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Would You Think It?

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Would You Think It?

Would you think it possible that you could be disappointed in the face of a woman whose shapely shoulders, and beautiful hair suggest womanly perfection and beauty? Such disappointment comes not seldom when the face turned to you shows disfiguring blotches and blemishes. In general the cause of these eruptions is impure blood.

Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood, and removes the corrupt accumulations which cause disease. When the blood is cleansed, pimples, tetter, salt-rheum, boils, sores, and other results of impure blood, are perfectly and permanently cured.

"For three years I suffered with that dreaded disease eczema," writes Mrs. J. Koepp, of Herman, Oregon. "I was told to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which I did, and after I had taken fourteen bottles I was permanently cured. It has been a year since I stopped taking your medicine and it has never appeared since. I think your medicine a wonderful cure and hope others suffering as I did, will take it and be relieved of their suffering."

Some of the most remarkable cures effected by "Golden Medical Discovery," have been of scrofulous diseases.

"I will forever thank you for advising me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery," writes Mrs. Jas. Murphy, of Fonda, Pocahontas Co., Iowa. " It has cured me of chronic scrofula of twelve years' standing. I had doctored for the trouble until I was completely discouraged. I also had chronic diarrhea for twelve years. I am in good health now - better than I ever was in my life, owing to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took several bottles of the 'Discovery' before I stopped."

Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs.

Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure dizziness and sick headache.