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Mack & Co.

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After Inventory Sale

OUR BARGAIN HARVEST covers every one of our 24 Departments, and is prolific of Lower Prices than this store has ever offered the purchasing public under similar circumstances at this season of the year. FOR THE FURNISHING OF YOUR HOUSE, from the kitchen, through every room, until the chamber is reached, you'll find every needed article lowered in our Furniture, Carpet, Drapery and Bazaar Sections FOR HOT WEATHER COMFORTS an ample supply is here in all the latest ideas of WASH DRESS FABRICS, white and colored HOSIERY, GLOVES, KNIT and MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, LADIES' SHOES, RUBBERS, NOTIONS, UMBRELLAS, SHIRT WAISTS, Suits, Skirts, Petticoats, Men's Furnishings, Etc., Etc., at prices so much less than those of early season, you will feel that you have been amply paid for deferring your purchases until now.

Just a Few Items

gathered up at random to illustrate the importance of the great offerings we make this week.

Wash Dress Goods white and colored


15c for 25c White Goods in Lace Stripes, corded and dotted effects, about 750 Yards in all, of goods we have been selling at 25c, all selected patterns placed on tables in center aisle to sell at 15c

500 Yards 5c Lawns selling at 3 1/2

20c Colored Lawns and Dimities marked to 9c

25c Imported Scotch Lawns marked to 12 1/2c

50c Silk Mults and Chambrays marked to 29c


$1.98 We give you for this small amount the pick from our entire stock of Ladies' Oxfords--the largest and most attractive in the city. The Dorothy Dodd's alone excepted, all of a full $2.50 value.

$1.39 You will find at this price a large lot of Oxfords worth $2.00 and $2.50. These Shoes are all on rather narrow lasts and do not fit everyone. The many they do fit will find splendid bargains awaiting them at $1.29.

49c For Odds and Ends of Women's Oxfords. They run in sizes from 2 1/2 to 4 and in all widths. The first prices of these Shoes were $1.50 to $2.50.

Women's and Misses' Hosiery

Women's Fancy Lace Hose all regular weave in gray and brown, the kind that sells at 18c, priced here this week 11c

Women's Lace Lisle Hose in all popular colors, including Slate, Drab, Blue, white, Red, and made equal to the best 25c hose on the market, priced this week 15c

Extra Fine Lace Lisle Hose in all-over and boot patterns in many styles of weave, all of them standard 50c values to close at 35c

Misses' Black Lace Hose, full regular weave, such as we have always asked 15c for, to close at 9c

In Our Cloak Department

You can buy Two Garments for the price of one, or the equivalent in Waists, Kimonas and Wash Petticoats.

White Waists are all divided into two Lots for speedy selling, choice

98c For all Waists Worth up to $2

$1.98 For all Waists worth up to 3.50

Fancy Kimonas for which we have been getting 98c, are now priced half 49C

Very Pretty Kimonas made of fancy and plain white lawns and Swisses with plain colored reveres, bought to sell for $1.50 may now be had at 98c

Wash Petticoats made of plain and fancy stripe Chambray in pink and blue with 5 rows of ruffling around the bottom, made to sell at $1.50, now marked 79c

Visit Our Basement This Week

Every hot weather Comfort it Contains in the way of Refrigerators, Screen Doors and Windows, Hammocks, Ice Cream Freezers, Garden Hose, etc. are marked at Saving Prices. Thousands of other useful household articles will have to be Sold to bring this Stock down to its proper level.

25c Plain Austrian China Cups at 13c

10 yds Shelf paper all colors for 2c

Jap. Tea Pot Handles 3c

Knobs for Tea Pot 2 for 5c

Wire Potato Mashers 3c

Wire Egg Whips 3c

Chair Seats large size 10c

Whisk Brooms large size 10c

Fruit Can Rubbers doz. 5c

25c Clothes Lines for 9c

Dag Book Size 7x12 10c

Jap Screens for Fire Places, 25 inch 18c

Towel Racks 3 for 8c

8 qt. Milk Pans for 9c

15c Milk Pails for 9c

Wire Sink Strainer for 10c

Large Dippers Short and Long Handles 10c

25 feet Wire Picture Cord 3c

Tracing Wheels, best make 5c

Nickel Towel Bars three arms 9c

Pound Box Assorted Screws 10c

Iron Plant Brackets 10c

Granite Basting Spoons 9c

Pint Bottle Ammonia 5c

Mascot Soap, Fairbanks 10 cakes for 25c

Brass Extension Rods forty inches 6 for 25c

Brass Picture Hooks per doz. 5c

Wash Basins 11 inch size 5c

Tin Measuring Cups 5c

Mack & Co.

Money to loan on Improved Farm or City Property. Apply at Insurance & Loan office, 2d Floor