Charitable Union Annual Meeting
At the annual meeting of the Charitable Union the following officers were elected for the coming year:
President- Mrs. W. H. Butts.
First Vice-President- Mrs. Steele.
Second Vice-President- Mrs. Parker.
Secretary- Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge.
Treasurer- Mrs. Philip Bach.
The following ladies were appointed on the ward committees:
First ward, Miss Sager, Mrs. Morris; second ward, Mrs. Bach. Mrs. Butts; third ward, Miss. Wetmore, .Mr. Booth, Mrs. Duncan; fourth ward, Mrs. Parker, Miss Denning, Mrs. Seabolt; fifth ward, Miss Noble, Miss Brown; sixth ward, Mrs. Lan, Mrs. Pomeroy, Mrs. Raymond Davis; seventh ward. Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Dr. Prescott, Mrs. Elisa Jones.
The reports of secretary and treasurer for the year were as follows:
SECRETARY'S REPORT. The report of the past year's work will be brief. Since the last annual meeting, at which 18 were present, but l'our meetings have been held, at two of which there were seven ladies present and at two six.
During the year 24 visits have been received by members of the ward committees, and 19 visits made. Sixty-seven dollars' worth of second-hand clothing has been distributed. The names of 21 different families have been reported as having received assistance.
The work done is less than in previous years, and the question arjses whether this is because there is finally less need. Do the ward committees know of all the poor who should be assisted? If this is so and there are more neglected of course it is a matter for rejoicing that so few need help. But if there are those who should be assisted, but whose wants are unknown, then it becomes necessary to consider whether our methods of work are the best possible.
The question also arises whether, if there is so little to be done, it is worth while to continue the organization, but probably the few who are helped by the union would suffer, were its work suspended.
The city papers, as usual, have published all our notices free of expense. To them and to all who have helped the work of the union, we express our thanks.
MARY W. D'OOGE. Secretary.
TREASURER'S REPORT. March 7, 1901, Balance in treasury: $43.01
Membership dues $23 00
Thanksgiving collection $36 83
Collection, St. Andrew's Church $23.13
Mrs. Charles Green $5.00
Mrs. J. B. Angell $5.00
James H. Wade $5.00
Martin Haller $2.00
Received for hospital work $5 00
Total $147 97
Paid First ward $18 00
Second ward $6.50
Third ward $15.65
Fourth ward $19.36
Fifth ward $15.50
Sixth ward $100
Sewing school $10.00
March 5, balance in treasury $43.96
Total $147 97
ANNA A. Bach, Treas,
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat