Bolles Is A Cocaine Fiend
Six Months in Ionia Had Cured Him Once
Now Has 18 Months in Which to Reform -- Tommy Hession Swears off Drinking
Bolles, the itinerant proof reader who has a failing for stealing spectacles, was taken to Ionia Thursday by Bert and Harry Gillen.
"Hello, Bolles. You back here again?" was the greeting that Warden Fuller gave him.
It seemed that Bolles had already served six months in the institution.
From Warden Fuller was obtained a little history of Bolles. It seemed that the man is a genuine cocaine fiend. When he had served his six months time he said that he had been kept away from the drug so long that he believed he could straighten up and be a man. He promised the warden never to use the stuff again.
From Ionia Bolles drifted south and struck a job of teaching school. Finally a fever attacked him and he began to yell for his old poisonous drug. Some was given him and from that day until he was caught in the meshes of the law here he was regularly enrolled among the "fiends."
Now that he is back in prison for eighteen months he will probably have another chance to get sobered up and he may be able to make a man of himself yet, as he has the natural ability.
Tommy Hession was also taken to Ionia for a two years sentence. Hession told the sheriff that it was drink that had gotten him into all his trouble and he would never touch another drop as long as he lived.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat