The Touch Does It -- Benson's Plasters ad
Benson's Plasters are like your other friends -- they hate to see you in pain or in weakness and are dog-tired hearing you complain about it. They want to cure you and send you along to your business -- whole and happy. They can do it and will do it. Try them on. What for? Why for any cough or cold you may be troubled with, or any bothering pain or ache, or worry with kidneys or liver. Possibly some old clutch of muscular rheumatism renders an arm or a leg worth only half price just now. For anything that makes the machine work slow and stiff, with pain maybe in the motion of it, clap a Benson's Porous Plaster squarely on the bad spot. They are the get-out-tomorrow plasters -- not the sort that go to sleep on your skin like a cat on a cushion. There is comfort and speedy relief in the touch of them. No other external remedy, no matter how made or how called, is worthy to live in the same street with Benson's Plasters; it is as sure as the effect of a hot breakfast in a hungry man's stomach. But look out for substitutes. Get the genuine. All druggists, or we will prepay postage on any number ordered in the United States on receipt of 25c each.
Seabury & Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat