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Cavanugh For Governor

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Mayor of Paw Paw Named for the Office


Two Years Ago But Retired in Favor of Wm. C. Maybury of Detroit

Thomas T. Cavanaugh, mayor of Paw Paw, Mich., and a brother of Martin J. Cavanaugh, the well known local attorney, has been put forward as a candidate for first place on the democratic ticket this fall, by Thomas D. Kearney, one of the most prominent democratic politicians of Washtenaw county, and in the front rank among the members of the local bar.

In an interview with a reporter of a Detroit paper at the Russell house in that city yesterday, Mr. Kearney is quoted as follows:

"I am glad to endorse the candidacy of Thomas J. Cavanaugh, of Paw Paw for the first place on the democratic ticket.

"He is able, energetic, without enemies and possessed of a great many friends," said he. "He is a brother of M. J. Cavanaugh, of Ann Arbor, chairman of the democratic county committee. He is well known in Washtenaw and could have our support there just by asking for it. With all deference to Lew Rowley, I believe Cavanaugh would be a better man than L. T. Hemans, of Mason."

When seen this morning, Mr. Kearney confirmed the above, adding that the democracy could not do better this fall than make Mr. Cavanaugh their Standard bearer.

Thomas J. Cavanaugh is a son of the late Matthew Cavanaugh, of Manchester, who during his life was one of the most respected citizens in the section of the state in which he lived. He was not a man possessed of a great deal of this world's goods and his sons had to depend largely on their own efforts for the education they obtained. Despite, however, the many obstacles which he had to overcome, young Thomas finally reached the University here, where he made a brilliant record, graduating with the law class of '90. He afterwards went to Paw Paw, where he began the practice of his profession, rising step by step until now he is known as one of the most brilliant attorneys in southwestern Michigan. At the democratic state convention in Detroit two years ago his name was presented for gubernatorial honors, but he withdrew in favor of William C. Maybury of Detroit. He has three times been elected mayor of Paw Paw, giving an administration which has been highly gratifying to the people of that city and which has succeeded in giving him a large following not only among Paw Paw citizens, but among the farmers of the surrounding country, for many of whom he has acted as counsel.

He is a self-made man in the strictest sense of the term, has been close to the people from his earliest boyhood, and ever since has been known as one f the staunchest supporters of those principles which underlie the foundation of the constitutional liberties of the people.

Though there has been no intimation on the part of Mr. Cavanaugh himself, that he will be a candidate for the office of governor this fall, the sentiment this morning among those who know him here was that if he does run he will have a strong support from Washtenaw county.