90,000 Pounds Of Wool Bought
Milan, March 11. -- The Independent ticket was elected Monday, March 10, with the exception of one trustee. Milan village is now officered as follows: President, Wesley Robison; trustees, A.D. Jackson, Charles Woolcott, Joseph Gauntlett; clerk, Fred Wilson; treasurer, Milton Clark; assessor, W.P. Draper. The atmosphere is blue with cigar smoke of the victors' treats.
The Henderson stock company hold the boards at Gay's opera house this week. This is an exceptionally fine theatrical troupe as each actor is an artist in their line. The house opened Monday evening with an interesting play, entitled, "Forgiven." The audience was large and appreciative.
Mrs. H.A. Field leaves for Adrian on the 12th for a short visit with Miss Florence Galpin.
Mrs. Ida Steffy of Ypsilanti is the guest of Mrs. J.C. Rouse this week.
Attorney and Mrs. D.C. Salisbury of Battle Creek spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Knight.
Mr. Baldwin purchased of W.H. Hack & Co. 90,000 pounds of wool for the firm of Justice Bateman & Co. of Philadelphia the last of the week.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat