WILLIAM D.HABRIMAW. iS-wi Jadjrt of PTottt.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus