A Motorman Electrocuted
Herbert J. Harrison was Killed at Chelsea
The Remains Were Brought to Ann Arbor Conductor was Injured
Chelsea, Mich., March 12.- Last night on car No. 6. of the Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson, due here at 9 o'clock. going east, Conductor Hullen and Motorman Harry Harrison, of Ann Arbor, while fixing the trolley pole on top of the car, received a shock. Hullen was burned on the leg, but revived and is not badly injured. Harrison, although the doctors worked on him for two hours. did not recover consciousness and died about midnight. They had trouble with the trolley three miles west and the accident happened at the depot here.
The remains of Herbert J. Harrison were brought to Ann Arbor about midnight and were removed to his home on Forest avenue. Mr. Harrison was 35 years old. He leaves a wife and three children. He formerly lived in Inkster.
Mr. Harrison was a member of the Wayne lodge of Odd Fellows. William Jacobus went to Wayne Wednesday to make arrangements for the funeral, which will take place at Inkster on Saturday mornings at 10 o'clock.
Coroner Watts will hold an inquest next Tuesday.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat