Pickle Factory For Manchester
Mr. Russel, of Wooster, Ohio, is There Endeavoring to Locate Such a Factory
Manchester, Mich., March 12. -- Ernest Carr, of Tecumseh, came up Monday evening to attend the party.
Patrick Brannick is moving his family to Jackson this week.
Mrs. James Lamb returned Tuesday morning after a brief stay with relatives in Ann Arbor.
Mrs. Wm. Burtless and daughter, Hazel, went to Jackson Monday. From there they went to Lansing to spend the remainder of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burtless.
Richard DuBois, of Ovid, a former resident of this place, was in town this week.
The party given by the Young Men's Dancing club, Monday evening, was a very pleasant affair, although not largely attended. The music furnished by Whitmire's orchestra of Ypsilanti, was excellent and thoroughly appreciated by everyone present.
Mrs. John Stegmiller was called to Saline, Monday, on account of the sickness of her grandchild.
Rex Buell and Tony Whitmire, of Ypsilanti, visited the High School Monday afternoon.
Mr. Russell, of Wooster, Ohio, was in town this week endeavoring to locate a pickling factory at this place. He claims that they will erect a plant at a cost of $4,000 with a capacity sufficient to take care of the products from 200 acres of cucumbers.
The talk given at the M. E. church Sunday evening by Marta Boyajian, an Armenian, was intensely interesting. He, with his brother and wife, of Detroit, will give an entertainment Friday evening at the M. E. church for the benefit of their people. Their cause is very meritorious, and it is hoped there will be a large attendance.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat