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Bad Dreams

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Where Do They Come From?


A great deal of philosophizing has been done in the endeavor to determine the cause of dreams. At the best, the question is left unsettled, the materialist who relates all dreams to physical causes seeming to have a shade the better of the argument. It is, however, certain that womanly intuition and motherly experience furnish a solution of the common cause of bad dreams, which appeals at once to practical good sense. When little Willie wakes shrieking in the night and has been quieted and comforted, his mother remarks to her husband: "I wonder what Willie could have eaten to have made him have such frightful dreams." She puts her finger at once right on the ill used stomach as the immediate cause of the nocturnal disturbance. She has right on her side. A disordered stomach can disturb the whole body; set the heart galloping, check the proper activity of the liver, make the blood foul, start the nerves to throbbing and the head to aching. Almost everybody at some time or another experiences this physical disturbance as a result of a disordered stomach. But the great evil comes when temporary disorder gives place to permanent disease of the stomach. Then come the disquieting day dreams of the dyspeptic, who sees enemies in his friends and foes in his own household.



Take care of the stomach and the body will take care of itself, is the watchword of health. True, not all diseases reach the body through the stomach, but in so many cases diseases of other organs may be traced directly to the diseased stomach that it is surely true that the man with a sound stomach has the best chance of preserving sound health. It is because it cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery restores so many broken-down people to sound physical health.


Mr. O. S. Copenhaver, of Mount Union, Huntingdon Co., Pa., (Box 222), writes: "About twelve years ago I was suddenly taken with a pain in the pit of the stomach, which was so violent I could not walk straight. It would grow more severe until it caused waterbrash and vomiting of a slimy yellow water. I consulted a physician and he told me I had a form of dyspepsia and treated me tor about six months with but little benefit. I still kept getting so weak I could scarcely walk. I then tried another physician and he told me my liver was out of order and that I had indigestion. He gave me a treatment and I got some better, but only for a short time. I then tried another one who said I had chronic indigestion, ulceration of the lining of the stomach, torpid liver and kidney affection. He treated me for more than a year, and I felt better but it did not last. I then took to using several widely advertised patent medicines, but received no more than temporary relief while using. I then tried Dr. Pierce's medicines, using his 'Golden Medical Discovery,' 'Favorite Prescription' and the 'Pleasant Pellets,' and in two months' time I was feeling better than I had for years before. I can truthfully say Dr. Pierce's medicines did me more good than any I had ever taken."



If there is one thing more than another taught by Mr. Copenhaver's experience it is that it is a waste of time, money and health to delay the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery when the stomach is diseased, whether or not other organs are involved. Here is record of treatment by three physicians with "little benefit" as the best result of their treatment; the use of "several widely advertised patent medicines'' with no result but "temporary relief while using;" and all this at an expense of time, money and suffering. Then he "tried Dr. Pierce's medicines, and in two months' time was feeling better than for years before." There are thousands of similar cures on record. They all point to the same fact. The prompt use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery saves health, time and money. The reason why other treatments do not produce lasting benefit, and other widely advertised medicines give only temporary relief while they are being used, is because they are only palliatives. They relieve disease as opium relieve pain while it is being used. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures disease perfectly and permanently, because it goes to the root. It does not deal with effects but causes. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and increases the supply of pure, rich blood, which is the life and health of the body.



are usually worked-out people. They are worn-out because they are using up more energy than they can store up every day. Human energy comes from food. Food is the fuel of the body, and its heat is converted into motion. When the fire under the steam engine dies down from want of fuel the power gives out, the engine slows down and ultimately stops. When the food-fuel of the engine of the body is reduced the power gives out, and in time the body stops activity, because it is starved. But if there be abundant fuel in the fire-box of the steam engine without proper combustion, there is a loss of power just the same. And that's the way it is with the man. He may have abundant food, but if it is not properly digested and assimilated, and so converted into blood, the power gives out, the strength fails. Food digested and assimilated furnishes the power that runs the heart, the lungs the liver, the kidneys - every organ of the body. When the food is not digested and assimilated, then there is a reduction of physical power felt by every organ of the body, and the result is "weak" heart, "weak" lungs, sluggish liver, "weak" kidneys, etc. By enabling the perfect digestion and assimilation of the food eaten, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery enables the building up of the whole body into a condition of strength and sound physical health.


Sick people, especially those suffering from chronic diseases, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free, and so obtain, without charge, the opinion of a specialist on their ailments. All correspondence strictly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.



Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing more than a thousand large pages, and over 700 illustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.