Citizen's Ticket At Manchester
Was Elected With Only One Exception
There Were No Issues Involved and the Election was Very Quiet
Manchester, Mich., March 11.- Mrs. Willis Watkins returned Saturday from North Adams, where she had been spending the week with Mrs. Caroline Bryant and other relatives.
A. F. Freeman returned Saturday evening from a two weeks' trip in the south.
Marie Kirchhofer read a paper on "National Development" which was very interesting, at the Saturday club.
Rev. Mr. Steininger's father, of Litchfield, visited him last week.
Miss Emma Sayher, of Jackson, spent Sunday with her mother.
Miss Maria Chadwick, who has been with her nephew. Dr. Chas. Chadwick, in Grass Lake, this winter, returned here Friday.
Dr. Reed and Fay Anderson, of Tecumseh. were in town Sunday and took back with them the neat little road wagon formerly owned by Walter Lehn. which they purchased.
Mrs. Wm. Fischer, of Tecumseh. visited her sister, Mrs. Lynn Hardenburgh, Monday.
Robert Merithew spent Sunday in Jackson.
The corporation election held Monday was me of the quietest tor several years and without any Issues involved.
Two tickets were in the field, the citizens' and young men's. The election resulted in a victory tor the entire citizens' ticket with the exception of Dr. E. M. Conklin, who was elected as trustee on the young men's ticket by a -majority of two.
President--E.E. Root.
Trustee- Henry Landwehr, Warren Kimball and Dr. K. M. Conklin.
Clerk--George Nissley, jr.
Treasurer--George Wureter.
Assessor- N. Schmid.
Jos. B. Teeter has moved into the old Oberschmidt home, next to George Nisle's.
Jay Ford, who has been in the hospital at Ann Arbor receiving treatment came here Monday to remain a few days. He is greatly Improved.
Mrs. L. Sophia Glover and Mrs.. N. Schmid drove to Saline Monday and took the car for Ypsilanti, where they attempted a special meeting of the Washtenaw County Macabeee.
Miss Caroline Nisle returned Monday from an extended visit with relatives in Hillsdale and Jackson.
J. M. .Jones, of Tecumseh, was in town on business Monday.
Lynn A. Hardenburgh made his farewell visit here Sunday with his family, before moving to Tecumseh, which they will do the latter part of the week.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat