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Life In Berlin

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The more I see of the muidle classes of Berlín - the lawyers, professors, merchants, etc, the more. I ara surprised at the economy shown everywhere. Hamburg seems luxuriou.s by the side of it. No house with carpeting; and few with rich furniture even. A ïamüy seems sekiom to have more than two servants. In some housea of wealthy merchante, Ihave Been the dining-roonu furnished with beds in curtained alcoves, so oontractd is the accommodation. And in nearly all, some of the sitting-roonis are turnéd into bedroom as the iirst thing with a' Germán ia to have a place in which to chat with bis friends, and aftcr that, wheve tp Ujv his head. I see, too, that the Hamburg bountifnl dinnei-s are not in TOgUfi here; and invitatlons are usually to supper - a substantial, plain meaL Yet there is the roost constant and easy sociality everywhei-e; and it is a,p"partnt at once to the strunger, he is among peij)le of the highest culture and iviiiieinent.. Money seems to be gpent readily on entertainments in Dusiü :md ait, and lor soeial enjoyment; but not mnch on mere luxury and display. Wlicn a Berlin scholar.' 'orinan of business, uives a party, he does it in a simple, iniwpensiv vay- generous eno'ugh in iB ; visiona, but uot of a ven eustly kin(f_ Ifhewould ride out with lus lannly. he quietlv takes a droshl.y (eab). Nonebut a few superannuated noblemen sport ouv New York équlpagfesi Soniething of all this is duo, witfiout doubt,, to the small means of the people; buts more to their good sense. Towaiw the foreigner taere i.s less, 6otv, of outward hospitality than iu otttei-Qernian cities; but the want is mere Imwa madonpby the lively, easy, rBtoMtetua.1 in tereourse into wk)-h lae tU be admitted, and the genuino interesl taken k him, if he has imytiiíngworth hvinv; nterested in.- JR-wce" IIiMUt-LiJ.O tnQcnuany. Thelatest stori'es told of thelMttirof Bavaria do aot iticBcate that he i no lono-er eccentria Hia prestal i'! i i to resemble Louis XIV.. and' he is-luiving a palaee built oopied "rfter that of Versaüles, and wliich wjll eost 75,000, 000 marks-. Sonuvtiiiie üim-a he caused a certain General of his snite to be aronsetl at 2 o'clock in the morning to play a "ame of bfiliards. The General was sleepv, ami was nnable to keep from yawiiing during bh rame. i lio Kin" said nothinir, bui. tós ncxt day the General was placea the retired list, "for bavingToeen vanting in respeotto bis Majesty." According to the Lyora (Kranceï Medícale, the marriageable age1 n AoBtrfa is 14 for both sexea; in Gorman W for men and 14 for woincit: in Belgium, 18 for men and 15 for romen; in Spain, 14 formén and 12for woinen; in l'naiue 18 foriiieiiiuid 15 for yyopaepi; in Greeoo, 14 for men and I2forwomen; in Catholio Hungary, 14 formen and V2 for women; iu Protestant Hungary, 18 for men and 15 for women; in ftaly, 18 for men and 15 for women; in PortnèM, 14 for men and 12 for women; in Russia Romanía and Saxony, 18 íor mea and 16 for woroeii. Three American yinn;r (adíes atan inn at thft villaje of 'bii. ip. in !i:l in tb column of the book beadotl OccaiJatioit" wifh the vorSü Lor a husbuud." Srrah Bemhardt'a dressmakert lill at Fcüx'á, Paris, amounted to 79,500 francs.


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