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The Sun Varies Thirty Minutes at Noon




On All But Four Days of the Year -- Some Facts Given by Ann Arbor Jeweler



Editor Daily Argus: 

Permit me some of your valuable space in defense of standard time, having heard some wild remarks about God's time, as some people call it. I will give a few facts about time. A great many people have an idea that the sun will come to the same point at 12 o'clock every day in the year, but such is not the case, and if the people that are so particular about keeping God's time had a watch or clock that was perfectly regulated and keeping perfect time it would just correspond with the sun four days in the year. Set the clock with the sun December 25, they would not correspond again until April 15, then they would not correspond again until June 14, then they would not correspond again till August 31. So to have God's time they would have to set their clocks at least 361 days in the year. The sun makes a variation of 30 minutes and 46 seconds in a year. It would be a nice time to run a railroad by, would it not?

I don't think that God ever intended that we should be governed by the sun every day in the year as to time, for he made man and gave him the ability to make a time piece that will make a very slight variation in a year and in this age we want the best time we can get. 

Sun time as compared to standard time is about the same as a tallow dip is to electric light, or as a camel or an ass would be to take a man to New York compared to a railroad train. 

Standard time is the official time and does not vary and is always the same. We have five different standard times in America, one which serves for a meridian of 60 degrees west and 4 hours slow of Greenwich, another which serves for a meridian 75 degrees west and 5 hours slow of Greenwich, another which serves for 90 degrees west and 6 hours slow of Greenwich, another which serves for 105 degrees west and 7 hours slow of Greenwich, and another which serves for 120 degrees west and 8 hours slow of Greenwich.

I have not heard one man that is an advocate of sun time offer a practical argument in its favor. About all they can say is that God's time is good enough for them. Now, if they were as particular about keeping God's commandments as they are about keeping his time what a good lot of people they would be. Yet I will venture to say that there is not one of them that could tell you the correct sun time if you should ask them, without going to some reference to look it up; still they are crying God's time is good enough for them, but they cannot dispute the fact that the sun shows 12 o'clock 16 minutes and 18 seconds sooner at one season of the year and 14 minutes and 28 seconds later than 12 o'clock at another season of the year, making a total variation of 30 minutes and 46 second in a year as I stated before.

And if you have your watch set correct sun time at Ann Arbor and you go to Dexter or Chelsea or JAckson you will have to change your time or you will not have sun time. This is an age of advancement and I can see now reason why we should stick to sun time when we have something better. However, I am glad to know we have got standard time at last and I believe the great majority of the people are satisfied with it. Thank you Mr. Editor, I am

Yours Respectfully, 


January 16, 1903





Editor Daily Argus: Permtt me gome of your mhwiU srpaee In defcnse of standard tíaw, baving hear] somc wild remarka .. i (iod's time, as gome peopte ''r!! ti. I will glve i few faets aboirt time. A greai niMiiy people hav an ldi thnt tlio siin wiii come lo he saute ixiiiir at 12 o'clocli evcry day in th year, but autíh s not the oase, ajul if t'he peopte Uiai are so partí colar abl keeping God' time had i wntfb r elocb íliat was perfectly ivanilated and keepiag perfeot time it ttobIiI jusi ron-cspoiid ui;li ihe siin foir da.vs in iiie year. Set the ctock wit.h iin' aun üeceiöber it, tbey woukl uot eon-osKinu again uiiitil Apvi 15, tlien would uot eorrespond jijin miiil June 14, thon they would not wrespond again till AiiLmst 31. i te have (iod's tinif they would lwm to set ,nvv elocks at least 31 daye 'in the year. The sun makes u variation of 30 miuutes and -5 seeonds ia a year. It w-ould be a nico timo to run a railraid train by, would it notï I don'C think that God ever iirtended tliat we should be goveruel by tbe sun every day iu the year as to time, for lie made man and gave Mm the ability to make a timo piece 'tliat ttíW miake a very slight variaíjon ín a year and in tuis age we want the best time we eau get. Sun time as compared to standard iim' is about the same as e tollo-w dip is to elooirie liglit, or as ia camel ■ un ass would In; to take a man to iNew York compared to a railroad train. Standard time is the official Urne and does nat vary and is aJwaye the same. We have live differeot standard times in America, one which serves for nu'ridian 00 degrees west and 4 hours 1 iow w Greenwich, another whick serves for a meridlan 75 decrece wst and 5 hours slow of Greenwich, smother which serves for 90 degTees west ind j liours si iw of CJreenwIch, aoother which serves for 105 degrees west and T hours slow of Ureenwich, and another whidi serve for 120 dewest and 8 hours slow of Greeswich. 1 have not hoanl one man that Is au advocaite at sim time offer a practica] argument in its favor. A'bout all trliey óan s.i.v is that God's thne ïs goed enough for them. Now, if üiey were . as particular about keeping uon s coiutoandments as hhey are atoout keepiag his lime what a good lot of people they wouM be. Yet I will venture to say that Hiero is not oue of iiit-iu that could teil you the correct sim time j! yiju sDould ask them, without goïng to soiue reference to !ook it up; still thoy are crying God's time is good enoujfli for them, but they cannot dispute íbe Faet that tlic sun shows 12 o'clock 1 minutes and 18 secouda boomt ai on season of the year :md la miHutes al 28 seconds later tluin 12 o'cloek at dot her senson of the year. a total variatlon of 30 minutes and 4 Becond in a year as I siated before. And if you have your watch set correct suu time at Aim Arbor and you go to Dexter or Ohelsea or .Tackson you will have to chango yottr time ot you wdü not have sun timo. This is an age of advancenient and I eau see no reason why we should stick to sun time when we have something better. However, I am glad to know we ba got standard time at last and 1 believe the great majori'ty of tlie peopl' are satistied with it. Thankiug you Mr. Editor, I am Yours respeetfully. .laiiuai-y lt, 1903,