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lístate oí Mary 15. lMmiurth. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CÓUNTY of Wmhtenuw, ss. At a sescion oí tlm Probat Court for the County of Wafthtenaw. lioldenat the Probate Office, in the city of Ami, oí, Thiirsday, the thirtieili day of December, iu tlie year onethouHund eight hundredand eigbty. Present, W ïlHum D.HairimaD,J udgeof Probate. In the matter ot the eatutu ot iMui.v ii. banlurth. lieceasect. On readingand filing the petition duly verificd of Cyrus A. .Lewis, prayiug th;tt admioletratioj) of said estáte may be gruuted to himself or some otker suifiiblt; perron. Thereupon it is ordtred, that Mondig, the twen- ty-iourth day of Jannary next, at ten o'cin.k in theíorenoon, be as8ÍKn-'l tor the hearing oí aaiá petition, nnd that the heiraatlaw of said deceaaed and uil other pereons interested m auid eatate,are required to appear at & sesnion of said court, then, to be holden at the Probate Otüce in the city of Aim Arbor, and show cause, if iny tbeie be, why thepruyer of the petitioner chould pot be gruuted. And it is f urther orderei thnt said petitioner givenotice to the persons interested in said estute, of the pendency of aüid petition nd the henrins tbereoi, by causiuj; n oopy ut this order be pubUshed in the Ahn Abbor A-BGUS, a newspárer printed and circulated in said county, thrte succeasive weeks previouB to said day of heariup. W1LLIAM D. HARRIMA', f A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. Ü. Doty Probate Reariater,


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus