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How To Behave At Table

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ÜpOp laking your seat, your flrst duty should be to inspeet the cutlery. If the knives b'ear Roger's stamp, for inBtañce, sound the praises of the Meriden manufacture. fhis wil! ciiuse otliers to examine the!r knives. Tliey will marvel at your practical knowledge. And you will live long in the memory of your hostess. AVlien sónp is served, opportunity will present itself to show your superior aüiiininents in gastronomy. ConlUlentiully inform your vi's-a-vi'3, in rbice'suilioièntly loud to be heard all around the table, fhat lïouilleboi is the only person you ever knuw wlio would i make soup lit to eat. Every e}"e will be turncd toward you in adoration. Your hostess will fee] asort of refleeted greatness in having one so gifted coi)deseend to grace her lnmible board. Then blow into your soup as though you were under contract to furnish , 'live power lor a windmill. íhus you will show your haughty ! contempi for conventionalities. For a similar reason, you will eat froin the point of your spoon. 7'his moveinent will make jrou look lik-, the swortl swallower. Your appetírañce will be pictiiresque. Y our élbow will tlireaten your righthand neighbor's oye. In eatifig lisli, whip as big a picce as yon can into your niouth, and tlien pick out the bonos one by ono at your leisure. Yon will resernblo the sleight-of-hand performer pulling ribbons from Lis niouth. Always eat v.ith yotir knifc, and ' closo your lip.s tightïy about it when yon wlthdraw it from your moiilh. Tliis i i 1 keep your knife clean : ing tlie whole meal. Cleanliness is next to godliness, j-on know. With tli e meats comes an excellent I opportunity to exhibit your gymnastic atteinmenta. You will make yourself respected, nov, by your left-hand as wcll as your i right-hand neiglibor. You can make yoursolf slill more agreeable by watohing your opportuuitic" i n conversation. When a geni lemán has transferred a forkful of í'ood írom his píate to his mouth, address liim suddenly. It is very nstructive to seo a gentlemaa (rv io talk with his mouth ful!. It is very amusing to see a gentleman half ehoked in nis ondcavor to gct lis mouthful of food out of theway', that he mav answer you. Of coursfi you will nat all the while you are talking, and talkwhile you eat. Thua wijl you pay a delicate compliment to youi' hostess' s eook, show your social qualities, and prevent o t kers possibly, f rom eat ing more. than is good for them. If pudding is served, say it doesn't agree with you. But eat of it just the same, and cali for more. And here is an admirable opportunity to dilate upon the idiosynwasies of your digestive apparatus. The noblest study of mankind is man. ]f pudding is not forthcoming, remark upon the singular idea soinc people iujvt; that pudding muy be omitted fro'm a dinner without ráinmgthat dinner for people ho understand sueh tliings. Wiien the pie comes, pcep under it, or turn it over like a griddle cake. Tliis especially whefe the lady of the house does her own baking. If the pie is underdonc, it would bc the right tliing to mention the faet. If it be done too brown, say something appropriale to the occasion. Whcn a lady makes a slip in her cooking, she likes to be told of it publiely. Coflee ahonld be drank from the saneer, as though it wepe an oyster in it.s sbell. Tiii.s gives you jannty air. 11' at a private tablc, never pass anytfaing to your'néjghbor. You may want all there is yovirself. Kever hesitatü to ask for what you cniiixj;1 reacli.


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