Marriage Bells At Manchester
News of a Wedding in Washington that is of Interest to Manchester People
Manchester, Mich., March 13. -- T.H. Withingham, of Toledo, was in town Wednesday.
A.J. Waters went to Detroit Tuesday on legal business.
Miss Edyth Covey, of Tecumseh, is the guest of Miss Cynthia Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koebbe and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Springer attended a surprise Monday on Mr. and Mrs. Simon Nissley, of Bridgewater.
Mrs. Willis Watkins spent the latter part of the week in Ann Arbor.
The Alpha Sigma held a special meeting Wednesday for the purpose of nominating officers for the next year.
The Athletic association of Chelsea will give an entertainment in Arbeiter hall this evening, the principal feature of which is a comedy entitled "Captain Swell."
Word was received here this week that Mat Grossman and Miss Henriette Graham, formerly of this place, were united in marriage at Ballard, Washington, March 4. Their many friends at this place extend to them hearty congratulations and best wishes.
Herbert Teeter, of Milan, came here Wednesday to attend the wedding of his sister.
The Schiller Male Quartet, assisted by Mrs. Nettie Jackson, gave their concert Tuesday evening to a large and appreciative audience. Every number on the program was encored twice. Their harmony was perfect and they more than met the expectations of the listeners The seniors cleared $10.70 on the course.
Wednesday at high noon occurred the marriage of Mr. Floyd Smith, of Flawton, O., and Miss Alma Teeter, of this place, Rev. Mr. Kamm officiating. Only the relatives of the contracting parties were present. The newly wedded couple left immediately after the ceremony, carrying with them the best wishes of their friends.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat