The Racket
We have received a lot of that good old fashioned Crockery for every day use: upon which we are making the following Racket Prices:
Tea Cups and Saucers . .40c per set
Coffee Cups and Saucers 50c per set
Cream Pitchers.................10c
3 Pitchers..........................12c
Cups without Saucers.......5c
9 inch Plates.....................6c
7 l /2 inch Plates...............5c
Full 100 piece Dinner
Sets with Cocoa pattern..$6
We have on hand to close out a few sets of Johnson's and Grindley's English Decorated Porcelaines as follows:
Grindley's Blue Duchess $15 set
Grindley's Marion Royal
Green $12, for ...............9.00
Johnson's Century
$15, for...........................10.00
These are unprecedented low prices and represent a loss to us. This offer holds only for March. If you want to pay part on a set, we will keep it for you but fasten one while you can if you need it.
Our Spring working Shirts and Overalls are here,
at a uniform price of......48c
They are good goods, you know it and so do we. The Racket never deceives.
Long strap handle 4
Tine manure forks........35c
No. 8 Wash Boilers
Copper Bottom............75c
No. 9 Wash Boilers
Copper Bottom............83c
Matches.......................10c per Bundle
The Racket
202 E. Wash.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat