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Mack & Co.

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May Festival Sale

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Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,

MAY 14, 15, 16 AND 17

FOR THESE FOUR DAYS we have been abtively preparing for many weeks, for , like the great Musical Event which will be celebrated in Ann Arbor, these same days the Sale we have in contemplation is one requiring much time and thought to bring it to a successful issue. This Store serves a constituency of nearly 40,000 people, and our plans for this sale have taken into account their every need. We print here only a few definite descriptions and prices never will appear in other papers and a large four page bill which we issue Monday, but the large bulk of our offerings is not represented in any paper. A visct to The Store is the only means by which you can gain a true conception of their importance.

Richest! Newest! Handsomest!

Dress Goods and Silks,

Our collection of Dress Goods and Silks is easily the most comprehensive and attractive you have yet seen in Ann Arbor. It is from this superb showing the below items are tahen to insure the success of this sale.


Print in Picture: SPRING DRESS GOODS



Wash Silk Cords, Bring new shades, the sea son's most popular frbric for waists, now here found less than 50c. Selling for four days at .... 39c

Satin Duchess in all colors, 20 inches wide, the $1.00 quality, a feature of this ssle at .......... 59c

Silk Poplin in all colors, suitable for dresses and waists, 21 inches wide. Another dollar value, at ............... 59c

Black Silk Taffeta, guaranteed for satisfactory wear, is an 85c grade marked into this sale at .... 59c

Fancy Silk Grenadine, in short lengths, very stylish Shirt Waist materials, extra good dollar quality, in this sale at ................. 59c

Silk Pongee, 24 inches wide, now so much in vogue for Wais Raglans and dresses. Everywhere this grade is $1.00. For 4 days only you can buy it at ....................... 69c

Black Corded Silk, especially desirable for fancy waists and as good dollar value as we possess. Just for four days at ....................... 59c

Losiem Silks, in Pink, Old Rose, Vesed and Light Blue. While this sale lasts, the price ..... 89c

Fancy Silk Muslins for Waists, mode to sell at 50c. Are at Half now ................... 25c


Black All-Wool Fancies, 36 inches wide, which cannot be replaced to sell at less than 40c are marked at .............. 23c

Black Satin Berber, always popular for gowns and Skirts, 44 inches wide, a 90c seller, four days at ..................... 39c

Black and Colored Abatross, nothing more seasonable than this now for both Waist and Gowns. A fifty per cent reduction. Made here for this sale .......... 39c

Black and Wool Veilings, and canvas weaves, 44 inches wide, the most sought for goods in the market to-day. A third reduction here at ....... 42 1/2c

Fine Storm Serge, 50 inches wide, 75c value, good every day in the year. In this sale at ..... 49c

Black Crepons, you have paid $1.00 for the same goods. You can buy now at ............ 50c

Black Chevot, 54 inches wide, Panama Suiting 44 inches wide. A loj worth from $1 down to 75c, all marked ............ 59c

Fine Black Venetian, 42 inches wide, 50 inch Black Silkolean, both dollar values at .......... 69c

Handsome Black Fancies, 44 inches wide in a large assortment of styles of which you can make beautiful satisfactory gowns. Marked at .. 75c

Black Etiennes, 50 inches wide. You can't buy a better value for $1.35. While this sale lasts ... 97c

Summer Suggestions in Wash Fabrics

The women who appreciates the combination of comfort, coolness, style and economy, has a bountiful spread to select from in this sale. 

Prices that will induce record breaking buying four 4 days.

3 1/2c Is a Small Price to pay for a yard of Dress Goods, you'd scarcely expect anything worth the time to make up at that cost; that is in a regular way, but we've said this was to be an EXTRAORDINARY SALE and this item alone is sufficient to prove our claim, were not others plentiful. As a matter of fact the wash goods we are offering in this sale at 3 1/2c are such as will surprise you, in a texture and style they're goods you cannot duplicate for less than 6c or 7c a yard. We have provided for this sale 5000 yards. None too many to last 4 days at .............. 3 1/2c

Fine Fancy Batiste in excellent styles, light and dark effects, for Waists, Gowns, Kimonas, etc. All fresh, new and dainty patterns, such as you would look for in 15c fabrics; enough four our four day's sell at ................ 5c

Large Purchase of Ginghams in dress and waist lengths, in full bolts, the price would not be less than 9c. These will servs you just as well for .......... 6c

Mercerized Chambrays the 25c kind in full assortment of colors, are in brisk demand this spring for Waists and Dresses. We have a lot we are going to give you at ................ 16c

Duchesse Dimity, a textile of American manufacture, which in point of quality, color and weave makes pretentious claims for favor, as against the imported product, and certainly deserves your consideration when we make the price .................... 15c

Ideal. Dainty Fabrics for summer gowns and waists in Scotch Tissues; Laphyrs, Imported Batiste, fine sheer light textiles, combined with the newest ideas of prsnting are most facinating at ......... 25c 


Our Entire Spring purchases placed on sale for this 


200 Dozen Ladies' Vests are prominent among our big offerings. These Vests are full sixe, fine and serviceable. In Ecru, White, Pink and Blue, low neck, no sleeves, prettily taped. They're not much over half-priced when marked ......... 10c

Ladies' Ribbed Vests, low Neck, short sleeves, priced for this sale at ........ 10c

Ladies' Fine White Vets, full size with handsome Lace Yoke .......... 25c

Ladies' Fine Ribbed Vests, high neck, long sleeves, extra good grade .......... 25c

Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Pants, French band, in ankle and knee lengths, 50c and 25c

Ladies' Fine Silk Vets, in three grades, low neck, no sleeves, White, Pink and Blue, at ... $1,75 and 50c

Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Union Suits,  low neck, no sleeves, lace trimmed, all sizes at ..... 50c and 25c

Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Union Suits,  high neck, long sleeves, all sizes ........ $1 and 50c

Ladies' Mercerized and Lisle Thread Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves, at ....... $1.50 and $1.00

Children's Jersey Ribbed Waists, in ages from 1 to 12 years, at ............. 15c

"E Z" Waists for Boys and Girls, with elastic straps, very popular ........... 25c


Established 1857

A Money Back Store