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Will Sue For Big Damages

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The Imjnest on thè death f Herbert J. Tlan-isoii. the motorinan wlio was killed at "helse on Mareh 11. was ■uartnl Tiiesrtiiy in Ut is city. Theiv is 110 doubt im t'hat the widow ol' tile unl'ortunatc1 man will sue the electrlc line corapaay tor heavy damages. She will base Her claim ou the amount of BUppori be was a blo to ïJre her and hei' minor cbUdreu dm ing tbc expectancy ol" his lite. A. .1. Saw.wT & Sun and -I. C. Kuowltiu are representing Mrs. Ilari'ison. md Ationu-y (Morgan, oí' Detroit, is ooting after ntereste of bhe trie liii people. li is clalmed by the attorneys for tbe wlfe thai Han-isdii was liilled by the geiice of the eompany In baring ts hijrh t iMisitui wii-c so close 10 the trollej wire thai au "are" was possi blo. Ju other w.onls i was so close tbiiT the eicel ricily could juinp from the high tensión wire to the trolley poli'. Conductor Pullen desciilicd the acciIcm and the occuireiwjes tu:u led np o ,. Thi'v liad had trouble tv miles .vest of Chélsea ;iud vehen they ran toto chclsea they prooeeded ro fis it. The wiluess-cs swoni Tnesday uerc l.ieuii Schaihle. Aiiustinc Sreger, Philip 8eger, Budolph Kimtleiiner, Dr. .1. W. Robinson. Harry Bwerliam, Jessc E. lïurdiet. il. Y. Pullen and cii.iries c. Klley. Tbp jury consista of George H. CosKrovc .lames Donoran, George F. Stone, James L. Bach, .■uhn lí. Xíiner .■uiii Ciwïr 'H:uïiand.