The out-of-town guests that attended A...
The out-of-town guests that attended Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clarke's party Thursday evening last were Mrs. A. E. Clarke, Misses Birdie Cummings, Lydia and Margaret Haviland, George VanDerbeek and Frank Colbert of Detroit. Miss Derendinger of South Lyon, George Johnson of Ypsilanti. The prizes were won by Mrs. A. E. Clarke of Detroit and James Brown. The consolation prizes went to Mrs. Wm. Murray and .Mr. Geo. VanDerbeck.
Mrs. Marion Snyder, whose funeral services were held at her late home in Stockbridge last Tuesday, was born in Webster township March 29, 1838. She was the eldest of a family of seven children. When 4 years old her parents moved to Waterloo, Jackson county, and settled in the Gorton homestead. She was married May 29 1859, to Snyder. Their first home was in Dexter township near Chelsea, where they resided 21 years. From there they moved to Lyndon township. and in 1888 to Stockbridge. She was the mother of seven children, viz., Walter Snyder, M. D. of Horton, Gardner F. Snyder, M.D., f Kalamazoo, Mary E. Snyder and Mrs. J.L. Hubbard of Jackson, A.J. Snyder of Stockbridge, and Mrs. C.R. Cobb of Denver, Col. R. C. Snyder, the eldest son died 12 years ago. In addition to her six children her husband survives her. She was a very active worker in the United Brethren church.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat