Koch's Big Store ad
Brand New Go-Carts
We've got about 50 new styles of Go-Carts. They're better, more improved, and handsomer than ever.
Furthermore they are cheaper.
Got better gearings, -- softer springs, -- easier running wheeles, -- and best of all a perfect adjustment.
An adjustment that gives you all the benefits of the baby-carriage, and all the advantages of the go-cart. A new adjustment that has revolutionized the old way of making carriages.
It is such a great change from the old go-cart and so much better -- that we call it by a new name.
It's the GO-CARETTE.
We have them for $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00, etc., and we'd like to have you see them, because you'll surely buy a GO-CARETTE, if you think a lot of your baby.
KOCH'S Big Store
300, 301, 304 SO. MAIN
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