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One of Georgia's Useful Educators is Grateful For What Pe-ru-na is Doing For Suffering Humanity.

F.A. Curtright, A.B., Principal of the Georgia Normal and Industrial Institute and editor and proprietor of the "Georgia Helping Hand" writes the following glowing words concerning Peruna, and its efficacy in the cure of catarrh.

He says: "I was induced to try Peruna by the advice of a friend, and certainly believe that suffering humanity would be relieved if they only gave Peruna a fair trial. Would that I could frame words sufficient to express my gratitude for the benefits derived from its use."-F.A. CURTRIGHT, Greensboro, GA.

Hon. W. N. Roach, United States Senator from North Dakota, in a letter written from Larimore, North Dakota, says: 

"Persuaded by a friend, I have used Peruna as a tonic, and am glad to testify that is has greatly helped me in strength, vigor and appetite. I have been advised by friends that it is remarkably efficacious as a cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh."-W.N. Roach.

Senator Roach's wife recommends Peruna also. She says; "I can cheerfully recommend your excellent remedy, Peruna. Indeed, I know of no other remedy as good as yours. It is a grand tonic, and many of my friends have used it for catarrh with good results."-Mrs. W. N. Roach.

The most common phases of summer catarrh are catarrh of the stomach and bowels. Peruna is a specific for summer catarrh. 

Mr. Wm. Hebley, Duquesne, Pa., writes:-"I am cured of catarrh of the stomach of two years standing. I had it so bad that I could not eat anything but milk.  I doctored with several doctors and they could give me relief for a short time only. I saw Peruna recommended and thought I would try it, and I now think I am cured of catarrh. I have worked two months and did not lose a day." ---Wm. Hebley

Mr. Moses F. Merrill, Columbus, Cherokee Co., Kansas, Rural Route No. 3, writes: 

"I had been troubled with systemic catarrh, which affected the lower bowels especially. I was troubled with running off of the bowels and troublesome catarrh of the bronchial tubes which causes spitting of thick mucus. Since taking Peruna my improvement has been wonderful. My bowels are regular as clock-work. I can now eat like other people and my vituals digest."---Moses F. Merril.

Hon. Wilis Brewer, Representative in Congress from Alabama, writes the following letter to Dr. Hartman:
House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.I

Gentlemen-"I have used one bottle Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleasure in recommending it to those who need a good remedy. As a tonic is excellent. In the short time I have used it, it has done me great deal of good."-Willis Brewer

If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis.

Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Harman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.

OCR Text

One of Georgia's Useful Educators is Grateful For What Pe-ru-na is Doing For Suffering Humanity. F. A. Curtright, A. B., Principal of the Georgia Normal and Industrial Institute, and editor and proprietor of the "Georgia Helping Hand" writes the foUotving glowing words concerning Peruna, and its efficaey in the care of eatarrh. He says : "I was Indnced to trjr Perunft by the advice of a friend, and certainly believe that snffering humanity would berelievedif they only gave Pernna a fair trial. AVould that I could frame words euffioient to express my gratitude for the benefits dorived from its use."- F. A. CURTKIGHT, Greensboro, Ga. Hon. W. N. Hoach, United States Senator from North Dakota, in a letter written from Lariinore, North Dakota ays: " Persuaded by a friend, I have used Peruna as a tonic, and am glad to testifi that it lias greatly helped me in strength vigor and appetite. I have been advisei by friends that it is remarkably eflica cious as a cure for the almost universa jomplaintof eatarrh."- W. N. Roach. Senator Roach's -wife reeommends Pe runaalso. Shesays; "I can cheerfully ecornmend your excellent remedy, Po una. Indeed, I know of no other remdy as good as yours. It is a grand tonic, nd many of my friends have used it for atarrh with good results." - Mrs. W. K. loach. The most common phases of summer "atarrh are catarrh of the stomach and oowels. Peruna is a specific for summer catarrh. Mr. Wm. Hebley, Duque sne, Pa., writes:- "I am cured of catarrh of tbe stomach of two years standing. I had it so bad tbat I could not eat anythitig but tnilk. I doctoreĆ³ with several doctors and they could give me relief tor a short time only. I saw Peruna recommended and thougbt I would try it, and I now tblnk I am cured of catarrh. ' have worked two montbs and did not lose a day."-Wm. Hebley. Mr. Moses F. Merrill, Columbus, Cherokeo Co., Kansas, Rural Route No. 8, writes : "I had been, troubled with systemia catarrh, -whicn affected the lower bowel especially. I was troubled with running off of the bowels and troublesome catarrn of the bronchial tubes which caused spitting of thick mucus. Slnce taking Peruna my improvement has beta wonderfui. My bowels are regularas clock-work. 1 can now eat like other people and my vltuals dlgest."- Moses F. Merrill. Hon. Willis Brewer, Representatlr in Congress f rom Alabatna, writes th following letter to Dr. Hartman : House of Representative, Washington, D. C. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbu, O.l Gentlemen - "I have uscd one bottte of Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleasw in recommonding it to those who need good remedy. As a tonic it is excellent. In the short time I have used it it has done me a great deal of good." - Willi Brewer. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Pernn, write at once to Dr. Hartman, givinz full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President oX Tba Hartman Sanitarium, Colombtu, Ohio.