Couldn't Locate The Fire -- Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ad
Couldn't Locate the Fire
The press recently described a baffling fire. Smoke came pouring from the windows of a large warehouse. Engine after engine came dashing to the spot in response to the alarm. Streams of water seemed to fairly flood the burning building, but all efforts were useless. The structure was a total loss. "We couldn't put the fire out," said the chief, "because we couldn't discover where it was located. Smoke curled from the roof and poured from the windows, but we had to work by guess. We couldn't find the real source of the fire so we couldn't put it out."
Now, what does that remind you of in everyday life? Have you ever seen a man or woman taken down suddenly sick ? A doctor is called. He tries to overcome the disease, but it gains on him. He calls in another doctor. They study the symptoms, which appear in heart, liver, kidneys, or other organs, and are baffled like the firemen by the smoke from the various windows of the building. They can locate the symptoms, the smoke of disease, but they can't locate the disease itself, the real fire centre.
A 4-11 CALL.
Then there goes out the medical 4-11 call. A half dozen doctors are called. They try their best, but they can't find the hidden source of disease. That generally ends it. The fire of disease destroys the building of the body. But it isn't always so. Sometimes somebody suggests trying Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and to the general amazement the fire is put out -- the disease is cured.
"Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine made," writes Mr. Michael Maher, of Littlefalls, N. Y. (68 Centre St.). "I had yellow jaundice and liver trouble in November, 1900. Was almost dead, lost sixteen pounds in three weeks and my whole body was as yellow as gold, and I was sick at my stomach all the time. I gave up to die. I tried three doctors and they gave me tablets and pills, and another one some other stuff, but I went to Messrs. O'Rourke & Hurley's drug store and got your 'Golden Medical Discovery.' One bottle cured me, and I thank it and God that I am a well man.
"I am a believer in God and I know that your medicine with my prayers to God cured me. You may publish this, and my name and address."
Now, how is it that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cured when everything else failed? Because it went right to the source of the disease. It found the fire and put it out. It wasn't like an engine shifting its hose to play on a new point every time a new cloud of smoke came out. It wasn't diverted by symptoms in liver, lungs, heart or kidneys. It went right for the spot where the fire probably started -- in the stomach.
When a fire breaks out in a building the most natural place to look for its origin and force is in the neighborhood of the furnace, or along the line of pipes and flues by which the sparks and smoke are conducted. There's just as sound a philosophy in Dr. Pierce's location of disease as probably originating in the stomach. The stomach is the nutritive center of the body. When the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition are diseased every organ suffers, first from lack of nutrition which causes physical weakness -- and next from a corruption of the blood which is made from food, because undigested substances are received into it and poison it. Symptoms of this condition may appear in heart, liver, lungs, kidneys or any organ, while the cause is in the diseased stomach. When the stomach is cured by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" the symptoms in heart, lungs, liver, etc., disappear, just as the smoke dies down when the fire is put out.
"I feel it my duty to tell of the wonderful good Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Favorite Prescription' have done me," writes Mrs. Ada D. Way, of Waterbury, Dixon Co., Nebr. "They have cured me of liver complaint, female trouble and rheumatism. A year ago I was so miserable I felt as though life was not worth living, but to-day I feel quite different. After eating I would be taken with terrible cramps and distress in stomach and right side, which would last from three to four hours -- I was almost afraid to eat anything. To-day can eat anything I want. In taking the 'Golden Medical Discovery' for stomach trouble I was entirely cured of rheumatism, which I had had for almost ten years, and had tried almost everything I ever heard of to get cured, but if I did get a little better it would only be for a time and the least exposure would bring it all back on me again. I think the 'Favorite Prescription' the best medicine ever known for women, and the 'Pellets' have no equal to my notion. I keep them in the house all the time. They are all the doctor we have had for two years. Words cannot express my gratitude."
There's no denying the fact of the cures effected by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures through the stomach diseases of other organs remote from the stomach, but which have their origin in disease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It puts out the fire of diseases because it goes to the source of disease, and cures the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Life is sustained by food and food alone. But food will not sustain life except it is properly digested and assimilated. Blood is digested food, and is food in its nutritive form. Diseases which prevent digestion affect the quality and quantity of the nutrition extracted from food. As the food is affected so the blood made from food is also affected, and through the blood the whole body dependent on the blood for its vitality is affected. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and its allied organs, and enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food. It purifies the blood, increases it in quantity and improves it in quality, by enriching it with the red corpuscles of health.
Sometimes a dealer, tempted by the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines, will offer the customer a substitute as being "just as good" as the "Discovery." It is better for him because it pays better, but it is not as good for you, if you want the medicine that has cured others, and which you believe will cure you.
A 1008 page book, free for the asking. You can get the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, the best medical book ever published, free, by sending stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
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