Night Cap Party In Superior
Superior Township, March 11. -- A crowd of about sixty people armed with eatables of every variety, and night caps of every description, marched to the residence of William Crippen on Friday evening last and took immediate possession of everything in sight. It was the same wicked crowd that has terrorized several families the past winter and the end is not yet in sight. The evening was dark and the weather threatening, but under the leadership of Ennis Twist, who was quite familiar with the lay of the ground, they got there just the same. After several hours of social chat, swapping stories of personal dangerous adventures and hair-breadth escapes they donned their quaint headgear and proceeded to put themselves outside a bountiful supper. Seated around the festive board their night-caps, of every shade and color, glistening in the light of the chandelier, the company presented a scene that would delight the eye of a comic artist. The surprise of the evening came when Mr. George Wilbur stepped out from the crowd and in behalf of the company presented Mr. Crippen with a handsome rocker and Mrs. Crippen with an elegant water set, which were most highly appreciated by the happy recipients. Much credit is due to Miss Clara Austin, who conceived the plan for the entertainment which was so successfully carried out by the generous public spirited company.
Old News
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