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Nerve Slavery

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It is present-day conditions-- heaping burdens of work upon the nervous system that tells the story--- premature breaking up of health.
It tells why so many men and women, who so far as age is concerned, should be in the prime of health, find themselves letting go of the strength, the power, the vitality they once possessed. It is because that great motor power of the body, nerve force, is impaired. Neither will the heart, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, the stomach act right without their proper nerve force supply. Let any organ be lacking in this essential and troubles begin- some of them are:
Throbbing, palpitating heart, 
Sleepless nights,
Sudden startings,
Morning languor,
Brain fog,
Inability to work or think,
Exhaustion on exertion,
Flagging appetite,
Digestion slow,
Food heavy,
Easily excited, nervous, irritable,
Strength fails,
Loss of flesh and muscular power,
Settled melancholia.

The above is the genuine package of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills, are sold by dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Company, Buffalo, N. Y.