It Was Not A "Hen Party"
Society Notes From Manchester -- O. E. S. Gavea Fine Social -- Other Items of Interest
Manchester, Mich., March 10. -- Miss Kathryn Nisle arrived here from Toledo Saturday evening to spend a week with her parents before going to Jonesville, where she has the same position held last season by her.
Charles Burtless made a flying trip to Ann Arbor Friday evening.
Don't forget the Schiller Male Quartet at the opera house, Tuesday evening.
Edwin Nisle left for Ionia Monday, where he has a position in a clothing store.
The 20th Century club met with Mrs. Albert Spencer last Wednesday evening. The meeting was made interesting by a lengthy discussion of Egyptian art.
A jolly company of ladies and gentlemen were delightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ford, Thursday evening. After several games of progressive pedro a dainty luncheon was served. The ladies went with expectations of attending a "hen party," but shortly after their arrival the gentlemen appeared upon the scene. This pleasant surprise was planned beforehand by the host and hostess.
Mrs. E. N. Palmer, of Brooklyn, visited at J. A. Lowery's, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoffer spent Sunday with friends in Jackson.
Harlow Howard, of Jackson, visited his parents Friday.
The social given by the gentlemen of O. E. S. was well attended and a success both socially and financially. A short program was given and enjoyed by all. The quartet composed of Chas. Younghans, Earl Chase, O. J. Foster and Bert Lowery, accompanied by Mrs. A. F. Freeman, deserves high praise, and their ludicrous efforts to keep in harmony, their music right side up and sing the same song created a great deal of amusement. It is hoped they will again appear before the public.
James Kelly made a business trip to Jackson Friday.
The Saturday club met with Mrs. J. H. Kingsley.
S. A. Holmes returned Friday from a week's visit with his brother at Ovid, and with other relatives in Clinton county.
Mrs. James Kelly visited her grandchildren in Brooklyn last week.
Miss Gertrude Hogan, of Bridgewater, spent last Thursday with Miss Martha Spencer.
Mrs. Geo. Nisle, Jr., and Miss Jessie Kimble pleasantly entertained a company of young people at progressive pedro at the home of Miss Kimble Friday evening. First prizes were awarded to Miss Leila Kimble and Wm. Kramer. Martha Spencer and Chas. Younghans captured the "boobies."
Geo. S. Craw is in Chattanooga and will not return for several days.
Miss Anna Lighthall, of Chelsea, is the guest of Miss Abbie Chase.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat