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The Finances Of The Villages

The Finances Of The Villages image
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Three of the villages of Washtenaw have just published their annual financial statements, and their annual financial statements and some interesting figures can be given.

In Saline $990 was received by the village from liquor taxes, $405.36 was raised by village tax and $210 from the sale of cemetery lots. The total expenditures for the year have been $888.45, the main expenditures being street lighting $300, streets $249.68, cement walks $189.18, cemetery $60.37 and fire department $75. The village has $740.46 on hand as against an overdraft of $14.22 last year.

In Milan the receipts from liquor taxes were $680.77, from general tax $1,844.33 and from poll tax $141. There was expended $1,199.29 from the general fund, $1,445.98 from the highway fund and $410.07 from the sidewalk fund. The village has on hand $645.58 as against $748.88 last year.

The total disbursements in Chelsea were $19,212.16. This includes all the expenses of the waterworks and electric light plants. The receipts of this plant were $7,625.57, including $800 raised from the sale of a house. The receipts from lights were $4,270.31 and from water $697.69. Of the receipts the report states that F.P. Glazier and the Glazier Stove Co. paid $2,164.31 of these receipts. The disbursements of the plant were $6,765.57 and $1,522.29 was paiud into the general fund. During the year a $1,500 bond has been paid and an old note of $2,000 with interest besides $2,150 interest on outstanding bonds. These payments seem to have been made out of the general fund. There was on hand March 1, 1902. $74.73. The bonded indebtedness of Chelsea at present is $43,400. The village taxes collected were $7,847.65 and the saloon licenses amounted to $1,485. The statement is not divided so that it can be told by an outsider how much was spent on the streets, etc.