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]y OTIC E. The inmul meeting of Forcit Hlll Oetnftery Compauy of Anu Arbor, will be held at theorticeof Kmanuei Mnnn, Treasurer, ou Tueaünv, .Jinunrv 4th,18Sl,at2 o'clock p. M., for the elecction of offlcersand the trnnsaotlon of such othsr businM a rnay oome before it. E. B. POND. Oleik. Dated, Arm Arbor. üec. 20, 1880. ITotice. rjlHE AXNT'AT, MEETING of the Was'.tinaw Mutual Fir Insurance Oompnny, wil 1 lie held attheCourt House in the city of Ann Arbor. on .WEDNESDAY.JANUARY IStli, 181, Hl 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpoe of electing oflicera and tranpivting such other buaiuesa as may properly oome before themootinc;. Duted. Dec. 2S, 1S80. 53-2w N. SHELDOV, Scretarv. Kstate of John liarber. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k3 of W'uslitenaw, 33. Notice is heroby glven,tlial byan order of tbe Probate Oourt for theCounty 01 Washtenaw, made on the twenty-seventh day ui Dfeniher, A. I). 18H0. six montlis from that date were allowed for t-reditors to present their elniina aguinat the estáte of Jolin Rarburtlate of s;iil cuan ty. deceased, and thai uil cruditoraoi -aid d.;c-ae rprequlred to present tbeïr claims tv said i'rubat Court,at the l'rohnf' Offim1 in ilie uj ui' An Arbor, for examination and n"wnn,'anr' i - fore tli e twenty-seventh day of Jane noxt. nní 'ht Buch claiiu3 will be heard befure said Court on Mondiiy, the twcnty-eiijliih day of March.andon Monday, the twenty-aeventh day oí Juno next, a' ten o'clock in the foreuoon of eacb of suid dayB, Diited, Ann Arbor, December 27, A. D. 1880. WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 53w4 Judeof Probate. Oll!llllssi(!llMV NoUC6. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT ol Theunderignedhiiinb ■ appointed by the Probate Court tor said Cou Cünimisaionera to receivc. examine and adjust t cluimtt and demanda of all persons aninst h estateot' Küzabetb N'. Letts, late of sa'id eou'i1' deceused, hcreby give notice tlmt aix imintlis fr díittíaití tllowfd, by order of said Probate Cour . for C red i torn to present their claims uguint the catate oí auid dt-ceased, and tbut they will mtet at the uffiuc of William K. Depew. in the villa of Chelsea in said county, onThursday, the twentyfo'irtii dny of March, and oil Friday, the twentyfuurth day of .lunc, next, at ten o'clock a. ir., of each of s:iid duya, to receive, examine uud adjuat Huid cl -il ma. Dated, December 24th, isan. M. 1 NOYES, STEPHEN CHASB, 3w4 Commiasioners, Keal I'; sta te for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wushtennw- sa. In the matter of the estaré of Reu Corbett, decenaed. Notice is hereby givea, that in pursnance of an order gríniteü to tin: underslgned, admiDlstratribt oí the estáte of said deeeased, by tne lïon. Jude of Piobate for the County ot Washtenaw, on the tweoty-eii'htli day of lieceiober, A. J. ISSO, there will ba sold ut public vandue, to the bighest bidder, at the late reside nee of said tteoeused in the township of Saline, in the County of Waahtenaw in aaid State, on Tuesday, THE Fli TlvKNTH DAY OF FebHUARY, A. D. 1881, Ht ten o'olook in the (orenooQ of that dny, (subject to all encumbrances by mortguge or otherwiso existinp at the time of the death of aaid deceased, azid Buo.ipetto the dower and homestead right of Diana E. Wheaton, wido.v f deceased tbereiu) tli iollowiog d&tcribed re.u ►tate, towit: Gommencinir in the centtr of the Parauns and Tecumseh road on tne south iin or a ten acre píete ot land now ( wnrd by Ir;i lïusett, on seetiou 28, township four simili of range live eo&t, thence Mutb twenty-si'ven de-rrees and tifteen minutes went aoven chais and iifty Hoks, fchence south twentyono degrees east ten chaiue, Uu.1 nee east nineteen chiiiiis, thence south seventy-tive links pist h ■priny thenoe east fbur eh.uns to seetiou line between aections 28 nnd 17, thetice south nine ehaioi to corner of land owned by Mr. Blllott, thence eest ninüteeu chains and eitíhty-ñve links to th ; west line of Tol Crittenden's luml, ilience north tventy cliaius to the uortheast corner, tlienco west furtyeight ehains to the place of beginnin, co itaining se t.ity-two acres oí land be tíio saine moreor lust. Uated, Dec. 28, 1880. DIANA E. WIIEATON, Administratrii. Beal Kstate for Sule. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY 0 of Washtenaw - ss. Ld the iiiutter oí tbe est;ito oí Richard Beahan, deceased. Notice is ]iortl)y given, tb at in pursunuce of an order granted to tlie umïersigiuïd, executris. of the estáte ofsaid Richard Beahan, by the Hon. Juáge of Probate lor the County of Washtenaw, ou the twenty-ninthday of December, A. I), 1SS0, there will be aold at public vendue, to the higbest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in tlie County of Wushttnaw in said State, ou TuksDAY, TUK FlFTEKNTH PAY OF KKBRUARÏ, A. D. 1831, at ten o'olook lu the foreuoou ot that day, subject to all encumbrancea by mortgage or Other vise fcxisting at the time of the death ofsaid deeeast'd) the followfiig duoríbed real Mtate, to wii : Comniencingut the inttirsection of the north line o(" ;he Mioliiiiii Centra] Railroad with the west line of 1 road running from Jamtn M. Oougdona ftrst addiiiini in b oorthwesterly directlon aoroassald rail rood. thenoe Dortbvesterlv uIoiiét said road to the louihwest oorner of OD6 acre oí' land docded by II. Hcalniu uiid witti to John iïogs and recordé f in iber 90, page M6, thenoe narthAastorly along the soOthprlf litte of said one acre t the smithéist torner ar (lic same, them ■■ oorthweaterly uloufr the eusterly line of said one acre to the northeasterly ooroer o' the t&me, thence oorth fifi y-flve doffreea east to the northeasl oorncr of 8 pleoe of land dtrribfd in a deed írom James M. Conrdon and wjfe o James Kelley, Nov. 11, 1896, and record ed in iber 42 of doods, page HO, thence south one dere' wenty minutes east throe chai Dl seventy-nine and i half links, thence souh seventy degreea wet o: ie bain nino links, thenoe sonth one degroe twen tv iiinutes eaal fourehaiMMffhty-WTen and one-half inks. thence soutfa M-vinty degreei weet one chain nd Afty-eight links, thence south twenty derees iint four cbaina eihiy-seven linkn, thence touth fvputy denreei weei along the northerly line of tlie iiehigan Central Railroad to tteginning. exoept ■ trip of land two rods wideoir the west side of land auiibed in liber 42 of deeds, page 140. The abovfl esc.iibtdland lyinf? andbeinin the township oi j lv;iii. Washtenav ('ounty, Michigan. Dated, lcc. 29, lR0, LIBBIB BEAHAN, Execntrix. School Bonds for Sale, Mealcd tenders are invitad by the uiulersijned til six o'clork on tlin anemoon of .Tannnry the lih.issi.for tlio purchosp of J4.H0I) (foor thousatü!) of 5 per cent. hondi of School District No. 1 of th City of Ann Arbor, na autborised by the 'aHt annualsebool meetlng.held 8ptemtr 16th, issö, in 1nnmin!tionsut sr,i fi oacn, hearing date February 1, 1S81, anfi payablp hs foltowa : 2,000 dollars] (two thowwnd dollnrj) February 1, 1887. 2,000 dollars, ttwo thousand dollars) Feliruary 1, 1S5H. Interest payabla annually. Both prinripal and interest paynble at the office nf the Troasurer of iraid rllstrlct. The right of ïejeoting íiny oí U bid Is rtsRrvcd. By ordorof th Board of Educa tlon, L. ÖHUNEH, Treaaurer, x Suiith Mam Street. Ann Arbor, December 14, rSO. 52-2w Proposals for Wood. Sealed proposah ftr ISO cords nf wood, four fet lonji, L'ood proen, bitrïy or Mraight liicliory.liard mnple and seconrl frowth opland oak, in quantities not Ifn1 tbnn vn cordl, will be recülvd by the nnilirnijfned, imtll tb lllh day oi Julnmry, 1881, ioelmivo. np to 6 oVlock p. m. The woofl to be delivered in the nest 60 dnya ifter awarding the contract, al th rilft'erent ohool houws ia thii city in auch (utintities as desired. Tho right of rejecting auy or all offer Is reserved. I,. (illIrNKR, Treamrer of School District No. 1 of the city of Ann Albor, 8 Houth Main Street. Ann Arbor, December U, 18 '. 61-Sir The TJiiivei-rsal Urvtli, „ _ MAM BAT88 fc,,';;;, a v-r' --- w..í H Prhx Rtrinetd OM Bmni Knwwl, "" ?,ar, E. J. KNOWLTOfl, Ann Arbor, Mich. For sule ut the Dru? Store of L. S. Leroh. ('oolcH Hotel block ; nlmi bv ('. lOberbacli & Son. South Mail Straet ; amlalsi. liylhc ninnufacturrr, E. .1. Knowl. ton, No. 24 Nortli state Street, Ann Arkor, inh, to whom all correspondenct sliöuld be addreMod. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. rpiiK LABO EST AND BEST STOCK OF PAENTS, OILS, "7a,rri.Is!kLes, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WIÏTDOW CIiASS All Sizcs. ufi-T1 SO:E3GKS_ 2iS and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOR. a J!TNA MÍAME COMFAE Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71.1 Surplus over all Liabilitios, ineludi-'g Re-Insurance Renerve, $4,735,092.88. Net Surplus over Liahilitire. includiüj Re-Inauranca and Capital Stock, $1,732,092.86. C. MACK.Asrnt, Ann Arfcor. IJ IN$ET & SEABOLI'S Bakery, Grocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. "We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesnlo and Ketail Trade.ji "We shall also keep n supply of DELHI LOTJie, J. M. Swift & Co's est Wliitc Wheat Flo -i Kye Flour, Duckwheat Flour, Corn Meul, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At wbnlesttlc anilrotail. A general stock of GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS comtiintly on liand, wbich wïllbesoid on ns reas, onable terms as al other house in ïhe uty. Cush paid fur Butler, Kgg, and Countrj Produce gVEM ruil y. &jr (ioodsdelivered to any part of the city vitht out extra cliarge. KTNSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jftn. 1, 1879. EVEKYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH is'thk Boss Fhotograpber of Ann Arbor. Tourth Street. Fait of Tourt. House ltïror. Abstracts oí" TI tl es. A.l]artie wbo are dasiroiif nf asoertivinitif the ïonaiti'oii offihotitletotheirlanfis.OTpartjetwho latí to loan ino nfty on renl Rstntp wil] do wel] to juli at 6 he Rogi8ti'M)ffioeant1 consult a Comparod Set of Abstract Boolrg. md booi are so far advaneed that' tbe Register au f uruiali on short notic-t a Perfect Statement as to the Title of uy parool of land In Washtenaw Oountj ai ihown by flhe orjinM rcunds. C.M. MANLY. lUffiitor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor. Ann Aniion, Mich., Dto. 6, 1880. The annual meeting: of the stoekholders of thï Iiank for the eTeition ot Directora, will he held a thelr l;unkin bOttM on Tuesduy, thft llth dny o Jar uary nexl. Poll for alection will beopn froxn 10 to izo'elock a.m. 50-5t J. W. KNIOHT, Cusfcicr. lïcal Kstate for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k of Washti nw- SR. Tn thu mntfer of the estáte of Patrick Hughes, doceased. Notiee is lipreliy giren, that in pursuance of an order grnnted to the umlersifrned, adinini.strator with the will nnnexed of tlic i.stnie nf s;iid det-euaed, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the t ivt'nty eiffhth day of Dettorahftr, A. D. 1880, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highcat bidder, t the dweiling house on the premises below descriheil, iu the township of Scio, in the county of Wushtcnaw in said State, on Tuesdat, thk FifTffKHYH day OT EKBBVAtCXfA. D. 1881, at ten oVlock in Uia forODOOD uf that d;iy, (subject to all enoumbrances by ïnortage or otlierwlsu existina: at the time of the death of iaid deceased; all the ftght, ti'le and interestof utd deceii.sed in and to the followinf; dftscrihed real estáte, to wit : The west half of the southwfst quarter of the Boatbeaftt qaorter of soetion Dumber three, in township ninnber two (2) Bouth ranpe number flv {5} east, Washienuw ' County and Statu of Michigan, accordiug to gOTornmbnt mirvev. Dttted, Uaü. 28,1880. JOHN HUGHES, Aflminiatrator with the ill annexod.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus