Schairer & Millen
Schairer & Millen
The New SUITS Are In
Over 100 Just Opened and
Ready for Your lnspection
IN OUR BUSY CLOAK AND SUIT ROOM. All the new weaves of Pebble Cloth, Canvas Cloth, Broadcloth, Venetian, Covert, Blind Pebble, Homespun, etc., in the popular shades of Wood Brown, Castor, Gray, Bluette, Navy and Black. A showing that demonstrates the fact that smartness and shapeliness in ladies' garments doesn't necessarily indicate high prices
that are absolutely correct, exact reproductions of made-to-order Suits.
$10, $12.50, $15
Others up to $25
It will pay you to see these splendid values before placing your order for a suit
Silk Dress Skirts, A BEAUTY BARGAIN,
High-quality Silk Dress Skirts in a dozen different patterns and styles - all new and one choicer than the other - a special purchase of actual $15
Skirts choice for $10
Others at $15, $18 and $20
200 New Walking and Dress Skirts are are made of Meltons. Cheviots, Men's Suitings, broadcloths, Canvas Cloths and Homespuns at $3.75, $5, $7, $10)
Black Taffeta Silks, 3 great selling numbers at 50c, 65c and 83c yd.
WHITE DRESS GOODS, for Confirmation Dresses
White India Linons, special values at 5, 8, 10, 15c yd ;
PERSIAN LAWNS, plain white at 25, 35 and 50c yd
REAL SWISS, 50 in, plain white at 35, 50 and 65c yd
FANCY WHITE LACE STRIPES at 10, 15, 20 and 25c yd
WHITE PIQUES at 15, 20 and 25c yd
New Silk Waists, prettier than ever are this spring's Silk Waists and very different too, as you yourself will say when you see them. See the swagger wide shouldered son waists in black, white and colors that we are showing at $5.00 and $3.75
Schairer & Millen, the Busy store
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat