William F. Finnegan
William F.Finnegan and family of Division street, have removed to Detroit, Mr.Finnegan has a position in Detroit and has been there for the past two months. His wife and two sons left Monday. Mr. ad Mrs. Finnegan have long been residents of Ann Arbor, and while there friends here will miss them at the same time their best wishes go with them to their new home.
The car belonging to the State Fish commission passed through here Wednesday and left a fine, lot of trout, consisting of Brook trout, Rainbow trout, Still-head trout and one Hybrid, a cross between the Steel-head and Brook trout. The fish are all about a foot long and are alive. They will be reproduced by the new process by Mr.A.B. Covert for the State Fish commission and the U.of M.museum.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat