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- Ofconrse you enjoye d Ohristnaas. - Wlüit did yen get in your rtocklrg? -The Ladics' library comprises 2400 Totumes. - JTearly all places of business were closed on Saturday. - Ye who liave bilis to settle prepare to settle tlieni pretty boot. -The Toledo road madeenongh money last niontli to pay for anotfaer locomotive. wliich wps needed. - Beprrpentative Kinneisreported in favor of Conger forsenator. Bro. Beal booms for Conger in liis Courier. - Wbere is the pnilit in eonfcracting coal to customers at $6,30, and paylng $7 and upvards for it by the oar? -On Monday eveiiingnext will occur the animal election of non-commissioned and civil otlicprs of Cómpany A. -The Cernían Literary S(i'ic(y,()!ympia) will meet on Monday evening next at the usual time at the residence of Hrs. Behr. - .Afterthe wedding in this city Mr. Und Mis. George Johnson of Lodi, departed for Chicago, to return about tho berinning of the new year. - fflierifT-elect Wallace removed his famüv trono Saline yesterday, to their residence in tliis city. Sheriff Case and farnily have removed into a house on comer of Pontiac and .Main streets. - All real and personal property of the late Mis. H.W.Douglas, whose will was adniitted to probate on Monda?, is bequeathed to lier husband, T)r. 8. II. Douglass, who is appointed executor. - Up toyagterda; seven bidsforthe court house janitorship were received by ce n n ty clerk Clark. Tliey will be opei;ed by tlie supervisors who meet on Wedi:esd;iy, and the contract then let. - Owing to inability on the part of those in management to complete the extensión of the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad by Jan 1, 1881, as has been expected, Bubscribers to the fund for that purpose will be solirited to extend their notes for six months. - To-tnorrov proseciiting attorney Emerick will be succeeded by Charles R. AVhitman of Ypsilanti. County treasurer Fairchild by Jncob Knapp of Freedom. Circuit courtcommissioners James MaeMahon and Fred Iïunt by Patrick McKernan and Howard Stephenson. - Otseningo Lodge No. 295, LO. O.F. , of Arm Arbor bas elected the following officers: fT. G., Eli 8. Manley; V. G., C. A. Dow; HecordingSeeretary, Chas. Powell; Permanent Secretary, F. G. Lotz; Treasurer, E. B. Lewis; Repreresentative to Grand Lodge, A. B. Schmidt. - Several gentlemen met at MacMahon hall on Tuesday eyening for the purpose of organizing a hranch of the Irish Land League in Ann Arbor. A meeting is calledfor next Monday evening, when officers wil! be elected and arnmgements made for securing a permanent hall. -As has been the habit for many years the ladiesof the Episcopal church gave a dinner to the county house inniates on Wednesday. A delegation from the society went "over the Mits, on that day and ere t d a Claistmas tree,ur-on whkh was placed apresten for ev] i críen residing there. - NotwithstöDding tlie blizzaid that Vegan to hover over tbis región early in OUl)ose engaged pursued the cold task of placing telophone wires. The central office will be located in the third story of the building occupied by Mr. Zina P. King. The exchangeis pected to be opened within a few days. -At the Christmas festivities of the M. E. cburch, besides the bounteous upper and prestnts provided for the Sabbath school scholars, a revolving book-case was presented to the pastor, Kev. John Alabaster, anl a silver cup to Prof. Steere's baby. The presentatfonswere ín hoth cases made by Mrs. Mary E.Toster. - Edward F. Colborn of tbe law class of '76, carne from llays City, Kansas, ■where he is located in business, and inveigled away oneof Ann Arbor's fair maidens in the person of Miss Lizzie Dygert. Tbey were married on Wednesday by Rev. Wyllys Hall, and on the afternoon of tiiat day departed for their prairie home. -Regent ('umie is one of the ingenious men of Michigan. Invention is a constant study with him,and everyfew monlbs a patent is announcedasgranted to him for soinetliing. Last week one appeared in the dailies on a bolt. - Ilis fence post and sill patent, is being brought before the public by circular. lts merits are therein fully set forth.indorsed by testimoniáis from a number of University professors and its treasurer. -The followingofïicers of the reform clubwere Wednesday eveni'gelectedfor the ensuing six montbs: Pres., John Schumacher; lst Vioe Pres., ('has. M. Jones; 2d Vico Pres., Fred Esslinger; 3d Vice Pres., ('lias. Boylan; Ree. Sec, J. B. Saunders; Fin. Sec, B. J. Conrad; Treas.. David Fiaher; Steward, Wm. Copeland; lst Marshal, Christopher Schumacher; 2d Marshal, Wm. Campion; Serjfeant-at-anns, Wm.Mathews; Janitor, Wm. Fisher. - Contrary to enstomof formeryears, Kev. Mr. Hall of the Episcopal church, this year proposed to the members of his congregation that their presents should be diverted to the poor of the parisli and outside. At the Christmas festivities on Tuesday evening Santa Claus in the person of Mr. Foote Hall emerged f rom a snow house and began to distribute presents offered by classes nd individuals. One class eontributed money to purchase an artificial ye for 3. poor little fellow, lying and suffering in the hospital from an operation that ■deprived him of a portion of his visión. Another class eontributed four suits ei '■ ys' clothps. Many worthy )ersons were made happy, somo by class co■operation and others by individua' charltv. - Snpersisor Dancer, justice McMlllan and town cleik Covert, charged as the town board of Lima with reeeiving the ballot of one Freer, without adminIstering tin; oath, he haring been challenger!, were examined before justice Qranger on Tuesday. Al'tcr a brief examination McMillan and Covert were discharged, after wliich Dancer's case was considered. ft requíred not a long time to convince the court there was no ground for holding Mr. Dancer and he. too, was diacharged. The case arose from petty politica! gpite on the part of political opponents. As we view tho Bituation the voters of Lima ougbt to rebuke the prosecutora by re-clecting the above officials by a larger majoritj than was ever given a candidato in - Holiday Uadeiii Ibis city rever was betler. - A happy new year to the readers of the ARGTJS, and all otliers. - Monthly meeting of emnmou council on J onday eveningnext." - Ailjourned session of the board of supervisors on Wednesday next. -The Presbyterians cleared S100 at their entertainment on ThurscUiy evening of last week. - Monthly meeting of the county pomological society at the usual place to-morrow afternoon. - It is suRgested that Vennor must have ni( ant eleven feet of cold instead of eleven feet of snovv. - G dness, giilp, this ia the last day of leap j èar. What have yon been about for tM lve months past. -San uel Dunster of Attleboro Fajls is making an animal visit to bis son, Prof. Lunsterof the University. - Post offire will be openXew Year's day from 10 to 11 A. M., and 0:30 to 7:30 I". M. No money order business. - Tl e Baptist church peojilo are pleased over their succesgful bnzar, having realized about $250 net proflt. - Iíi kicrs of Michigan central ruilroad siook will be greeted witli n four per cent dividend payable in Febrnary. - Au old resident declares that Wednesdsy was tlie coldest day known to the piople of this sectioo for ten years. - Tlie Finley farm in Seio is offerel for sale, as will be seen by consulting the advertising columns of this paper. - Mr. Abel of the dry goods houseof Bach and Abel is visiting his parents residing at Auriesville, Ilerkimer Connty, ïf. Y. -Mr. L. L. Ilenion, the past few years on the road, has resumed bis position bebind the counters of Messrs. Bach and Abel. - Wm. II. Travis and Miss Betsey Steward, botli of this city, were legally embarked on the matrimonial ship on Tuesday by Justice Clark. - Annual meeting for election of offieers of Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is ealled in this city on "Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 10 a. m. - ïhe calendar for the circuit court which convenes in this city on Tuesday next comprises -49 cases, divided thus: Criminal 9, issues of fact 25, imparlance 1, chancery 14.


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Ann Arbor Argus