Resort Plans At Wolf Lake
Something definite regarding the making a resort of' Wolf lake by the Jackson & Suburban Traction company may be known soon, says the Jackson Press. A representative of the company went to Chelsea yesterday in hopes of closing the deal for a portion of the Tuttle farm on the northwest shore of the lake, but the people were in Chicago, and nothing was done. Today work of driving piles through the ice was commenced, and there is little doubt of the deal being consummated. On these piles will be erected a casino 60x120 feet and three stories high. The basement will be used for boats, bath and bowling alley. The second floor for dining room and kitchen and third floor for dancing and concerts. The bank of the lake is high enough so that a slight incline will bridge from the bank to the dance hall, and a slight decline from the bank to the restaurant.
It is said there will be no trouble about getting a right-of-way from the present road to the resort for a spur of the Grass Lake electric line.
The plan for an up-to-date resort has been thought out but until the deal is closed for the land there is some uncertainty.
Old News
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