Quarter Million Dollars Paid
Quarter Million Dollars Paid
In Death Claims By The Ladies of the Maccabee
Great Record Keeper's Report Shows the Immense Amount of Business Transacted
Something of the immense amount of business transacted by the Ladies of the Maccabees can be gained from the following, which is the report of Emma E. Bower, the great record keeper:
Receipts for 1901...$329,286.43
On hand Jan. 1, 1901...76,423.52
Money paid in assessments (6 called in 1901)...$281,874.51
Death Claims Paid, 1901...254,275.00
Disability claims paid, 1901 7,975.00
Other disbusements...46,548.41
Membership, Jan. 1, 1902, endowment...47,259
Membership, Jan. 1, 1902, social...15,291
Number deaths, 1901...289
Amt. represented in outstanding certificates...$42,000,000.00
Amt. in reserve fund...56,715.00
Assets, Jan. 1, 1902...$97,011.69
Liabilities, Jan. 1, 1902...57,211.69
Cost of official organ, 1901...4,681.90
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat