Drag Net Keeps Doing Work
Three More Students Were Run in Tuesday Night
Looks as if the Overdraft of the City Would be Soon Wiped Out
The drag net keeps doing its good work of paying off the overdraft of the city and if the officers continue Ann Arbor will not be broke much longer, but will have money to burn.
Tuesday night three young students started in on a lung exercise on Fourth avenue and Officers Gillen and O'Mara promptly gathered them in like fathers who had just found their abducted children.
The officials have become wearied of the continual trouble with the students after being arrested and last night the justice was not routed out of his bed to come down and give them bail.
The young collegians were obliged to remain in jail all night and the only procedure that was withheld from them was Kelsey's spray bath.
Wednesday they were brought before Justice Doty, who told them of the gravity of their offense with as much seriousness as if they were being sentenced for the assassination of President McKinley. They each pleaded guilty and Justice Doty taxed them each $5 line and $5.13 costs.
They melted and settled at the captain' s office.
A fourth student, who got away Tuesday night, apeared before Justice Doty Wednesday and also paid $10.13 for his disturbance, He had the advantage of his companions in that he did not pass the night in the Bastile.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat