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Blows out the gas and furnishes the newspapers with a jest and an obituary notice. "Didn't know it was loaded" may be an honest plea, but it never brought a victim back to life. Those who let a cough run on, and in ignorance of the danger, find no escape from the consequences when the cough develops into lung trouble.

The best time to kill a snake is in the egg. The best time to cure a cough is when it starts. Ordinarily, a few doses of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure a cough at the beginning. But even when the cough is deep-seated, the lungs bleed and the body is wasted by emaciation, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will in ninety-eight cases out of every hundred effect a perfect and permanent cure.

"My husband had been coughing for years and people frankly told me that he would go into consumption," writes Mrs. John Shireman, of No. 265 25th Place, Chicago, Ill. "He had such terrible coughing spells we not only grew much alarmed but looked for the bursting of a blood vessel or a hemorrhage at most any time. After three days' coughing he was too weak to cross the room. The doctor did him no good. I stated the case to a druggist, who handed me a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. My husband's recovery was remarkable. In three days after he began using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery he was up and around, and in two more days he went to work, Two bottles cured him."

The common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.