Backward Social At Stony Creek
Stony Creek, March 10.-- Those who attended the reversible social at the home of N. E. Crittenden on Friday evening enjoyed a decidedly reversed time. The furniture was reversed, all the guests entered at the back door and entered the rooms backward where they saw the earlier arrivals seated with their faces to the wall. Each guest registered his name spelling it backward. T. L. Buck wrote a rhyme which was so much reversed that it required a looking glass to read it straight. The friends' shakedown furnished a good deal of fun. Harry Buland was voted the best speller in the backward spelling match. Mrs. Uhl and Emma Hayes gave enjoyable selections of music; Lizzie Pearson a poem read in the reversed fashion of the evening. Even the refreshments were served reversed, the waiters wore their aprons on their backs, passed the finger bowl and toothpicks, coffee, cake and sandwiches to guests sitting facing the walls. All had a merry time. We hope more will come and help enjoy the musical social at Mr. Morey's on the evening of March 21.
The donation party at the M. E. parsonage was well attended and a decidedly pleasant day was enjoyed by those present. About $24 in cash were handed to their pastor.
A masquerade social will be held at Stony Creek grange hall on March 19. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come.
Miss Anna Campbell started Saturday for Freeport where she expects to teach the spring term of school.
Mrs. P. D. Rogers and Mrs. Bertha Wain spent Wednesday with the Misses Minzey.
Miss Tallady, who has been spending a few weeks with friends here, returned to her home at Auburn, N.Y.
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