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LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of joJm Frlederich Zalm. nTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTTt K J of Washtenaw, as. At a sesaimí of the l'rolwu Oourt for thc Cotinty of Wushtinaw, Iioldtn .t tile Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arhor on Thursday, tbe seconil day of Beoemlwr, in 'lh yearooe thouaand niiit hundred and dghty. Present, WUliam D. Harriman, Judgeot Probatt In the matter of the estáte of Johu Fricdenth Zalin, deeeased. John tí. i'eldkamp, exeeritor of the last will nnA testament of Baid deceased, oomea mto eourl aiifl representa that he is now prepared to render hii öua] account ft Buch executor. Thereupou it ia oidered, thut Wedneiday th flflh dar of JoriUHry next, nt ten u'clock in th forciioon beiiBsifcUed for examinirjg nud allowinr :iuch account, anu that the devitees, Ipgattes, er.1 heirs nt luw of süio dtccased. and all othBrpcr.on intpiested in eaid emate. are required to iippear nt i sesaion of snid Corrt, thin to be holden at thc Viabn te Office in the cit ol Avv Arbor. in uid oouitj and show cause, it ar.j tl.erebe, why the miid t.' oount ehoultí not be allcwed : And it is furtliet ot. dered. that Raid ext-cutoi givp notice to intereted in ftaid ftate. ol the pendency o! tmiit iiccount aud tht hrnriliL' thereof, by cuukmik a ecipi ol thinordei fo be publirtied in the As Aüki, A kous, n newspnper prinled and elrculatlmn 1 said county, three succecaive weekü prvriou vo tiiA dn} oí haai ing. WILLIAM D. n.VKUIMAK, fAtrueoopy.) .lu.ig ol Protmt,. Wm.O.Doti. Probate Healstcr. lístate of Joseph Arnolil. OTATE OF MICHKiAX, COITNTY 1O of Wasliii-niiw,!). At asession ofthe Probjl court for the Couniy of Washtenav. IioWmi ai n„ Probate Offlce iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Stm day, the elcventh duy of Di-cemK-r, in thf yenr one thousiind r'it.i lmiKÍred and oiht y. Present, Williani D. Harrhnan, Judge ui Proijait Io the matter ofthe eMate ol Jowih Ariuld' deoeawd. ' Willinm H. Arnold, exerntor of tlielait will .f testament ofsaiii dereascd, conwi lourl añd representa lliut lie is now prcpnred to rcnder Li iiliïil account as such executor. Thereupon it i ordfred, that Tnesday, tlie eleven th duy of.Ianuarv not. at ten n the forenoon, be assigned for ei mining and allowinr such account, and that tl e devisecs, lef-alees and heirsatlaw of sald dece.-prdtand all othor persom interested in nIA are required toappeir a t session of snid court, tlien to be holden at the Probnte rD're intlie city of Ann Artior. In saidcoi'nty and show cause, f anv there be, why the .1 ccountshould not he allowed : And it Ia further 01 dered th ai said executor give uotice to the pcnoni intereil.d in said estáte, of the pendency ofaaid -jcouiii and the hearing thereof. by causin'g a cupf oi tlns on., r to be published in the Au Akboi Abííus, a l.ewtpaper printed and circulatin in said county threesuccesaive weeks prTioua to aaid day of hejirii.L'. [A true oopj] "ÏV-ILLIAJI D. HARH1MAN, Judge ol Probate. Wï. O. DoTy, Probate Eegiiler. lisíate of Wllliaiii Grandy. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUKTY O o f WasbteiiHv, ss. Al a stsslou of the I'r.l tt Court forthe Couuty of Wusnienu , hulden at tbi Probate Offirc ín tbe city oí Aun Albor, en J-mur(Jay, the eïeventh d;iy óf Peo-mlxr; in the Tfw oiiitlioiiFíiiiílciElii hundnd and fij.hly. PreseO t, W i lijara I). II animan, Ji áuv of TV biti Ín i lie matter of the estáte of WÜlJhiu (jrndy deci u-erl. Jan ci W. Wintr, ejecutor of the lst wil ind testnii tnt of s:'id deceated, comen intu rourt j.nit rejtiniitB lifítt lio is iitjir prepiavd tu render bii tlriMl sccotmt if Mtch txeouiur. Tin r(.'U]on il-T Qrdered, ihat Fnivrday. thi eiginli day of January uext, at ten o'eluik ia tlie ftn iioon, be assiutrl fr exainiiiin. and allow iiifrmuh account. íind (hut ttirdfrisvriilegatttffpa lioii al luw ol Bfttd dect'iiicfl. and al] oiïier peiêoni ii)tcn'ud in snid eistnii-, rcrjuirn] to ]eir at a KHiiOB'of aniíl court, tht'n lo -v holdi n tt tlie 1' (Jffice in the i-ity oí Ann .Arbor in Baid coMit}, and show cause, if any ihcr let why tl. e Baid account should not' t-e nilowcd. And it is fuiiher ordertd tlist ,-aid dniinisírat'r give nutice tü the persins ínteretf4 in said estale ol pendeiicy of raid account aud the hearing thereoí, ty cnusinp a ctfpy of línsor der to be published In the As Aitnón .Ai.fírs, % newspaper priuted and circulntinp Ín said v unty, threeauccessive weckapreviou tosaid dayof hraring. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, (A trne copv.) Judgeof Probati, Wm. G.Doty, Probate Register. JHortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE In the enndition of a certain morfgngt bfiring date tlip twenty-eijihth day of .v ovfmbii, i thfl yoar of our hord one thonnaiid tight ï.undrri and seTenty-six. made and executed by Varert Kyan of the tí1Ui;p of ÏJnncli ester, eonnt) of Wwshteuuw and State of Michigan, to Vill:in 7. (Jiius of the ttJiroship ot Pittpfteld, iiuni cottotf and Htate, and rei'ordrd in the office of t!:t Bcgii ter of Decda of Waahtenaw ('oimtr afnrestid ob the thirtieth dayoj July, A. T. 1878, at f.M u'clock P. M. of siiid day, in lihcr 54 of irurtgafres, on tuf Tí'ií. and the anvmnt rliiimt'd to bf nu ent the dn ip of thi? notfw ie 8A4A.W" ímx hTTndrPd foitj-flvedollarB and ninely-eieht cent.1!, hIho thiriy dtl'srsmi reiwonal Je solicitor'e or attortiey' fee, ín dt. . (.niö all other loial costs if ny proceedinps shonlf ! ïnken to f oréelos, lilis mortgagtt and ro pT(cid ings ut law or ïu equit hüvin been initihitei to recover t)e iarac or any tbeieof: Koiir ii tlierefoip herohy given, thftt by virfne of the jmjwm of falo in suid raortgapf contained I shull niï on Satuhdav, the Ejgntii 1'at of Januahy next. t ten o'cluek in thp toreiiOf-n of said diiy t piiblli Tendue to the hip nest bidder at the somh fronf door oí thtfCouri House in the city ofAnoArbor, county oi Wnslitenaw aforesaid +T"bgiiM buildine wbert'in thc Circui1 C - -"T! AUQOty is hWï, uil thosc ;;ertain plorP5 or parcfc of land fitnuie in tb villafre oi Manchester. íp tU eounty of Wnshtennw and State of Michijriin, known and dBeribfd as follnvs. to wit: living Iota number five nd six in block mnnbfi forty-flri Ín the of Mmichestpr, in said county &ud Stnfe, coordinar to the remorded plat thcreof. Dated, Oct. 15, I8S0. COMSTOCK F. BILL, Administrator oT the e&tate of WiUiaaT. Oaius, dect'i'Sed. Real F.stïite for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Watiitenaw. !. Tn the nirttter of eatiti of John Adam Brocz, deceajd. Notlce i tereby gíveii.thíit in pnt-Miance of an ordor granted tolfc undersigned. adroiriwtrator -with th# will ainel of the est a tv o!' mhïi) John .Adam Brow, by thf Hoc Judge oí Proba' e for the cnunty oí WasMi-d, on tbO tweiity-first day of recémb'r, A. I. l5". there will be wild at public rei dut, to the hipt bidder, al the bte rwidenee nf saiü dvct wed ia the towiihhip of the couuty nf Wii' toiiaw, in siiid Siate, on Satii;t)-v. thf T;i"tt üiY OF FfBRÜABY, A. D. 1S-Ï), 11! ten rï'eloA i the forennon of tb ut dav (sub'ect tn il] enmm br.;iici'u fy morlpatft' or o'bprw.'e e?ia'iifr af ' timeoftbe death of sniH decnsdi th" fut ""'"? descrihed rel fstati1. to wit: TweWed") Tfof land in the soutlieAtt corner of the wwi Yrff nf th# nurtlipiist qnnrter of seciimi i unbfr tlmt-tii; a'stt thr'e (3) Reres of land ttdjoirirg the Bh''T di Knbed twelre acres on the et aidt, runittet ■Í f rom the road the jame di.Nince n irf twtli iicies, mul oi bucIi widtli n to make thre and uil bei dc in set-tinn thitty-slx and ttwnrhipoi [■ rcfdoin. In W ssliirrnw couniy, V:ikigkn, cflU tftfoiog iifieen Rere of' In na, Dted, December 21. l0. AAEON L. FEIPKAMP, AdmfntrRtor with tfe wil! arn'ïCotnmlssioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COI'NTY of Wnshtenaw, ss The un(i.n(í hitinf been uppnnted bythe Probate Cuurt for snid (o'icty, Commi.sin]ipr5 to receivr. examine, umi rtjut uil ebtimp nd domnnds of all persone nitiimi tlw pstutf ot lïnssell Parker, late ot unid mvi ty df ?ca!-ed. herehy ;ï o tiotic thut aix mnnihh froB ñute are nllowetl, by or'lri of aid Pinhale 'ourt,! Fur crt'riitorh to present theii cliilBgaiIll tbr espute uf taid deceased, aun thut they will metrt t il.e otfice of ilie of Pioi-Htr ti tic -Hy jM AnnArhor, in shuI cniintj-. on Ttifniiny, Ihe eemli rtny of Miirch, nnd on t dnoday, the! ittt't-nth day oi .Tune nol, ;tt ten o'eli;ck a. x.' ;.. ■nch of B.'iid dayt?, lo ïdieive, exiiinini-, una adju! ftlfl clnims. Diited, DeceinLer 15, D. I9HP, j. w vm, 51 w4 C I CKEAPEST 1TEWSPAPEB IK the W QKLIU TWO CCPIES FOR OME CC LM - oi: - FOUR CO FIES for TWO DCLLfS With an extra copy thrown In for every Club of four. Theae are the new term of THE ECHO, the t wef-kly ncwt-jpi'jM r in Ibf State. ETEHY11ODY WAXTS iT.f. Adehesa, THE ECHO, Detroit, Mie! THE EVEKING KF.M'f, ' Dtiily ('iicul:itioit 27,1 00 Copie!!. Brigltt, Newsy HDd Independe ntf By Mnil,$.".(;0 n Yenr, Addrti-, ']'iie KvKMNr; N'EWil,] Dotroit. Mich. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs - TUI' PMMOr'lll ICf? KS. onrojS les. breed k of ponHry. i on fale by WM. BfiÉ Sn f rrior, P. O. nrtHros Ani A rl (-1 .] " por f1ozin , or ?-" for two dozen. I hls r the CorW Newinjr'on, ('oiin., breed, timong the besl foröjf and table. MR BUSIT hrtpon sale prire Hcmte, the l)fi" -f "ftnagpson l'lymiMitlï lïoilin, tonlaininf 1 ii-Ttion. for iiinliuL', brPffling. a v a; tl in.i1"1 j ment of this varleiynt fowln." I is hu admirag jut it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus